Historical Photos
Over the years, we've received many photos for contributors all across the country. Many will someday be
the focus of stories, but until that time come, we thought you might enjoy seeing them ... if they bring back any memories, please share then with us!
(To see a larger version of the photos, simply click on it - you'll find you can see in the larger
versions fascinating.)
Set 2 - Index of photos

Old fountain in center of square ~ 1900
(History of the Fountain of Emmitsburg)

Center square of town looking west ~ 1896

Center square of town looking North West ~ 1896

Center square of town looking East ~ 1896

Horner Bank - NE corner of square in 1887
(Note phone lines - this building was home to first phone system in town)

NE corner of square during we believe 'Old Home Week' 1908

Main Street following the great blizzard of 1914

Center square looking South East - Hotel Slagle ~ 1920

Center square looking South East - Hotel Slagle ~ 1920
(Photo taken after civil war plaques were installed around fountain)

Center square of town ~ 1920s

Center square of town - 1947

Center square of town, Looking West - 1951

Removal of the blinker ~ 1950s
Index of photos: Set 3 of photos
Have an old photo of Emmitsburg area?
If so, please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net and we'll
arrange to have it scanned and added to this collection |