Erin Dingle
(6/19) With the Thurmont Regional
Library slated to officially open to the
public on August 2, two important pre-opening
library events are slated for July.
The public is invited to witness the laying
of the cornerstone of The Thurmont Regional
Library on Saturday, July 19 at 11 a.m. at the
site of the new library, 76 East Moser Road.
Acacia Lodge No. 155 of Thurmont will conduct
the ceremony under the guidance of Most
Worshipful Grand Master John R. Biggs Jr.
Officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons from
Hunt Valley, Md. will be participating as well
as the officers of the Acacia Lodge. In full
Masonic regalia, participants will
ceremonially set the engraved cornerstone at
the entrance to the new library.

Although the cornerstone-laying ritual is
strictly symbolic, it’s based on proven
building techniques when stone masons used the
tools of their trade — the square, level and
plumb — to ensure the first block of the
building was correctly laid, according to the
Masons’ history. The ceremony of the laying of
cornerstones dates to antiquity. In fact, in
1793, George Washington presided over the
Masonic ceremony of laying the cornerstone of
the U.S. Capitol.
The Friends of the Thurmont Regional
Library will host a farewell cookies and punch
reception at the old branch following the
Cornerstone Ceremony. This day, July 19 will
be the final day of operation for the Thurmont
Branch at 11 Water Street.
Library services will stop for two weeks to
prepare for the move and re-opening of the new
building on August 2. The book drop at the old
building will remain available during this
Make a plan for Saturday, July 19 to
celebrate new beginnings and old memories. You
and your family will want to make one final
stop to check out materials and to recall fond
memories of time spent reading, studying or
having fun at the old Thurmont Branch Library.
There’s also a tremendous sale going on at
the Thurmont Branch Library until its very
last day of service. With thousands of brand
new books in storage and ready to be
transferred to our new building, we need to
sell many of our older titles. Stop by any
time during our regular business hours to
stock up on titles at bargain basement prices.