Fastnacht Fundraiser Benefits St James’ Youth
(1/23) Gettysburg’s St. James Lutheran Church is preparing for their annual sale of fastnachts, traditional Pennsylvania Dutch doughnuts made on Shrove Tuesday, prior to Lent. Proceeds benefit the church’s middle and high school youth programs, including several summer 2013 mission trips. This year,
volunteers estimate they will make nearly 15,000 fastnachts over the course of three days.
The traditional yeast-raised potato doughnuts are $6 per dozen and are available on the following dates:
Sunday, February 10 from 8 am – noon: Pick-up is available inside the church. Entry may be easiest via the back doors of the church, then downstairs to the church dining room.
Tuesday, February 12 from 5:30 am – noon: Drive-through pick-up is available in the alley off Stratton Street, behind the church. Signage will help direct drivers.
Fastnachts have been prepared by an all-volunteer crew of St. James members, including the youth, for many years. Following Lutheran custom, the doughnuts are prepared in an attempt to rid the kitchen of all fat and sugar prior to the fasting days of Lent, which begin on Ash Wednesday. Therefore the day before Lent is known as Shrove Tuesday or "fat Tuesday" and the word
fastnacht is German for "fast night."

Anna Stoner and Hannah Gardner of the St. James Youth Group, Gettysburg, give traditional fastnachts a final coating of sugar before boxing them up for customers. The St. James fastnacht fundraiser typically sells out every year; advance orders are strongly suggested by contacting Youth Minister Sally Hoh by phone (717-334-2012 x207) or e-mail
Pre-ordering is strongly suggested to reserve fastnachts; in years past, the doughnuts have sold out by mid-morning Tuesday. To order, contact Youth Minister Sally Hoh by phone (717-334-2012 x207) or e-mail, with your name, number of dozen being ordered, desired date and approximate time of pickup, and preferred method of payment (cash or check,
pre-paid or payable at time of pickup). Checks should be made payable to St. James Lutheran Church, with "fastnachts" in the memo line.
St. James Lutheran Church is located at 109 York Street, Gettysburg. Handicap accessible; all are welcome. The church website is
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