(9/19) Throughout its eight years, this season’s Gateway To The Cure brought a new meaning to community solidarity, according to Town Economic Development Manager Vickie Grinder.
Despite challenges and cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Thurmont’s third annual Gateway To The Cure Golf Classic proved that community dedication to and generosity was still as strong as ever.
The annual tournament held at Sept. 10 included 50 golfers which is about typical for the tournament, but what surprised Grinder was when the prizes were handed out. "Every single winner donated their winnings back," she said.
The tournament consists of traditional monetary prizes for first, second, and third place, plus bonus competitions including longest drive, closets to the pin and the ‘Pink Ball Challenge’.

Grinder marveled at the generosity of the community that has gone above and beyond to exemplify support of cancer research and cancer victim support programs via The Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund.
"it was amazing," she said, with emphasis and pride swelling in her voice. "The weather was perfect as well, no humidity, it was a perfect day." The tournament also raised money from the 20-hole sponsors and nine ‘Pink Ball’ top tier sponsors.
The Gateway To The Cure Campaign began in 2014 to spread awareness about breast cancer in support of the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund and town’s residents, businesses, and nonprofits have jumped into the campaign enthusiastically since the beginning.
Although the Zumbathon was cancelled due to COVID concerns, Gateway To The Cure events are still going strong, including the upcoming seventh annual Covered Bridge 5K Fun Run/Walk at Eyler Road Park Oct. 24.
Iconic pink light bulbs and other merchandise is still available for sale around town and businesses will continue to run Gateway To The Cure themed specials throughout the month of October, Grinder said.
In 2020, the town of Thurmont presented the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund, a check for $15,000, despite the complications of the pandemic. To date, the town of Thurmont has donated more than $98,000 over more than seven years of fund-raising to the cancer fund.
The Thurmont commissioners are expected to present a check for the 2021 donations at the Nov. 15th town meeting. More information about Thurmont’s Gateway To The Cure can be found at www.thurmontmainstreet.com