(4/2015) Spring has sprung! What? I do not think so. On March 20th, the first day of Spring, our community received about 4 inches of snow. The last snow for this season? Hope you made it through the pranks and hoaxes of April Fool’s Day. There are a number of special days in April. April 4th Passover is celebrated. Passover is a seven day Jewish festival which celebrates
the Israelites fleeing from Egypt about 3300 years ago. April 5th is Easter which is the highest holiday in Christianity. April 15th is Tax day – enough said. April 16th is Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day set aside to remember and honor the victims of the Holocaust during World War II. April 22nd is Earth Day which promotes efforts dedicated to the protection of the environment.
Are you aware what happens when you are stopped in Pennsylvania for speeding? When you see police car lights flashing in your rear view mirror, you need to slow down pull over to a safe area. Do not get out of the car. The officer will approach you and explain why you were stopped. Upon request, you should render to the officer your driver’s license, registration and proof
of insurance. Your driving record is checked for any outstanding warrants. The officer prepares the citation. The officer then explains the charge, the nature of the offense and your rights that are documented on the back of the citation.
In Pennsylvania, if you do not take action on the citation within 10 days, a warrant for your arrest is issued and your driver’s license no matter the state will be suspended. You have two options when mailing in the citation. You could plead not guilty and request a trial or plead guilty. In either case, you must include an amount equal to the total due as specified on
the traffic citation.
If you wish to make payments rather than paying the entire citation at once, you can go to the Magisterial District Judge’s office and set up a payment plan. You can also pay online. All credit card payments must be paid using the online method. Be aware, if you plead guilty or are found guilty, points may be assessed against your driver’s record by PENNDOT. If you choose
to go to a hearing, the judge cannot change the points, he can only find you guilty or no guilty as the points are controlled by PENNDOT. Naturally, you can avoid receiving a citation by watching your speed when driving in Carroll Valley and Fairfield. Please slow down.
Had the pleasure to attend the Fairfield Fire and EMS Annual Appreciation Banquet on March 14th. I presented a Certificate of Appreciation for the service they provide our residents. In 2014 there were 177 fire calls of which 32% or 64 were in Carroll Valley. The total EMS calls were 793 of which 36% or 287 were in our Borough. Go to www.ronspictures.net to see the
pictures of the event.
On March 15th, Troop 76, in Fairfield, celebrated their Court of Honors and a number of Scouts achieved new ranks and merit badges. To see the pictures go to www.ronspictures.net. The Troop is chartered by the Fairfield Lion’s Club and they are blazing new trails with a record increase in leadership and scout attendance. The Troop has undergone many changes in order to
support the booming number of Assistant Scout Masters and Junior Assistant Scoutmasters added to the roster. Additionally, the Troop will be expecting eight new scouts set to bridge from Cub Scout Pack 76 on April 11th. Recently Dr. James Hammett, the Charter Representative, appointed Herb Milligan to be the new Scout Master at Troop 76. Herb has many years’ experience with scouting and is truly
compassionate about providing thrilling and instructive outdoor adventures for the boys. Since the start of the New Year, the Troop has had several encampments, one of which was on the USS New Jersey Battleship.
With the revitalization of the troop, there will be even more outings scheduled for the boys to look forward to for the remainder of the year. The Troop is hold a car wash event on April 18th to support the Troop in attending summer camp. The car wash will held in front of the Fairfield High School at 8 am to 2 pm. During summer camp, they will learn many different skills
that will help them better serve the community. If interested in joining the Scouts, contact SM Herb Milligan at hwmeagle.h8gmail.com.
The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 4th in the Carroll Valley Park. It starts at 11:00 am. There are 4 age groups: (1) 2 years and under; (2) 3-4 year olds; (3) 5-7 years old; and 8-10 year olds. Please be sure to be there at 11. On Saturday, April 11th the Firecracker Four-Ball Tournament will be played to raise funds for the Carroll Valley July
4th Fireworks.
This year the golf tournament will be played at the Mountain View Golf Club 717-641-7380. Registration is at 8 am and the Shotgun start will be at 9 am. Admission is $60 per golfer. If you have any questions, call Gayle Marthers 717-642-8269 Ext 31. This is a Senior Project. The seniors working on this project are: Nick Biller, Johnny Griffin and Brad Stephens. Come out,
play and help these students help their community. Dave Hazlett, our borough manager, is a mentor to these young people performing these Senior Projects being performed in Carroll Valley. Thank you Dave for your involvement.
The Borough meetings in April are: Planning Commission (April 6th); Finance Committee (April 13th); Council Meeting (April 14th); and Parks/Recreation Committee (April 22nd). If you have any questions, please contact me by calling me at 301-606-2021 or email at MayorRonHarris@comcast.net.