(10/08) At its October 2nd meeting, the Town Council declined a request from Peter Koutsos for the Town to initiate the annexation process for the Rodney McNair property, a 23-acre lot on the south side of North Seton Ave.
Typically, town-initiated annexations are for properties that the Town has an interest in doing something with itself, according to Town Attorney Clark Adams, while property owners interested in annexation into town submit a petition with detailed information, he said.
An important preliminary step in the annexation process is to meet with the town planner to discuss the general parameters of the annexation, Adams said. At those meetings, a tentative timetable can be discussed concerning the filing of the petition and introduction of an annexation resolution and necessary public hearings.
The property, located at 17381 N. Seton Avenue is mostly cleared and currently zoned agricultural by the county. The property is within the town’s 2021 proposed growth boundary and the suggested use, according to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, is Medium Density Residential, which will allow the proposed development to not only include single family homes, but duplexes and town houses as well.
In March of 2021, the Planning Commission was notified that the property could hold up to 29 townhomes and 34 single-family dwellings.
"We hope to develop a property that will bring new residents into Emmitsburg as well as one that benefits the current residents and the Town itself. We hope for the Town's input and involvement in the process, so that the property becomes something that both the Town and we are proud of," Koutsos stated.
"We are open to all suggestions from the Town on home types/density. Based on our communication with the town so far, it seems we all agree that more affordable homes and or townhomes are the best option at this time. We fully agree with this plan, but we are very open to any other suggestions or plans as well," according to Koutsos.
In addition, the letter also stated the pending property owners would be open to the idea of some commercial space on the property. (Koutsos, along with his son and daughter, are the co-owners of the Silo Hill Center. They purchased the shopping center in 2002.)