(9/1) an apple dessert bake-off contest celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Fairfield Pippinfest, something that has not been done at Pippinfest since the early years of the fall festival.

The annual crafts and food festival will be held the weekend of Sept. 25 and 26 along Main Street in Fairfield Borough, PA.
"The Pippinfest is a tradition that started out with handmade baskets, chair caning, penny candy, homemade apple products, and more," said Daphne Fager with the Pippinfest Committee.
About 12,000 to 15,000 people attend the festival each year.
Saturday events include crafts, yard sales, flea market and an antique tractor show from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Sunday, there will more crafts, demonstrations, a quilt show, an antique tractor show and a vintage car show from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Throughout the weekend, there will be cash-prize raffles, music and free apples, courtesy of Kennie’s Market and Naylor’s Orchard. About 100 vendors are expected to have their jewelry, floral designs, wooden products,
pottery, pet items, skin care, herbals, hand-sewn and hand-painted items and more on sale.
"We are planting a Pippin apple tree, but it won't be until after the Pippinfest due to the weather conditions," Fager said.
Those interested in the dessert bake-off need to pre-register by calling the borough office. The desserts need to be dropped off Sept. 25 at the Fairfield Fire Company building between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. After the judging, the
desserts will be sold to benefit the community between noon and 2 p.m.
The Pippinfest is a non-profit community event, which is put together and run by a volunteer committee.
For more information, contact the Fairfield Borough office as 717-642-5640 or borofairfieldpa@comcast.net.
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