(7/29) Two seats on the Emmitsburg Town Board of Commissioners will be up
for election on October 1. The two seats that will become vacant are those
presently occupied by Commissioners Glenn Blanchard and Elizabeth Buckman. Both
positions up for election are three-year terms, with a compensation of $4,000
annually. Candidates wishing to be listed on the printed election ballot must
file before August 30 at 4 p.m., and those interested in becoming write-in
candidates must file prior to September 24 at noon.
Current Commissioners, Glenn Blanchard and Elizabeth Buckman have both filed
their paperwork to run for the three-year term as Emmitsburg Town Commissioner.
Newcomer Frank Davis will also be running for the position.
Blanchard was initially elected to the Board of Commissioners in 2005.
Blanchard has served the Town of Emmitsburg for fourteen years and will be
running for his sixth term as a member of the Board. Blanchard was a supporter
and liaison for the town’s community garden and has also been serving as the
Council’s liaison for the Planning Commission. After serving as Treasurer of
the Board for several years, Blanchard has just completed his first year as the
appointed Vice President.
Buckman was elected to her seat on the board three years ago, winning
against Jennifer Joy. During her time as Commissioner, Buckman has served as
the liaison the town’s Citizen’s Advisory Committee and was a spearhead for
Emmitsburg Cares. Buckman looks forward to the upcoming election and hopes the
result will bring forth a change to the town council.
Frank Davis, President of the Vigilant Hose Company noted several concerns
for the future of Emmitsburg. "While it is important to have regulations and
ordinances, there comes a point when we over regulate and establish unnecessary
fees. These need to be reviewed. Additionally, a lot of effort has been put
forth over the last several years to beautify our town; the same effort is
needed to upgrade our infrastructure. We also need to become a business
friendly town. We need to help our businesses succeed not discourage customers
from visiting downtown," stated Davis.
As of the issuance of this edition, no other candidates have filed to run
for the seats. Individuals interested in running for one of the open
commissioner’s seats can do so by filing their candidacy papers, available at
the town office. As always, all candidates will be provided free space in this
paper to introduce themselves, and their goals, to Emmitsburg voters.