(11/10) The leaves may be falling, but art is blooming in Thurmont! It’s once again almost time for the annual Thurmont Gallery Stroll on Main Street. For those of you who don’t know, Thurmont plays hosts to local artists every year during this gallery, showcasing their works and exposing the community to many of their new pieces. Some of these artists may be familiar to
you—especially if you’ve read any of my past articles about Yemi and Rebecca Pearl. But there will also be new budding artists who participate in the stroll, which will take place on November 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be appetizers provided by Bollingers Restaurant, Celebrations Catering, and Fitzgeralds Shamrock. "Painting, pottery, sculpting, homemade jewelry, and any type of art is
welcome," said Vickie Grinder, Thurmont Main Street Manager. There will also be musical entertainment by Paul Zelenka and Mary Guiles, and many other artists of all kinds!
The Gallery Stroll will begin at 6 pm in front of Heart & Hands located at 12 East Main Street for the unveiling of an incredible new store front created by artist Yemi & business owner Pamela Hamrick. Pamela Hamrick said she: "wanted to create a store front façade that would represent my window treatment and
upholstery business, and Yemi created a look that far exceeded what my vision was". The unveiling will be not only awesome, but one of the most unique storefront windows in Frederick County!
Starting the whole Stroll off at 6 p.m., will be Yemi who be unveiling new art for the front of the Masons building and the side of the Hearts & Hands Decorators building. Yemi recently worked on a mural depicting local areas of interest. His art is extremely colorful and if you haven’t had the chance to see him yet, I would highly recommend attending this opening (or
swinging by the local Timeless Trends Boutique to see the mural he painted for the side of the building). There will also be an opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done! Mural items will be sold and will make perfectly artsy gifts while supporting local artists.
Rebecca Pearl will be unveiling two new pieces. For those of you unfamiliar with Rebecca Pearl, she has been located in the area for many years, creating beautiful works of art. Even thought her studio is located in Emmitsburg, Rebecca still has a soft spot for Thurmont. "I moved my gallery into Emmitsburg about five years ago, but even though I’ve moved from Thurmont, I
still love to participate in the Gallery Stroll," she said. Her new pieces will be reflective of the Thurmont community, portraying "sentimentality and things slipping into the past." She focuses on bringing light to the history of buildings and places that have significant meaning, preventing their meanings from just slipping into history.
Her first debuting piece will be a watercolor portrayal of the Trinity for the United Church of Christ. The piece will be displayed in the United Church of Christ for the gallery stroll. The other piece she is debuting is something she’s been working on specifically for the Thurmont community. A painting of The Cozy, the iconic Thurmont restaurant that closed its doors in
June after 85 years of serving the community.
The Cozy had its fair share of famous and important characters pass through its doors; from JFK to Roosevelt, the history ran deep, straight down to the foundations of the restaurant. "To many people it’s heartbreaking that it’s closed," Pearl stated. "I tried to put a lot in there that reflected the past. It was a little bit intimidating to try and put all that emotion in
the piece. It had to reflect more than eighty years." This watercolor painting will portray The Cozy the way it has looked for the last 40 years, while still highlighting its past. The restaurant’s famous patrons will be in the piece as well as memorable symbols, including a wishing well and a wedding couple. The closing is a very emotional subject, and Pearl tried to capture it all in her piece.

There will be a limited edition print made for this event of the United Trinity Church of Christ as well and some of the proceeds it raises will benefit the UCC. "When I make a limited edition print, I like to put the proceeds towards a cause," she stated. This is a great way for a great artist to give back to the community.
Main Street Businesses will house all the exciting participants, so be sure to visit Browns Jewelry & Gifts, Gateway Florist, Heart & Hands, Hobbs Hardware, The Thurmont Historical Society, Timeless Trends Boutique, Untied Trinity Church of Christ.
Also tucked in one of the Main Street businesses you find Lion Joann and Lion Nancy will selling mural wine glasses, ornaments, and other mural merchandise for a unique holiday gift-giving! Thurmont’s Catoctin Hope Chest will have their homemade jewelry and other artsy merchandise for great gift giving too! Local artist Laura Day will be on hand showcasing her work as
well. If you talk to John Nickerson put is here. If you don’t get in touch with him put:
Another highlighted local artist John Nickerson of Gnarly Artly will have much of his art work, t-shirts and fall the fun stuff John has created, and can create and personalize for you or your business.
So come out on Friday, November 14, from 6pm to 9pm to support local artists, local businesses, and the community! The Gallery Stroll will benefit the town in multiple ways, including showcasing the town’s Main Street businesses and bringing people downtown to support them.
For more information, or to become a participant, email Vickie Grinder at vgrinder@thurmontstaff.com. This is a great way to explore what our community has to offer and familiarize yourself with the local faces of art, and not to mention, get a jump on that Christmas shopping list while supporting a good cause!
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