Joe Lenhart flanked by his daughters
Chris Gladhill and Terry Fogle
(1/27) On January 4, the New Midway Volunteer Fire Department held its 99th year banquet. There were many local fire Chiefs, Presidents from other companies and County Officials in attendance. Awards were given for years of service, top operational responders, and recognition was given to everyone who helped with any events at New Midway. Some of those honored were Bob Dutrow with 70 years of service, Larry Haugh with 60 years of service.
Also recognized was Joe Lenhart who on September 24th retired from driving fire trucks at the age of 82. He was awarded the prestigious Chief’s award. Lenhart was also recognized as the company’s top responder.
In commenting on his awards, Lenhart clearly seemed taken back by all the attention given to him, saying: "If you are in the fire service for a plaque, a trophy, or a pat on the back, you’re in the fire service for the wrong reasons."
Lenhart, moved to New Midway in 1973 with his wife Mary, and daughters Chris & Terry. He joined the New Midway Fire Company shortly after. Like all volunteers Lenhart, started as a volunteer firefighter taking classes to better himself, while moving up to the ranks over the next 50 years. Serving as driver, Assistant chief, Chief, Board of Directors, and Treasurer.
While reflecting on his career as a volunteer, Lenhart said he loved being a firefighter "I loved going in to put out fires and helping the community." "We didn’t have drivers, so I ended up driving most of the time."
Lenhart was hard pressed to come up with just a few of his better memories about being part of New Midway. "To be honest, there are just too many good memories, this is a great company, where the people work as a team. I enjoy being around them and working beside them.
Lenhart said that people used to say he had his own harem. When pressed to explain the statement, a smiling Lenhart said that all the women in the Auxiliary like to work with him, and he was constantly surrounded by 80-to-90-year-old women who worked in the company kitchen during its many fundraising events. "Apparently I was so easy to work with that all the women wanted to work with me."
When asked what advice or words of encouragement he would give to someone contemplating becoming a volunteer fire fighter, Lenhart said "You’ll get a lot of good experience that will serve you the rest of your life, and the comradeship is unlike anything you’ll fine anyplace else."
When asked to explain the role of New Midway VFC, especially given it is sandwiched between two larger fire companies (Taneytown & Walkersville). Lenhart didn’t blink – "we are the local company we do our best to help out our community. We work with other companies very well."
Like many small communities without a local government, the New Midway VFC serves as the heart and soul of the New Midway community. If you want to know what is going on in the community? Or looking for fellowship? Drop by the New Midway fire hall.
Chris Gladhill, Joe’s daughter, beamed brightly as she watched her father being interviewed for this story. Chris, who is now the company’s President, said she grew up in the fire company. Chris’s eyes shinned as she recounted her early years as her father ran calls, "I loved it that he was going to help someone in need. It is because of dad, that fire safety was important to me and I made sure I passed this philosophy onto my two sons."
In recounting her memories, Terry Fogle, Joe’s younger daughter, said "you often hear the term" military brats" when applied to people who grew up with parents in the military. My sister and I describe ourselves as "firehouse brats" as we were always in and around the firehouse all our lives."
Chris and Terry recounted that many times their father would get home from his day job as a brick mason. The siren would go off and he would answer that call and even if he was out all night would go to work the next morning.
"Being a part of the fire community has been a huge positive for me" said Terry recounting how in the early days, she would join her faither in Tanker 9 and go to a local pond and fill the tanker with water. Both my sister and I have got to ride with him during parades," said Terry
Both daughters echoed their father’s words on the importance of the New Midway VFC for the community. "We can always use volunteers, be it on the administrative side or the operational side," said Terry. "If you are not sure of what you can do, or want to do, just stop by and talk to us.
"If you want to become a firefighter," Terry said, "the county offers all the class you need, and they are all free. All you must do is put in time to attend the classes. Once you graduate, we will work with you to get you all the practical experience you need. You will be mentored and trained every step of the way, and along the way, discover just how rewarding being a volunteer firefighter can be. For those who do not want to be a firefighter there are plenty of ‘jobs’ that are just as rewarding and are just as important. It takes everyone working together to make this company run smoothly."
In reflecting on his role as Chief of the Fire Department, Bryan Pescatore said he and everyone in the company do it because "they want to take care of the people they live with and the people they live around. We want to provide a service that helps everyone be safe."
Pescatore smiled when asked what it meant to be called Chief, "to be honest, it doesn’t mean anything to me because I never wanted to be Chief. All I ever wanted to do was to help people. I never tell people I’m the Chief of the company. It doesn’t matter to me. This department has been here for me when I needed it the most, so this is my way of returning something back to the community. I want to see this company succeed, grow and I will do everything I can to accomplish that. I look forward to seeing my son, who has been around fire trucks since he was 4 years old, replace him, and his son’s son or daughter someday replace him. Seeing kids out there protecting lives and property is a great feeling. It really is."
Echoing Lenhart, Pescatore said it is not about the pat on the back, but "for me it’s the feeling I did something good. We are always here for the community, and God willing, we will always be here. We are all one big happy family, and we have a lot of fun."
Pescatore said the one message he would like to get out to the community is "whether you think you have the time or not, we can always use help. No matter how old you are, or your skills set, there is always a job for you here."
Come join our family, you will never regret it.
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