Running for office is another life-changing moment for me and I’ve had several of them. Competing for Miss Maryland was much like running a campaign. You must get out of your comfort zone in order to reach the end goal, the crown. I had that success in 1985 when I won Miss Maryland with the Miss America Scholarship Program and I’ve operated that way in my life ever since.
As Miss Maryland I watched a smile emerge on the face of a veteran as I sang to him. I mentored single moms in a safe shelter and taught women who were incarcerated at our detention center to have self-esteem for the first time in their lives. I love being of service and I have a servant’s heart. Evidently God had a plan for this servant by leading me to public service as
President of the Frederick County Commission for Women and ultimately to Mission of Mercy.
I believe that government doesn’t take care of people, people take care of people. As Executive Director of Mission of Mercy, a faith-based non-profit that provides free health and dental care and prescriptions to those who do not have access to care, all without any government funding, I am blessed to make that difference every day. I started before the Romney election that
sealed the deal for The Affordable Care Act (ACA aka "Obamacare") and many asked were we still needed. I had the foresight to understand that not only were we needed but the numbers didn’t work. We were going to be needed more than ever by those who couldn’t access care in an "affordable" way. After 2 years I’ve turned Mission of Mercy around from struggling to on budget. Now we
are planning to expand in the midst of a changing healthcare system that’s more about meeting goals of signing up people to win a public policy debate than caring for people.
We consider these "federal" issues but in truth, they are local issues - local in the sense that they profoundly affect our family members, friends and co-workers who are suffering the plight of the ACA. It will require local legislative actions to deal with this and many other local issues through leadership that stands for personal rights and responsibility. That’s why I’m
running for County Council At Large.
I am known as an effective leader who is committed to excellence, performance and results. I’m a "get it done girl" who takes the time to fully understand the issue before acting so that I make sound judgment calls that are in the best interest of those I serve. I hold the purse strings tight as an executive. As a legislator, I will make tough, calculated decisions about the
important issues brought before the council in a fiscally conservative manner. As an At Large County Council member I will represent all the citizens of Frederick County by being well informed, compassionate and conservative. That’s how I lead and that’s how I will serve you.
Fundamentally, I am a Reagan conservative. I believe in economic expansion through business development, prosperity and low taxes. We must help our businesses grow, not stand in their way, so we can add revenues and local jobs. We must keep oppressive regulations off the backs of the businesses so they can thrive through reasonable legislation. We must grow responsibly so we
can move this county forward. I will fight for local prosperity through small government with low taxes and responsible growth.
I believe in small, efficient, effective and responsive government that listens to the people. I do that every day with patients whose lives hang in the balance and who need us to respond quickly. People want answers and to feel like their concerns are being heard. When they need our help, they need it right then. I will be the people’s servant on the County Council, being
responsive and proactive.
I believe in quality education. It is incumbent upon the county leadership to encourage efficiencies and excellence in the education system so that we can provide our kids a high quality education for a reasonable price to the taxpayers. As legislators we must work together to serve all our children in a fiscally responsible way that ensures effective outcomes. I’ll bring that
to the Frederick County Council.
I believe in finding the right person for the job and if that person is a woman, great! As the only woman running on the republican primary ticket for one of two "At Large" seats, I will bring diversity of thinking and effective leadership. I am the right person for this job, so I ask for your support.