(11/15) Christmas is coming, and the
Emmitsburg Community Chorus is tuning up for its annual concert on Sunday, Dec.
2 at 3 p.m., at the Basilica of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Their performance,
which will feature arrangements of familiar carols and other sacred songs, has
over the decades come to unofficially mark the start of the holiday season in
Emmitsburg. The concert is open to the public without charge; a free will
offering will be collected during intermission.

The Emmitsburg Community
Chorus will unofficially open the Christmas season in town with a Dec. 2
concert at the Basilica of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The chorus members are (l
to r): Front Row: Shannon Boyle, Marilyn Steigerwald, Cathy Pecher, Peggy
Burrier, Kay Barth, Vickie Novak and Eileen Waesche. Middle Row: Mary
Barrett-Friend, Ellie Davis, Shirley Waybright, Carolyn Simpson, Kathryn
Weikert, Frankie Fields and Shirley Salomon. Back Row: Tom Steigerwald, Nick
Mullinix, Harry Brooks, Danny Fritz, Lisa Mattia and Arlene Hofe. |
The chorus is directed by Peggy Burrier,
who for twenty years has been Director of Music at Linganore United Methodist
Church. She graduated from Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WVa. with a degree
in vocal music performance, and has sung with numerous choral groups in
Frederick and Carroll counties. She gives private instruction in piano and
voice, and teaches general music at Visitation Academy in Frederick.
Accompanist Lisa Mattia is also a graduate of Shepherd College. She received
master’s degrees in business administration and arts administration from
Southern Methodist University, and currently oversees daily operation of
Phoenix Productions as on-line general manager.
The chorus actually prepares two Christmas
concerts. The second program includes some songs which are quite popular and
well-known but not suited for the sacred space of the basilica. “We’ve got a
unique arrangement of ‘We Three Kings’ and some novelty songs,” in the secular
program, describes Burrier. They will share this program with audiences in
nursing homes throughout the area, visiting St. Catherine’s Nursing Center in
Emmitsburg (Dec. 4), Glade Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in
Walkersville (Dec. 8), Gettysburg Lutheran Home (Dec. 13), and Homewood at
Crumland Farms in Frederick (Dec. 15.)
The Emmitsburg Community Chorus began as
the Emmitsburg Community Choir in 1966. R. Diehl Ackerman of the Emmitsburg
Presbyterian Church was the founder and first director. A member of the same
church, Margaret “Peg” Franklin, is the only original chorus member who still
performs with the group. “They won’t let me leave!” she says, adding that she
still enjoys it. When Ackerman was transferred from the area, Sister Jane Marie
Perrot, D.C., Instructor of Music at St. Joseph College, became director. In
1975, under her leadership, the chorus was invited by the Vatican to sing in
Rome for the canonization ceremonies of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Although the chorus carries the name of
Emmitsburg wherever it performs, almost from its inception volunteer members
have also come from other towns in Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. It grew
out of cooperation among the Protestant church choirs here, and quickly became
a truly ecumenical organization when Sister Jane Marie volunteered to direct
the fledgling choir. The Daughters of Charity have been very generous
supporters of the group, providing rehearsal and concert space. The chorus also
sings for the communitywide Easter sunrise service at the Grotto of Lourdes,
and performs in the concert series in Emmitsburg Community Park, and at other
venues. New members are welcome. Information: Shannon Boyle, (301) 447-3121 or
email sboyle@doc.org.
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