(3/17) Representatives of a proposed Dollar General store to be located in Emmitsburg have submitted their initial plans to town staff.
If the project is approved by the town, the Dollar General would be located at 501-503 East Main Street, a site presently occupied by East End Garage, a residential house, and several other buildings.
The land involved is presently owned by Francis V. Hobbs, Jr., according to town staff.
Plans for constructing the new Dollar General entail reconfiguring lot lines within the 501-503 East Main Street “lot,” and the demolition of structures on the site along with the construction of a building to house the proposed Dollar General.

These changes will necessitate that the developers acquire an approved subdivision plan and site plan approval, both of which will have to be ruled upon by the town Planning Commission.
The developer of the project is expected to make in initial appearance before the planning commission before the end of March (too late for inclusion in this issue of the News-Journal).
Town Planner Susan Cipperly said the plans will have to go through a battery of reviews, other than just before the town boards, in the process of seeking the necessary approvals.
“The subdivision and site plan applications require various reviews,” Cipperly stated, “including (reviews) by the State Highway Administration, Frederick County Health Department, Frederick County Stormwater, and Soil Conservation Service, plus our forestry consultant.”
Cipperly further stated, “We have submitted copies to all these agencies. However, their reviews may not be done by March 31 (the likely date the developers will present their plans to the town Planning Commission).”
“The March 31 meeting will provide the applicant an opportunity to present the two plans, and receive any questions from the planning commission (PC), but it does not mean that the PC will necessarily be able to approve the plans that night. Or it may be able to approve the subdivision, while the site plan will need to be on the April agenda, as well,” the town
planner said.
Presently, there are four Dollar General stores in the Emmitsburg area. One is located in Thurmont, one in Taneytown, one in Fairfield and one Gettysburg.
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