President Emeritus of Mount St. Mary's University Dies

Cardinal William Keeler, former archbishop of Baltimore, with George R. Houston, Jr., president emeritus of Mount St. Mary's
(1/22) George R. Houston, Jr., twenty-third president of Mount St. Mary's University passed away peacefully January 19, 2008 from pancreatic cancer. He served as president of
the university from 1994-2003.
"Our hearts and prayers go out to his family including his dear mother Lillian Houston, Tom Woodruff, surviving siblings and his many nieces and nephews," says Mount President Thomas H. Powell."
President Emeritus Houston was an inspiration and an effective leader. He was recently honored with a Bicentennial Medal recognizing his generosity of spirit and his unyielding support to strengthen
the Mount's foundation. His legacy will continue to benefit future generations of Mount students."
A seventh-generation Washingtonian, Houston attended Georgetown University where he also spent over three decades as a faculty member and an administrator. The Mount recruited Houston in 1994 as its
twenty-third president when he was the managing director of Georgetown's endowment fund.
It was under Houston's leadership that the Mount saw many facility changes; including construction of Knott Auditorium and the Keating wing at the seminary, beginning stages of the renovation of
Borders Learning Center and Coad Science Building and the construction of the McGowan Center. He led the school's fundraising campaigns with generous personal contributions and the university
established in his honor the George R. Houston, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund for aspiring business students.
At his retirement, Houston?' long time friend Cardinal William H. Keeler, former Mount Trustee said: "George Houston has brought great energy and extraordinary leadership qualities to his work as
president which helped the whole Mount family better appreciate and deepen the strong Catholic identity that is our heritage."
A memorial mass will be held Friday, January 25, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Mount St. Mary's University.
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