Walkersville Volunteer Rescue
acknowledges excellence
(11/21) On the evening of November 20th, members of the Walkersville Volunteer Rescue Company and the surrounding community came together for an awards banquet to recognize individuals with outstanding commitment. The top acknowledgements included the Lifetime Achievement Award, Life Member Award, and Lifetime Benefactor Award.
Cindy Cramer, the President of the Rescue Company and wife of Chief Topper Cramer, began the evening with special recognition of a member of the company who had passed away in December 2020. Stan Mount became a member of the Junior Company in 1983 and served as LOSAT Chair from 1999-2003, Assistant Treasurer from 2004-2007, and Capital Projects Chairman from 2012-2016. As Assistant Treasurer he directed the Board of Directors attention to the lack of an investment fund for long-term stability of the company, which they quickly establish.
Chief Cramer told the assembled audience how vital this fund would be to the company. "Due to his financial knowledge and wise decision making, we are to this day in excellent financial position," Cramer said. The company, Cramer said, is now in a position to refinance their mortgage for smaller monthly payments, all the equipment in their fleet is paid for, including a new utility truck they will be receiving in early 2022, and they will be replacing the current rescue squad before the end of the year, which may total $1.5 million – all thanks to the hard work of Stan Mount.

Stan Mount was recognized posthumously with the 2021 Walkersville Volunteer Rescue
Company’s Lifetime Achievement award for his many years of volunteer service.
His son David and wife Karen accepted the award from President Cindy Cramer.
The Lifetime Achievement Award plaque was presented to the family of Stan Mount in recognition of his generous contributions, dedication, and financial guidance to the company during his 41 years as an EMT, Board Director, and Treasurer. The plaque was accepted by Stan’s wife Karen, while a second will be hung in the Rescue Company building for all to see.
The Life Member Award, described as the most prestigious award the department gives, was awarded to Michael McDonald. The award is presented to an individual for their years of active service and contributions and commitment to the company. McDonald joined the company in 2003 and has been an active member in EMS training and recently assumed position on the new Rescue Squad Committee.
The Lifetime Benefactor Award was given to Melvin & Esther Filler, posthumously, for their lifelong and generous financial support to the company.
Frederick County District 5 Councilman Michael Blue re-enforced the importance of volunteer service organizations like the Rescue Company, "Our quality of life is completely related to how our law enforcement and emergency services take care of this community. We could not provide a quality of life without fire rescue and EMS services."
At the conclusion of the banquet, the Board of Directors and officers for 2022 where sworn in.
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