(10/1) The Carroll Valley community showed off its artistic talents on Friday, Sept. 18, with its Fourth Annual Community Arts Show. That evening, 24 artists from Carroll Valley and nearby communities displayed 48 paintings that showed a wide variety of interests.

"We have wonderful, accomplished artists here," said CC "And we had five new artists show their work this year."
The art work on display was done in acrylics, watercolor and even pencil.
- Peter Ferguson won first place with an oil painting titled "Mom."
- Freya Qually won second place with an oil painting titled "Longhorn at High Meadows."
- Jim Fisher won third place with a watercolor titled "Winter Scene."
- William Fosnaught, Raymond Buchheister Jr. and Mary Jewell all took honorable mention awards.
"I'm always amazed," said Phyllis Fosnaught. "We have more than our fair share of talent for a town this size."
The evening show allowed around 75 visitors to browse the art work at their leisure in the Carroll Valley Commons Pavillion. Visitors enjoyed wine and cheese to go with the art exhibit, but there was also cake to celebrate Carroll Valley's Founders Day.
The winning paintings and the three honorable mention art pieces will be displayed in the Carroll Valley Borough Office through the middle of the month.
"I participate in the show every year," said Mary Jewell. "I like it. It's local and it's nice to people to be come and you can show them what you've been doing."
The event is sponsored by the Carroll Valley Citizens Association.
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