Dave Millstein
Fairfield Fire & EMS
(1/21) At 07:45 on Saturday January 20, 2013 fire, rescue, and EMS units were dispatched to a house fire at 1873 Mount Hope Road in Hamiltonban Township, Adams County. Fairfield Fire and EMS was first to arrive on scene with Engine 2-1 and found a single-story, single-family, wood frame structure with heavy fire through the right side 50% of the structure, with heavy smoke
throughout. Due to the significant fire conditions, a defensive strategy was deployed until the fire could be controlled enough to allow interior operations.
The fire was controlled within approximately 45 minutes allowing crews to strategically operate in the interior for overhaul and search for possible victims. At approximately 09:30 a victim was located and investigators from the Pennsylvania State Police, Adams County Coroner, and Adams County Fire Marshall were requested to the scene. Crews coordinated with the
investigators and continued to operate while performing extensive overhaul and continued search during the investigation. The incident was terminated at approximately 13:30 and the scene was turned over to the investigators.

The incident had one civilian fatality and one minor firefighter injury that did not require treatment. The structure was a total loss. A full First Alarm assignment (7 units) plus a "Working Fire Dispatch" (5 units) operated at the scene. Fairfield Fire and EMS was assisted by Adams County Companies 1, 3, 4, and 6, Frederick County Company 6, Franklin County Company 19,
as well as local and state investigators.
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