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2024 Catoctin Christmas Bird Count

Kathy Brown
Frederick Bird Club

(1/2025) December 14, 2024, was the date for the 76th Catoctin Bird Count and we were ready! Our teams were experienced and enthusiastic, and the weather even cooperated.

The day was unexpectedly beautiful: a clear blue sky, no wind, chilly but not too cold. The 15-mile diameter count circle in northern Frederick County covers a lot of open country and back roads for walking, slow driving and, in one case, bicycling. It is a very special part of our state, still rural with a few smaller towns and excellent birding habitat. The territory includes national, state, and local parks, forests, numerous waterways [including miles of the Monocacy River], fisheries and endless farms and open fields.

The Christmas Bird Count was created 125 years ago in response to unregulated hunting and clear declines in many bird populations. The Passenger Pigeon, estimated to once number as high as three billion birds – yes, billion – was now extinct in the wild. Both scientists and sportsmen feared more species would be at risk without immediate intervention.

Today we face similar risks due to human action, specifically, the climate crisis. One in four birds has disappeared across North America in the last 50 years. Increased coastal flooding destroys nests, wildfire destroys habitat, higher temperatures drive birds to new and less desirable territories, and many migrating birds are no longer in-sync with spring leaf and insect emergence resulting in inadequate food for their chicks.

The Christmas Bird Count provides hard evidence of population trends throughout the world. It is an excellent example of the value of citizen science and a great way to enjoy beautiful northern Maryland in the winter.

Results this year were comparable to last year for many species. Eastern Bluebirds and Bald Eagles continue to show healthy gains, but Common Ravens were slightly below recent year numbers. Most forest songbirds, such as Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse and White-breasted Nuthatch, were stable as were our many woodpecker species. The numbers for Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks were strong and two Merlins made for exciting sightings.

It was the best owl count in many years, but I suspect the success was not due to a true population increase, but to the dedication of a few talented birders who began the day well before dawn.

Maryland is home to two common alien, invasive species: the European Starling and House Sparrow. Both species continue to show slow, steady declines, which is good news for our native bird populations.

A total of 70 species were found; the same as last year. But the actual number of birds was well below last year and the ten-year average. Only 7,863 birds were counted; last year the number was 9,488. Part of the decline is the decrease in invasive species and much of the remaining deficit is due to low numbers for highly variable species like American Robin and American Pipit. Both Blue Jays and Carolina Wrens also showed large decreases in numbers. Being two of our noisiest bird species, they are easy to find and the drop is surprising.

Birds found included: 6 Red-Headed Woodpeckers and 122 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 125 Blue Jays, 175 Crows, 1 Horned Larks, 126 Carolina Chickadees, 126 Tufted Titmouses, 95 Nuthatches, 126 Caroline Wrens, 228 Eastern Bluebirds, 29 American Robins, 126 Mockingbirds, 2,563 Starlings, 44 Cedar Waxwings, 436 Canada Geese, 19 Mallards, 12 Wild Turkeys, 185 Vultures, 16 Bald Eagles, 35 Red-shoulder Hawks & 46 Red-tail Hawks, 154 Morning Doves, 842 Juncos, 25 White-crowned Sparrows and 455 White-throated Sparrows, 156 Song Sparrows, 7 Red-winged Blackbirds, 52 Cowbirds, 158 House Finches, 4 Purple Finches, 136 Goldfinches and 174 House Sparrows.

Bird populations with the largest decline in numbers from last year included Blue Jays (125 vs. 339 in 2023), Horned Lark (1 vs. 204), Carolina Wren (126 vs. 248), Northern Flicker (49 vs. 80), The American Robin (29 vs. 566), American Pipit (22 vs. 109), Cedar Waxwing (44 vs. 241), Yellow-rumped Warbler (29 vs. 52), Green-winged Teal (0 vs. 10) and the House Sparrow (174 vs. 344)

Bird Populations with the largest increase from last year include White-breasted Nuthatches (95 vs. 9 from last year), Killdeer (6 vs. 1), Brown-headed Cowbirds (52 vs. 16) and Dark-eyed Juncos (842 vs. 549)

Bird Populations seen in prior years but not seen this year include the Peregrine Falcons, House Wrens, Golden Eagles, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Barn Owls, & Palm Warblers.

A few of our farmland raptors are clearly in trouble. American Kestrels have declined by a third in the last twenty years. Northen Harriers, never common, are now exceedingly rare. Nocturnal owls are difficult to find in a primarily daytime count, but studies indicate populations for Barn and Short-eared Owls are both in serious decline.

I am happy to share with you that something is being done to help these beautiful and important birds: the Maryland Farmland Raptor Program. Founded in 2019, the program is currently focused on significantly increasing nesting sites for American Barn Owls and American Kestrels throughout Maryland. The organization is offering to build, install, and monitor nest boxes for Barn Owls and Kestrels – all at no cost to local farmers, orchardists, viticulturists, and non-profit organizations like land trusts.

Raptors found in agricultural areas – Farmland Raptors – reduce common pests and benefit property owners by preying on destructive mice, voles, and insects including grasshoppers. Farmland raptors can effectively and inexpensively contribute to pest management, especially in agricultural fields and grasslands. Attracting farmland raptors will also reduce the need for pesticides and rodenticides which can kill non-targeted animals, including hawks and family pets. One family of Barn Owls can consume up to 3000 crop destroying rodents annually and studies show that just the proximity of an American Kestrel can deter many birds from raiding orchards and agricultural fields.

As of the end of 2024, over 70 individuals and organizations have requested nest boxes and the 55 state-wide volunteers have already installed many nesting boxes for Kestrels and Barn Owls. In the coming years, the Maryland Farmland Raptor Program, will initiate work on improving nesting habitat for Northern Harriers and Short-eared Owls.

If you are interested in participating in this valuable program, contact Mike Spurrier at:

The Frederick County Midwinter Count is scheduled of January 25. If you would like to help, please contact David Smith at 443-995-4108 or e-mail him at

To learn more about birds in Frederick County, the Frederick Bird Club at and the Audubon Society of Central Maryland at welcome guests and new members. Visit their websites to learn about meetings, conservation projects, bird-focused presentations, bird counts and bird walks throughout the year.

Frederick Bird Club meetings are held the first Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM. For the 2024-2025 year, meetings will be hybrid: in person at Hood College (in the Seminar Room located in the basement of Coblentz Hall) and virtually via Zoom. Contact for a link to the meeting.

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