(10/6) The Emmitsburg Lions Club held another sell-out barbeque dinner fundraiser October 6.
The Lions 30th Annual Chicken Barbeque and flea market was held at the corner of Route 15 and South Seton Avenue beginning under cloud cover that seemed to suggest rain was eminent.

However, the skies cleared after a couple of hours, and the Lions sold 350 dinners, selling out by 1 p.m., according to Lions Club President Clifford L. Sweeney, who also serves an Emmitsburg commissioner.
"We sold 350 dinners," Sweeney stated. "the maximum number that had been prepared." The dinner sold for $8, and included half a chicken, potato salad, apple sauce, and a roll.
Sweeney estimated that about 250 individuals attended the barbeque and accompanying flea market, which included "at least 50 firemen and bus drivers" who were in town for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend.
Sweeney, who is serving his second term as Lions’ president, said the barbecue "is one of our main fund raisers."
Other annual events held in-town by the local Lions Club include Community Day, in June, a ‘50s and ‘60s Dance at the Emmitsburg Ambulance hall, in April, the Halloween parade and games, held on Halloween, and the Health Fair at the Mother Seton School.
Community Day, all the organizations help (last Sat in June) next year’s 150th Civil War themed. EBPA will be taking over the fireworks. This will be their first year for the fire works. The fireworks cost $8,000 (we have two-thirds of it). They’ll have a whole year to raise the balance.
The Lions are also known as the "Knights of the Blind," and "give glasses and eye exams to anyone that needs them," Sweeney stated, and also provide hearing aids and diabetes tests.
Emmitsburg Lions Club holds a "dinner meeting" at the Carriage House, 200 South Seton Avenue, every second and third Thursday of the month.
"Any person can join (the local Lions), Anybody is welcome to join," Sweeney stated, "One hundred percent of our proceeds go to the community."
"We’re looking for new members at all times," he said. "We only have about 20 active members. Dues are $5 a month."
Sweeney may be contacted at Contact 301-447-1712 for membership information.
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