By Ed Bergh

Abraham Dern |
Abraham Dern enlisted in the
cavalry on August 10, 1861. This
was early in the war and he had
not been repulsed by stories of
war or reports of defeat. There
was no draft yet. He lived in a
border state. Maryland was a
slave owning state that had
remained in the union. Two
generations before Abraham's
birth his family had owned
slaves, but that was distant
memory. He owned no land. He
worked on his brother-in-law's
farm where he lived with his
brother and mother. He became a
member of the First Regiment
Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry.
Eventually this unit would be
known as
Cole's Cavalry. In the
course of the next three years
Abraham would see the Shenandoah
Valley, the inside of a southern
prison, and see a lot of horse
rear end during his constant
A rather sympathetic account
of Cole's Cavalry reported that
the recruits for this unit were
"loyal Virginians and
Pennsylvanians from the border
land; nevertheless, they were
almost exclusively from Western
Maryland." Abraham was living in
Frederick County, Maryland.
Continuing, "They were farmers'
and planters' sons, mainly, in
good circumstances, who owned
good horses, which they brought
with them into the military
service. They were, in the main,
young, unmarried men,
intelligent, enthusiastic,
accustomed to the use of
firearms, of fine physique-in
fact, the very best material for
cavalrymen." Henry Cole was also
able to recruit men by offering
a bounty of $100 for each
enlistee and promising $13 a
month for clothing and a vague
promise of "bounty land" after
the war's conclusion. Abraham's
brother, John, would enlist in a
Maryland infantry outfit the
following year.
Whether or not Abraham had a
"fine physique," or was
"intelligent and enthusiastic"
is impossible determine. He was
unmarried. It was true, however,
he certainly was working on a
Abraham Dern was a private in
Company A. During his first
winter in the unit he was
stationed along the north bank
of Potomac. He fought off the
chill of the rain and the snow.
He drilled with his unit and
probably thought a lot about his
home not very far away in
Frederick County. That all
changed in January when Gen.
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
dashed up the Shenandoah Valley
from Winchester, Virginia. His
goal was to cross the river at
Hancock, Maryland disrupt Union
communications just beyond the
Potomac River.
Units defending the river
crossing immediately sent for
reinforcements. Private Dern and
the rest of Company A raced to
their aid. A forced march over
the mountain ridge through snow
and bitter cold brought them
along the Potomac River crossing
on January 7, 1862. Despite two
days of shelling, Jackson,
unable to find suitable
conditions for crossing turned
away and headed back down the
valley. Cole ordered a
detachment under the command of
an officer named Vernon to
follow Jackson down the valley
and make sure the threat had
The next months were hectic
for Cole's Cavalry. It was not
unusual for them to cover 35
miles in a day. They skirmished
with Confederate units up and
down the valley. Dismounting,
firing, "skedaddling," sleeping
in the saddle, eating in the
saddle, took Abraham a long way
from his farm chores. Usually
life in the saddle moved at a
walk of four miles an hour, but
situations sometimes dictated
short bursts a maneuvering at a
gallop at twelve miles an hour.
On March 2, 1862, Abraham and
his company crossed the Potomac
at Williamsport, headed for
Martinsburg. Three days later in
an encounter with southern units
at Bunker Hill, Virginia, the
unit tasted fire and captured
prisoners. On March 7, they
engaged the enemy between Bunker
Hill and Winchester. In the
latter encounter Cole's horse
was shot from under him, some
men were killed and a friend of
Abraham's by the last name of
Keedy, was wounded. Fighting
"Stonewall" Jackson's highly
mobile corps meant moving at a
moment's notice. March 11 they
fought at Stephenson's Ferry.
The next day they charged the
Confederate positions and helped
capture Winchester. Then they
rested for a week. They were to
have left to join the
maneuvering in eastern Virginia,
but Jackson's attack on Union
positions at Winchester caused a
permanent delay in such plans.
Now, part of Banks division, the
cavalry stayed in the Shenandoah
Valley into the fall.
In September, Lee was on the
move. Dern and his fellow
soldiers skirmished with
southern forces near Leesburg.
Both sides suffered dead,
wounded, and missing. From there
Cole's brigade dropped back to
Harper's Ferry just as
Confederate forces were
converging on that strategic
position. Gen. Miles, in command
of the garrison at Harper's
Ferry, ordered Cole to take his
unit and determine "the
character of the force marching
on you." Confederates were
attempting to take control of
the heights that ringed Harper's
Ferry. The fighting began in
earnest at around 6:30 AM on the
morning of the 13th. A battle of
"great fury" was taking place
and after two hours some Union
forces were retreating. "The One
hundred and twenty-sixth New
York has given way and
straggling through the woods.
All of our forces are falling
back," concluded a message to
the command in the town.
Col. Thomas, of the 3rd
Brigade warned, "The enemy are
extending their lines from the
top of the mountain down to the
river." He urgently communicated
shortly afterwards, "I cannot
hold my men. The One hundred and
twenty-sixth all run, and the
Thirty-second Ohio are out of
ammunition. I must leave the
hill unless you direct
The news was becoming bleak.
Reports on September 14, stated
"the enemy are planting
batteries on the Loudoun
Mountain." Soon there would be
more batteries on Loudon Heights
alone. "The cannonade is now
terrific; the enemy's shell and
shot fall in every direction;
houses are demolished and
detonation among the hills
terrible. It is kept up until
dark; our long-range ammunition
is expended; only 36 rounds
left," was the description of
one after battle report.
Harper's Ferry was surrounded.
Or, was it?
On the evening of September
14, Union officers gathered to
contemplate their fate. At what
was characterized as a "stormy
meeting, Col. Benjamin Davis, of
the 8th New York Cavalry, argued
that, "he didn't intend to hold
his hands and wait for the
inevitable." Members of Cole's
brigade complained to their
commander "that under nor
circumstances would 'Coles'
Cavalry surrender." According to
another account, Cole offered to
lead the troops through enemy
lines. There was still a bridge
to the north that might take a
fast moving contingent (cavalry)
across the river and past enemy
lines once darkness had fallen.
These forceful arguments by Cole
and Davis won the day. "Special
Order 120" was issued once the
meeting broke up. It stated,
[be] "Ready to leave at 8
o'clock without baggage, wagons,
ambulances or lead horses,
crossing the pontoon and taking
the Sharpsburg road. Without
loud noise or command." The men
involved, from the 12th
Illinois, Cole's cavalry, some
Rhode Islanders, and the 8th New
York, numbered around 1,300 men
with horses. As evening
approached they gathered near
the Quartermaster's office in
preparation for their escape.
One soldier remembered that one
of the garrison's sutlers,
knowing all would be lost to the
Confederates the next day,
distributed extra rations of
tobacco to those who wanted
As the sun went down, Davis,
and a group of 25 troopers, with
the help of, either a member of
Cole's brigade, or a "Unionist"
civilian, led the single file
column onto the bridge. Dusk and
the shadows of the surrounding
hills obscured the trotting
column of horsemen. The sound of
hooves on the bridge, the
neighing of horses, and the
clanking of gear made no
impression on the southern
soldiers, undoubtedly exhausted
from their days marches and
attacks, nearby. Quickly the
head of the column reached the
other side and headed up the
Sharpsburg road, right under the
noses of McLaws division on the
wooded heights above. The
darkness on the north side of
the river was memorable. One
Union soldier described that
night, "the only way was we
could tell how far we were from
our file leaders was by the
horses' shoes striking fire
against the stones in the road."
Their luck held, but as the last
troops made it out of Harper's
Ferry, the lead contingent was a
full ten miles ahead.
Two miles up the road Davis'
men scattered some pickets and
soon disappeared up the road
towards the town of Sharpsburg,
situated on Antietam Creek.
Scouts discovered an improvised
defensive position of an
overturned wagon and some fence
rails in the darkness ahead.
Instead of engaging the enemy at
that post, David ordered his men
off the road and through the
cornfields and pastures of the
surrounding farms in attempt to
outflank the position. Horses
gave out, men were grabbed by
comrades and pulled to their
still moving horses.
Later the column captured a
wagon train of ammunition
intended for Gen. Longstreet's
command. More importantly,
sometime during the night,
Abraham Dern, was captured. The
circumstances surrounding this
event are unclear. Maybe he was
separated from his company in
the dark. Perhaps his horse
collapsed and he wasn't rescued
by a passing comrade in arms.
Certainly he wouldn't have
agreed with one of the men on
the march that night that
"soldiering wasn't so bad, after
According to his records,
Dern was captured on the 14th,
but paroled the next day. The
parole system has been explained
in the following way: "Any
prisoner not exchanged within 10
days of being captured was to be
released upon signing a pledge
not to take up arms against his
captors until he had been
formally exchanged for an enemy
prisoner." The Confederates were
on the move and had no time for
prisoners that night. Abraham
promised not to take up arms
again and was released. The
parole system was filled with
problems for the opposing
armies. "The system operated on
the good faith of the
governments and the accompanying
governmental paperwork, and
sometimes several months would
pass before the paroled soldier
would be notified that he had
been exchanged. During that
time, the lucky soldiers would
be allowed to go to their homes
and wait until instructed to
rejoin their units. When the
failure of exchanged soldiers to
return to their units became a
problem, Union parolees would
sometimes be held in military
custody in federal detention
camps until exchanged." It is
equally unclear when he rejoined
his unit, but he undoubtedly
missed the action the next day
that became known as the Battle
of Antietam.
Rejoining his unit Abraham
was once more back in the
saddle. The early winter saw the
unit covering much of the same
ground as the year before with
engagements at Charlestown,
Berryville, and Winchester in
the first week of December 1862.
On December 20, the Company A
was on the receiving end of a
surprise attack, but under the
skilled leadership of Capt.
Vernon, circled back around the
Confederates and chased them for
over four miles. They captured
the leader of the Confederate
force and returned to camp.
Christmas, five days later,
although in dreary camp
surroundings, must have been a
little sweeter to the
participants of that previous
week's combat.
In the summer of 1863 Robert
E. Lee moved north into
Maryland. Crossing the Potomac
at several locations his units
headed for Pennsylvania. In the
records of Cole's Cavalry there
is noted a skirmish at Catoctin
Creek and Point of Rocks, Md. on
June at 17, 1863.
It is unclear the nature of
the skirmish, but one thing is
certain, Abraham was again
captured. This time there was no
quick parole. He was disarmed
and sent south on what one of
his fellow prisoners later
termed "the long tramp." These
prisoners were headed for
Richmond's Libby Prison. Some
soldiers taken prisoner at that
time were loaded on trains at
Staunton, Virginia. Whether
Abraham was allowed such comfort
is unclear, the "long tramp"
phrase does not suggest rail
Roland Bowen, taken prisoner
at Gettysburg a few weeks after
Dern's capture, remembered, "The
men could hardly be got along
and a great many had fallen out
exhausted. The guards would
hallo: "You, Yanks, go along
dare! get in ranks! doggon, you
Yanks!" On the 17th, we reached
Mt. Sidney, and on the 18th,
Staunton; having marched in
thirteen days 168 miles, over a
turn-pike, the majority of the
men barefoot, no blankets, and
no hats in some cases. At
Staunton, they took all the
India-rubber blankets from the
men, and on the 19th, we took
the train for Richmond, arriving
there on the morning of the
20th. Daylight, they marched us
to Libby - 700 of us - and kept
us three hours. While here, we
got a ration of bread and meat
(rather small), and one of the
chivalry shot a Kentucky
soldier, who was deaf, in the
arm - since died - for looking
out of the window. After this,
they searched us; took all our
money, writing-paper,
haversacks, etc., allowing us
only our blankets and caps."
Abraham Dern reached Richmond
sometime that June. Libby Prison
was a converted tobacco
warehouse which had been home to
prisoners, usually officers,
since early in the war.
Events At Libby Were Often
Reported in the Richmond Press
From the Richmond Examiner,
fifty wounded Yankee prisoners
were received at the Libby
prison hospital yesterday,
from Brandy station. Among
them were First Lieutenant
Edward J. Spaulding, Second
United States cavalry; Second
Lieutenant William Blanchard,
Second United States cavalry;
Captain William H. Sawyer,
First New Jersey cavalry; and
Second Lieutenant S. Weiser,
First Maryland cavalry."
From the Richmond Dispatch,
"Noisy. - On Monday
afternoon last officer Adams
arrested Margaret Barrett, a
middle-aged woman, for
attempting to force her way
into the Libby prison to
furnish the Yankees with
bread, and for being noisy and
disorderly in the streets.
When called before the Mayor
yesterday her tongue broke
loose from its fastenings, and
kept up such a continuous
uproar and confusion that she
had to be sent to prison
before anything else could be
From the Richmond Sentinel,
"The Yankees at Prayers. -
We learn that the Yankees
confined at Libby Prison,
among whom are one or two
chaplains, are holding prayer
meetings nearly every day. We
should as soon expect the
natives of the Fejee Island to
unite in the adoration of the
Most High, but there is no
limit to the presumption of an
unadulterated Yankee. Can
anybody imagine a more
shameless proceeding than the
offering of a prayer to God by
a man who has willfully and
wantonly violated the
commandants of Jehovah. Let
the officers of the prison
have written upon the walls
thereof such part of the 21st
verse 2d chapter of Romans as
may be applicable to the
chaplain and his hearers."
There is no record of Abraham
Dern's particular experience at
Libby Prison. In later years he
wrote that he had been treated
by a southern doctor when he
contracted dysentery, but this
may have been at his second stop
at Belle Isle.
Belle Island
Belle Island had opened
following the 1st Battle of Bull
Run. Intended to hold 3,000
prisoners in its tent city,
noncommissioned officers and
enlisted men, the numbers
usually ran well above that.
The Richmond Press Reports
on Belle Island
From the Richmond Examiner,
BELLE ISLE is again barren
of Yankee prisoners, the whole
number having been sent away
Northward. The tents and camp
arrangement will, however,
remain for the accommodation
From the Richmond Examiner,
in Richmond, number 4,300, of
which number 3,309 are at the
Belle Isle encampment. Several
thousand were sent Northward
last week. Very few additional
prisoners were received
yesterday from all sources.
The Central train brought
none, for a wonder. - The
Gettysburg fountain of "blue
bellies" has about run dry.
By leaving when he did
Abraham Dern avoided much great
suffering. One prisoner at Belle
Island wrote, "Stormy and
disagreeable weather. From
fifteen to twenty and
twenty-five die every day and
are buried just outside the
prison with no coffins- nothing
but canvas wrapped around them."
So wrote captured Union soldier
John Ransom in his November 27,
1863, diary entry from Belle
Island Prison. On February 11,
1864, the 20-year-old brigade
quartermaster wrote that there
was "a good deal of fighting
going on among the men;" they
were "just like so many hungry
wolves penned together." Bands
of predatory prisoners roamed
the encampment, robbing their
fellow prisoners of rations,
blankets, and anything else they
In these prisons where the
prisoners cooked their own food,
the possession of a skillet or
tin pail raised a man much above
the level of his fellows. He
might gain greater riches by
charging rent, such as a share
of everything cooked, or a
button, a pin, a sheet of paper,
or tobacco.
Another northern prisoner at
Belle Island in August 1863 was
Roland Bowen of Massachusetts.
His descriptions of Belle Island
provide a first hand account of
the world that Abraham Dern
entered when he was transferred
to that facility.
Bowen estimated the number of
prisoners there in August to be
around 4,000.
According to Bowen, "Very
seldom during my stay on the
Island that all could get into
tents. At times many hundreds
had to sleep on the street and
in the ditch with out a blanket
or an overcoat. I say blanket or
overcoat. They were half naked
and would lay down 8 or 10
together like pigs just as close
as they could get, in this way
they would shiver out a part of
the night, the remainder of wick
they would walk the street."
"The silent hours of night
are always broken by the
dismal tread of a hundred
shivering forms as they pass
to and fro." (the spelling is
Abraham Dern's illnesses
either continued at Belle Island
or started there. Medical
services were described this
way, "The sick are much better
taken care of than formerly; the
[re] was a time when it was
almost impossible to get a sick
man out to the hospital. You
might hear men at all hours of
the day crying out Steward;
Steward; I want to get a sick
man out to the hospital, don't
expect he can live but a short
time. Answer. can't help it,
have no room for him. Nine times
out of ten this would be the
answer. Yes, I believe nineteen
out of twenty, and the poor
wretch would be left to die
without ever seeing a physician
or having the first identical
thing done to relieve him of his
sufferings, until at last death
relieves him of all his
The Hospital is a large tent
and will accommodate twenty or
twenty-five patients, when this
is full they are taken over to
Richmond. Sometimes this is not
done for weeks, consequently no
sick are taken out of camp. I
think at one time the deaths in
camp were from three to five
daily, my only surprise is that
the mortality under the
circumstances was not greater."
The quality of the food was
particularly strong memory of
the soldier from Massachusetts.
He wrote, "About 4 oc P.M. we
get supper, the routine is about
the same except that we get 6
buckets of soup instead of meat,
more appropriately called slush
or swill. Sometimes it is rice,
at other beans, and once in
awhile mush.
The beans are a very inferior
kind, I think I never saw any
like them before, they are very
small and dark colored. It is
said they grow wild in many
parts of the South and are
commonly called peas. I should
never call them peas however.
The quality of the rice would
be very good if they would pick
it over, but the quantity, Lord.
The mush would be very good if
it was not for the absence of
meal. I have seen many a pail of
soup, say ten or twelve quarts,
with less than a pint of beans
or rice in them.
Sometimes for supper we would
get a few miserable half decayed
sweet potatoes. A few times we
got potatoes and soup both at
the same time.
Occasionally in the place of
bread we got 3 hard tack and a
little pork in the place of
soup, with came from our lines.
Very little of the provisions
sent by our Government ever
reached us, and when they did
they were sparingly dealt out
to us in place of Confederate
rations. We expected to get a
little extra when they should
arrive but in this we were bound
to be disappointed.
I have not mentioned the
irregularity in our rations.
This was a serious and shameful
annoyance and I believe at many
times inexcusable on the part of
those in charge. It was not a
rare occurrence that no bread
would be brought over from
Richmond and we would have to
go without a particle of supper.
Our bread and meat was always
very good, the meat however, was
mostly fore quarters. This I
suppose is owing to the beeves
all having four legs, yet we
would not find fault at that if
they would only be a little more
liberal with the quantity. When
we used to get flour bread I
think I never saw better wheat
bread in my life. I think a
majority of the prisoners
prefer corn bread, especially
those who have no money."
Abraham's dysentery was the
result of the water supply. His
fellow prisoner recalled "In
consequence of the long
accumulating [sic] filth the
water is getting to be very
disagreeable. Formerly we had
about twenty small wells or
holes from 4 to 8 feet deep with
a barrel or barrels placed
therein. These failed to furnish
the necessary supply as the
prisoners [sic] increased. Then
3 or 4 wells were dug in various
parts of the camp and boarded up
inside to keep them from caving
in, but these barely do their
duty. Recently we got water from
the river, many of us drinking
but very little water from the
wells. The river water in cold
weather is splendid. The
Confederacy never furnished us
with any soap or accommodations
for cleanliness what ever. . . .
The sink [latrine] is down by
the river side. Formerly we were
allowed to go out to it during
the night. But some took
advantage of this and swimming
[sic] the river escaped, after
wich [sic] the gate was closed
at dark and no man allowed to go
out. As there were 6000
prisoners [sic] on 3 acres of
ground you must know that the
condition of the camp in the
morning must be filthy beyond
description. They had men
detailed to clean the camp every
morning but it was not half
done, much of the offal being
covered up rather than carried
away. And I think I may safely
say that one fourth of the filth
is never touched at all. Again
the cleaning is neglected
entirely for days a time. Should
the prisoners [sic] be kept on
Belle Island until the return of
hot weather, the health of the
camp will be in a terrible [sic]
condition and the mortality
In addition, there were lice.
"Lice are a great pestilence. No
one that has never been a
prisoner can really appreciate
the blessing of a change of
clothing with a chance to wash
the same. I don't deny being
lousy when I went on to the
Island, but I was not alive with
them. I had been there but a
short time before every crevice
and seam in my few remaining
rags were full of lice and nits.
I used to pick lice from one to
two hours a day, and then it was
with the most utmost difficulty
that I keep them in subjection.
On the ground they could be seen
crawling in all directions."
Fortunately for Abraham Dern
the exchange system for
prisoners was still functioning.
Prisoners were exchanged on the
following basis:
- 1 general = 46 privates
- 1 major general = 40
- 1 brigadier general = 20
- 1 colonel = 15 privates
- 1 lieutenant colonel = 10
- 1 major = 8 privates
- 1 captain = 6 privates
- 1 lieutenant = 4 privates
- 1 noncommissioned officer
= 2 privates
Following their release from
prison Abraham Dern and his
fellow prisoners went to Camp
Parole where they were tended
to, provided fresh clothes, and
fed while a determination was
made concerning where to send
them. From Camp Parole Dern
returned to Cole's Cavalry.
Roughly a year following his
release from prison Abraham Dern
was mustered out of the army on
August 19, 1864. On August 24,
1865, Abraham married Ann
Reddick at the Pleasant Glade
Parsonage in Frederick County,
by Rev. Steiner.