(12/2013) On Tuesday, November 12th, the Borough Council met and approved the advertisement of the proposed 2014 Budget. This action made the proposed 2014 Budget available for residents review prior to its final adoption at the December 10th meeting. The 2014 Budget is the end-product of a three step review process over a three month period. The first review is performed
by the Borough Manager when analyzing the Borough Department submissions. The second review is performed by the Finance Committee. The third review is performed by the Borough Council during their Budget Workshop.
The tentative budget is based on a millage rate of 2.45 mills - that is 24.5 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation which means there will be no Carroll Valley Borough tax increase for 2014. However, at the same Borough Council meeting, a Fire Tax of .25 mil was discussed and an ordinance approved for advertisement. This Fire Tax was recommended in the
Adams County Council of Governments Financing Fire Services study presented to the municipalities. It is considered a "pass through" tax. This means the monies collected can only be used (dedicated) for the operation of fire and emergency services. This is also why there are two separate ordinances being advertised for approval at the December council meeting. To us who pay the bills it means
that we will pay more.
The Borough tax and Fire tax is only a small portion of the taxes we pay. We do not know what the county or school district will do with their millage rate. At present, the estimated distribution of the total tax breaks down as follows: Carroll Valley is 15%, Adams County is 24% and Fairfield School District is 61%. If interested, a copy of the proposed budget can be
reviewed at the Borough office. I have been told that an online version will be available by going to the Carroll Valley Borough website at www.carrollvalley.org.
Thanksgiving is behind us and now on to December. To some, December could be stressful especially for those who have lost a loved one. There was a prediction last year that since the great cycle (5,000 years) of the Mayan calendar will end on December 21, 2012 so would the end of time. Doomsday? No. Life goes on. I do know that being with loved ones, friends and neighbors
will help us all weather any storm we experience.
December does have some unique and spiritual holidays. Hanukkah is celebrated from November 27th through December 5th. National Chocolate Covered Anything Day is celebrated on December 16th. I had to include this one for those chocolate lovers who need an excuse to have a piece. December 21st is the start of winter, also known as "the winter solstice". This is the shortest
day and longest night of the year. After this date, the days start getting longer. Christmas is on the December 25th and the first day of Kwanzaa falls on December 26th. Oh yes, National Chocolate Day is December 24th. December is definitely a chocolate month.
Talking about dates to remember, come and join your neighbors on Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm for the Tree Lighting Ceremony in Carroll Commons. Sing some Christmas carols and drink hot chocolate. I want to thank the Carroll Valley Municipal Services for decorating the tree and park area and the Carroll Valley Citizens Association (CVCA) for hosting the evening event. On
Saturday morning, December 14th the CVCA is partnering with the Fairfield Fire and EMS to hold their Breakfast with Santa from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the Fire Hall in Fairfield. I have been told by an air traffic controller that Santa plans to arrive at 9:00 am. If you plan to attend and bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots program, you will eat for free. As always, there will be lots
of fun for the kids.
On the evening of the December 14th, you are invited to attend the Annual Holiday Gala party being held at the Ski Liberty Carroll Valley Resort. Join everyone for mingling and merriment and most of all to "Say Goodbye" to the Carroll Valley Resort/Club House built in the 1960s. This will be the last Holiday Party held in the banquet room. This facility will be demolished
and replaced by a conference center with all new amenities that will reflect well on our community. The details are: December 14th, from 6:30 pm to 11: pm, Ski Liberty Carroll Valley Resort Banquet Hall, 78 Country Club Trail, Carroll Valley, PA, Buffet Dining and Dancing at $25 a person. Come and enjoy. It will be a time to reflect, a time for good cheer, a time for friends and family to come
together to celebrate the season. Hope to see you there! You can purchase your tickets from Charles Dalton at Mountain View Realty 717-642-5844; from Bob or Mary Ellen Jesters at Jesters Computer Services 717-642-6611; and from me by calling 301-606-2021. Please help CVCA spread the word!
Troop 76, Fairfield, PA is heavily engaged in three (3) major community support projects that serve our communities in Fairfield, Emmitsburg and Liberty Township. Life Scout Connor Gorman and Liberty Township Supervisor, Robert (Bob) Jackson are developing a plan to restore the old Civil War cemetery at the bottom of Jacks Mountain Road near US Route 16. He is working to
clear the overgrowth of brush around the old cemetery, replace fallen tombstones and markers, and build a small path from the road so that citizens can walk through and enjoy the historical significance of the cemetery. Life Scout Matthew Bollinger is working closely with Strawberry Hill Executive Director, Chuck Reid to plan and develop a new hiking trail on the Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve.
This new trail originates at the mid-point of the Foothills Trail and traverses creek beds and hill sides for over a mile. Life Scout Ian Clements is working on a project in Emmitsburg. He is restoring the old Emmitsburg Presbyterian Cemetery on the edge of Welty road and Old Gettysburg Rd. Troop 76 is mending and painting the old iron fences that surround the cemetery and replacing fallen
tombstones and reinforcing the footers that support the markers and tombstones.
Borough meetings and office closures in December are: Planning Commission (Dec 2nd), Public Safety Committee (Dec 9th), Borough Council (Dec 10th), and Parks/Recreation Committee (Dec 18th). The Borough Office will be closed on Dec 25th and Dec 26th. Please reduce your speed to make sure you, your loved ones, your friends and neighbors will be safe. There will be a number
of holiday parties you will be invited to. Be careful about drinking and driving. According to U.S Department of Transportation, most drunk driving accidents occur between midnight and 3 am. Be responsible and careful on the road.
If you have any questions call me at 301-606-2021 or email mayor@carrollvalley.org. Thank you for re-electing me as your Mayor. I am honored to serve you. Happy Holidays and I wish you and your family good health and happiness topped with loads of good fortune in 2014. Happy New Year!