(2/2025) Groundhog Day falls on Sunday, February 2, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, about 170 miles from us. It is said that this legend was brought to Pennsylvania by the German settlers. These settlers determined that the groundhog resembled the European hedgehog, considered the most intelligent and sensible animal for predicting weather. The legend goes that on February 2, if the groundhog, our Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, he will return to his underground home, and there will be another six weeks of winter weather. However, our current weather groundhog forecaster, Mr. Phil, has been correct only 39% of the time.
In preparation for Valentine's Day, the Carroll Valley Borough is holding its annual fabulous, fantastic "Father-Daughter Dance." The theme for the dance is "Sweetheart Ball – A Date with Daddy". The dance will be held in the Liberty Mountain Resort Overlook Ballroom on Saturday, February 8, from 6 to 9. Pre-registration is required at www.carrollvalley.org or 717-642-6269. There is a $25 per person charge. Thanks to Herb’s Exteriors for their generous donation, which provided a DJ, Glitter tattoo artists, favors, and decorations. Hope to see you there. I am the guy with the camera.
March 4 is "Fat Tuesday," the day before Ash Wednesday and the last day of Mardi Gras. It was the custom of the German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania to use up all the fat in their house before Lent by making the fastnacht. It is a square doughnut without a hole, fried in fat. I hope you enjoy your fried cakes.
The Blood Drive will be held on February 24 from 11 to 5 inside the Borough Conference Room. Everyone will receive two free admission vouchers to Harrisburg Comedy Zone Show. There are two ways to schedule your donation appointment: go to 717GiveBlood.org or call 800-771-0059. It is highly recommended you make an appointment to donate blood. Appointments help the Red Cross improve your donation experience. Walk-ins are welcome; however, donors with appointments will be taken first, which may result in a significant wait time.
Robin Dicken from Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) shared with me that they are going to Valentine's cards again this year for the nursing homes and Meals on Wheels. NHN is reaching out to anyone who would enjoy making some or having your group or organization make some to share and let them know they are thought of. Pass the word along! Robin would like to have them by February 10. Please message Robin at dickenrobin@gmail.com if you have any questions so NHN can make arrangements for collection.
As of this writing, we have experienced two snowstorms and very low temperatures. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Are you prepared? What happens if there is an ice storm or flood? You can learn about these threats and how to prepare by visiting www.readypa.org. I recommend you download the Pennsylvania Emergency Preparedness Guide. If an emergency/disaster occurs, you must be ready to survive for at least three days. Do you have an Emergency Kit? The recommended supplies to include in that Emergency Kit are Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days for drinking and sanitation); Battery-powered radio and extra batteries; Flashlight and extra batteries; Medical (prescription medications, First Aid kit); Food (non-perishable food); Tools (manual can opener, wrench and pliers to turn off utilities); Garbage bags with ties (for personal sanitation); Whistle (to signal for help); and Plastic sheeting and duct tape (if you need to
shelter in place) and cash.
If there is a power outage and you have a cell phone, do you know your electric company's emergency number to let them know the power is out or to follow the company's progress in restoring power? If you use a portable generator, do you know how to use it safely? The biggest worry is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust. It would be best to never use a portable generator in a garage, carport, basement, or crawl space, even with ventilation. Opening doors and windows or using fans will not prevent CO buildup in the home. Install home CO alarms that are battery-operated or have battery backup. The Red Cross has information on how to use a portable generator when an emergency or disaster strikes.
Is your house or mailbox number "up" properly so the police, fire department, or an ambulance can find you? In an emergency, seconds count. It is so important that your street address be posted on your property. Recommend your address be posted on the mailbox post or mailbox, and the address should be shown as three (3) inch numbers that are luminous (reflective). The number should be easily read from 20 feet away, day or night. If there is no mailbox at a residence or if it does not clearly identify the house, the reflective street address numbers shall be placed on the front of the house. A sign displaying the proper address should be erected if the residence sits back off the road or is not visible due to trees or bushes. You can buy a reflective mailbox sign for just $8 from the Borough. These signs are 6" x 18" aluminum and covered in green reflective vinyl with white reflective vinyl numbers attached on both signs. They have the same highly visible
qualities as PennDOT directional signs. If you are interested in one of these signs, visit the Borough and ask about ordering one.
Borough meetings in February are Planning Commission (February 3rd), Borough Council (February 11th), Park Ad Hoc Committee (February 13th), Nature Trail Committee (February 18th), Public Sewer Advisory Committee (February 24th), and Parks and Recreation Committee (February 26th). The Borough office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, for President’s Day. If you have any questions, call me at 301-606-2021 or email MayorRonHarris@comcast.net.
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