(9/19) The Walkersville Economic Development Commission (EDC) and the Walkersville Business and Professional Association (WBPA) have agreed to work together to make "Walkersville a better place to live.’’
The EDC and WBPA met following the EDC’s September meeting. The purpose of this meeting was two-fold: first to hold the monthly meeting of the EDC and second to learn from each group how to improve the economic endeavors for our citizens and members. The groups mingled for a few minutes before sitting down and beginning an earnest conversation on how to move forward.

As in any initial multi-group meeting, the initial conversation was broad, but as each member spoke about the history of their business, or why they moved to Walkersville, their hopes for the future, the conversation became more focused, robust and productive, and before long, a common theme was found: The EDC and the WBPA need to support each-other’s efforts through opportunities in town for local businesses to work together through community wide events and way finding messaging.
Several times during the evening, the topic of reaching out to the Maryland Main Street program was brought up. It was pointed out that Thurmont has a robust Main Street program that puts on monthly community events and has been a key driver in filling empty store fronts.
Unfortunately, one of the criteria for joining the program is a defined, walkable central business district with a significant number of historic commercial buildings. The town of Walkersville does not meet this criterion; however, it does have a significant number of historic commercial buildings. To that end the EDC agreed to take the lead in exploring what elements of the Main Street Program might be applicable to Walkersville as this would open up a tremendous opportunity for the in-town businesses to access not only state funding but also other resources critical to the growth and sustainability of our town.
Additionally, the idea of Pop-Up shops that aligned with the Walkersville Southern Railroad schedule would enhance the patrons visit to the railroad, creating an opportunity to highlight our local businesses to the over 20,000 visitors to the railroad each year. The Walkersville Southern Railroad has worked long and hard on their property; adding the museum, additional parking, and expanding their train ride offerings. They are at the gateway to Walkersville and an excellent forward-facing business to welcome visitors to our town.
"Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to grab a hot cup of coffee and a snack or sandwich to take on the train? When you are back from your scenic ride and ready for a meal, way finding information (brochures or signage) would be a wonderful assist to finding an in-town restaurant for lunch or dinner too," said one participant of the meeting.
The EDC and WBPA are committed to working together, relying on each other for support and information sharing. We welcome input from all of our businesses; micro, small, medium and large in the 21793 zip-code. If you are here already doing business or thinking about Walkersville as your location, please reach out to the WBPA at alan@firestride.com or the EDC at edc@walkersvillemd.gov
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