Kathryn Frankie
MSM Class of 2013
(9/1) Those who have been a part of Scotty’s Ride take great pride in this motto, and those who have not yet experienced the event are encouraged to attend. The 9th Annual Scotty’s Ride will take place on Saturday, Sept. 27, as hundreds of people gather to raise awareness and give support to families of children with life threating
illnesses, and ongoing medical financial struggles.
Kerry and Valerie started Scotty’s Ride in 2006 in an effort to help offset the medical bills for their great nephew, Scotty Harbaugh, who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The initial event became such a success that it is still occurring annually today.
After Scotty’s passing in 2007, just one month before the second Scotty’s Ride, it was decided that the organization would use the funds raised each year to support the numerous families within the surrounding communities that are overwhelmed with hefty medical bills for their children. "The donations we make are just a Band-Aid compared to
the hundreds of thousands of dollars these parents have to endure," said Kerry Shorb. "Our goal is to help as many children as we possibly can."
The event consists of a "Poker Run" motorcycle ride to raise money for these families. Hundreds of motorcyclists (although all types of vehicles are welcome to ride!) stop at five different locations and everyone draws a playing card at each place. Then three cash prizes are awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place poker hands.

The stops for 2014 include: Blue Ridge Sportsmen's Association, Mountain House, Yianni’s Greenwood Tavern (formerly Bobby A's), Dave and Jane's Crab House, and finally, Kerry and Valerie's house for the after-party, at 11322 Harney Rd. Emmitsburg.
As in past years, the event will be rain or shine, because, as Shorb explained, "No matter what the weather, people show to support the cause."
Scotty’s Ride has also been working closely with another charitable organization to raise $1.8 million to help run St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for a day.
Shorb continued, "Seeing the faces of these children and the parents and listening to their stories really makes the experience meaningful. We hope those who participate know how much they have helped through their support, and how much they’re appreciated."
With each passing year, Scotty’s Ride has become bigger and better. "It has gone from one child and a one-time event to 30 children and the ninth event, and to date over $75,000 has been donated," said Shorb. This is living proof of their motto: "In the name of one child, we ride for many."
Riders can register at Jubilee Foods on Sept. 27 from 7:30am to 9:45am. Kickstands go up at 10am sharp, and after the ride, the after-party begins at Kerry and Valerie’s house at 3pm sharp, where riders can expect a day filled with great food, music, prizes, and community.
For more information about Scotty’s Ride and how to participate, or to just make a donation, please visit their new website, www.scottys-ride.org.
Help them make the impact of Scotty’s Ride grow by joining as a participant, donor, or volunteer.
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