(10/1) More than 160 motorcyclists rallied September 24 in Emmitsburg and surrounding area as part of an annual effort to raise funds for children suffering from terminal illnesses, and their families.
The motorcycle ride, known as Scotty’s Ride, was established in 2006 through the efforts of Kerry and Valerie Shorb, Harney Road, Frederick County, who initially created the event to raise funds to help cover for medical expenses incurred by their great nephew, 4-year-old Scott Harbaugh.

Harbaugh, the son of Shawn and Stephanie Harbaugh, Fairfield, had been diagnosed with an "inoperable brain tumor which was labeled as a Grade 11 Astrocytoma."
Scotty’s Ride was envisioned as a one-time event that would take riders on a poker run through 100 scenic miles of travel, launching from the parking lot of the Jubilee Foods on East Main Street in Emmitsburg, and ending at the Shorbs’ home on Harney Road.
The event was so successful that it became an annual affair, even retaining the original launch site at Jubilee and ending at the Shorbs’ with a barbecue dinner.
Unfortunately, Scott Harbaugh died August 29, 2007, and was interred in the Emmitsburg Memorial Cemetery. Kerry Shorb served as a pallbearer at the funeral.
In spite of the loss, the Shorbs continued to hold the event to raise money to help other terminally ill children and their families.
Valerie Shorb said during this year’s event that Scotty’s Ride has amassed "between $50,000 and $60,000" since its initial run, after recovering expenses, of which "more than $30,000 has been donated" to help pay for medical expenses incurred by seriously ill children, or to assist their families.
She stated that the balance "remains in reserve" to help others who might come forward in need of support.
Kerry Shorb said organization of the annual event may be turned over to Scott Harbaugh’s parents. However, he did not indicate when that transition might occur.
For additional information, visit the Scotty’s Ride web site at scottysride.org.
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