Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(12/2016) On Tuesday, November 15th, the Borough Council met and approved the advertisement of the proposed 2017 Budget. This action made the proposed 2017 Budget available for residents’ review prior to its final adoption at the December 13th Council meeting. The 2017 Budget is the end-product of a three-step review process over a three-month period. The first review was performed by the Borough Manager when analyzing the Borough Department submissions. The second review was performed by the Finance Committee. The third review was performed by the Borough Council during their Budget Workshop. The tentative budget is based on a millage rate of 2.45 mills that is 24.5 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation which means there will be no Carroll Valley Borough tax increase for 2017. The distribution of the total tax paid approximately breaks down as follows: Carroll Valley is 14.77%, Fire Tax is 1.51%, Adams County is 23.62% and Fairfield School District is 60.10%. For every $1 of taxes paid, approximately15¢ is paid to Carroll Valley Borough for services. The proposed 2017 budget can be reviewed at the Borough office or at for the online version.

Thanksgiving is behind us and now on to December. The start of winter, also known as "winter solstice" is December 21st (Wednesday). This is the shortest day of the year. Hanukkah begins in the evening of Saturday, December 24th and ends in the evening of Sunday, January 1st. National Chocolate Covered Anything Day is celebrated on December 16th. I had to include this one for those chocolate lovers who need an excuse to have a piece of you know what. Christmas is on the December 25th. Kwanzaa, a celebration that honors African heritage in African-American culture, is observed from December 26th to January 1st.

Since radar was first used by Connecticut police in 1949 to enforce maximum speed laws, municipal police in Pennsylvania have never been closer to being able to use radar to protect the public than they were on October 18, 2016. That was the day that the Senate of Pennsylvania passed Senate Bill 535 by a vote of 47 to 3 and sent it to the House of Representatives for consideration. Unfortunately, the leaders of the House did not believe that there was enough time left in the legislative session to properly consider the Bill and the session ended without any vote on it. The Radar Coalition is planning to encourage the Senate and House members to reintroduced the legislation allowing municipal police to use radar in the 2017-2018 session.

Had the opportunity to attend the Veterans Breakfast held on November 11th by the Fairfield School District. Over 100 veterans participated. Thanks, goes out to Superintendent Karen Kugler, school staff and teachers, students, and Ski Liberty. To see the pictures, go to Congratulations to our Lady Knights State Champions. Everyone is so proud! The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has declared a drought watch for Adams County. A drought watch is intended to alert government agencies, and the public of a potential onset of drought related problems. It is a request for voluntary water conservation. The Toys for Tots program is an annual toy drive sponsored by the United States Marine Corp. The goal of this program is to make sure every child has a present on Christmas morning. If you want to help to bring a smile to a child, please consider donating a new unwrapped toy. For more information or have any questions, please call Gayle Marthers at 717-752-0063. You can also go to the website: Thank those in our community for their support of the Toys for Tots Program.

The Carroll Valley Citizens Association (CVCA) will be having a Winter Wonderland Dinner Dance on Friday, December 9th from 6:00 until 11:00 pm in the Highland Lodge at the Liberty Mountain Resorts. The cost is $35 per person which includes a delicious buffet dinner that will be served at 7:00 pm. Music will be provided by a DJ for your listening pleasure during dinner and afterwards for dancing. Reservations are required by prepaid ticket purchase. Tickets are available at Mountain View Realty, Jester’s Computer Services, and by calling Mary at 717-642-6654, or Marie at 717-642-8343. This Dinner Dance will also provide an opportunity to join the revitalized CVCA group and pay your dues, volunteer to help with other events and programs, and share your ideas to enhance and enrich life in our beautiful Valley Home Area. Breakfast with Santa will be held on Saturday, December 10th from 8 to 11 a.m.. I have been told by an air traffic controller that Santa plans to arrive at 9 a.m.. If you plan to attend, bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots program, you will eat for free. As always, there will be lots of fun for the kids.

December Borough meetings are: Planning Commission (Dec 5th), Public Safety Committee (Dec 12th), Borough Council (Dec 13th), and Parks/Recreation Committee (Dec 21st). The Borough Office will be closed on Dec 26th and Dec 27th. Please reduce your speed to make sure you, your loved ones, your friends and neighbors will be safe. If you have any questions call me at 301-606-2021 or email Happy Holidays and I wish you and your family good health and happiness topped with loads of good fortune in 2017. Happy New Year!

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