Edison Hatter
(5/1) In October 1931, representatives from volunteer fire companies in Frederick County met to discuss the possibility of forming an Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association.
Since its inception, many local Firefighters have served as president including Charles Mort (1935-36; Emmitsburg), Omer Dubel (1937-38; Thurmont), Charles Troxell (1942-43, 1948-49; Emmitsburg), Sayler Weybright (1944-46; Thurmont), Charles Mumma (1954-55, 1965-66; Rocky Ridge), George Black (1956-57; Thurmont), John Hollinger (1958-59;
Emmitsburg), Harry Miller (1967-68; Thurmont), James Fitzgerald (1969-70; Emmitsburg), Donald Stitely (1978-79; Thurmont), Robert Mumma (1979-80; Rocky Ridge), Thomas White (1982-83; Emmitsburg), Robert Wilhide (1987-88; Thurmont), Terry Shook (1997-98; Thurmont), and Judith White (1998-99, 2005-07; Thurmont).
Currently, Eric Smothers of the Brunswick Ambulance Company is serving as the 2017-18 President with Alan Hurley, of the Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Department, who is serving as the first vice president.
On April 16, the Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association and Ladies Auxiliary held their 25th annual awards ceremony to, as Chip Jewell, Master of Ceremonies, eloquently put it, "recognize the dedicated men and women of the Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and Auxiliaries for their extraordinary
accomplishments, courage and lifetime achievements in making Frederick County a safer place to live and work."
President Smothers expressed how great an honor it was to "stand in front of so many volunteers who have done so much in the past year. These volunteers are always ready to answer the call and come through time and time again. These individuals are always ready to take on the challenge and are the reason why the 25 stations across the
county continue to grow stronger."
Ramona Ridgely, the President of the Ladies Auxiliary offered her thanks to the volunteers for everything. "You have taken steps forward to make the Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association as great as it is." Said Ridgely.
Newly appointed Director of Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Services and Thurmont native, Kevin Fox, was next to offer comments. He remarked, "The volunteers of this association have many opportunities to improve the quality of life of their fellow citizens," and, "they help neighbors experiencing the worst days of their lives, but
we also need to mention the other volunteers who help at fundraisers and ensure those on the front lines have what they need to do their job."
Finally, County Executive Jan Gardner stepped to the podium. "The Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association provides top-notch services," Gardner said. "They save taxpayers millions of dollars a year thanks to their volunteerism."
Over the course of the evening seventeen awards were given out and ten individuals were inducted into the association’s Hall of Fame, among them were firefighters from Emmitsburg, Rocky Ridge, Graceham and Thurmont.
Elyssa Cool, of Emmitsburg’s Vigilant Hose Company (VHC), won the James H. Stavley III Fire Prevention Award. The award was presented to Cool for her year-round dedication to educating the residents of Frederick County in important safety practices. These practices not only included fire prevention, but also other types of lifesaving safety

The Charles "Mutt" Deater Jr. Apprentice of the Year Award was given to Robert E. Albaugh of the Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company. The award is given to an outstanding member of a fire company who has not yet reached his/her 19th birthday. Albaugh, is a 14-year-old, fourth-generation volunteer at Rocky Ridge. "Albaugh", Jewell said, "is
always willing to do any chore that needs to be completed to ensure the success of a fundraising event. Albaugh eagerly participates in training and drills and looks forward to becoming a firefighter one day."
Joshua Brotherton of the VHC won the Millard "Mick" Mastrino Instructor/Safety Award. In receiving his award, the assembled audience was told how Brotherton would constantly scour the surroundings of a scene to ensure the safety of his men. He kept up on fire safety measures and shared information with members during monthly drills.
The Mumma Outstanding Service Award was presented to Allen "Frank" Davis Jr., President of the VHC. Davis first joined the VHC in 1977 and has shown exceptional leadership skills since day one, said Jewell. During his time, Davis has served on numerous committees and has been elected Trustee and second vice president of the Frederick County
Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association. He was instrumental in the merger of the Emmitsburg Ambulance Company and the VHC.
The Firefighter of the Year award was presented to David Zentz Jr. also of VHC, for his outstanding service. Zentz had 117 responses over the course of 2017. Jewell noted that Zentz is particularly strong with interior firefighting, rescue squad work, and aerial operations. Additionally, Zentz maintains the company’s computers, network
system, and dispatch notification software.
The Michael Wilcom Officer of the Year Award was presented to James Click of the VHC. Click joined the company in 1979 and is currently serving as Deputy Chief. Click is often seen volunteering at fundraisers for the company. Jewell noted that Click is a great teacher to rookie members and is always willing to work with them to ensure they
learn how to do things the right way. Click is known for motivating members to do their best, and encourages other members to come to him when they have questions or need to talk.
The Outstanding Unit Award was presented to the Thurmont Ambulance Company for their actions on the afternoon of October 8. A vehicle accident with entrapment occurred on Sabillasville Road as a vehicle carrying three passengers, one of which was disabled, was hit by a large truck. The strong teamwork and professionalism of all the
volunteers from the Thurmont Ambulance Company helped ensure that the passengers from the vehicles were quickly removed and transported to local hospitals to be treated.
Finally the Graceham Volunteer Fire Company was one of three recipients of The Fire/Rescue Departmental Award. The award is presented to the top three companies with the highest number of formal training hours per active member. Graceham earned this award by having 73.8 hours of formal training per active member.
Over the course of the evening, ten individuals were inducted into the Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association Hall of Fame. The criteria for induction into the Hall of Fame included 15 years or more of service to one’s company that led to the significant advancement of that company. Selection to the Hall of Fame is voted on by
elected officers from both the Frederick County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association and the Ladies Auxiliary.
This year’s inductees included Bonny Hurley and Paulette Mathias of the Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company for their many years of leadership for their company. Additionally, Austin E. Umbel was inducted for all that he has done for the Vigilant Hose Company.
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