Historical Photos - The Square
Over the years, we've received many photos for contributors all across the country. Many will someday be the
focus of stories, but until that time come, we thought you might enjoy seeing them ... if they bring back any memories, please share then with us! (To see a
larger version of a photo, simply click on it)
North West Corner

Old fountain in center of square ~ 1900
(History of the Fountain of Emmitsburg)

Square ~ 1911

North West Corner~ 1885 - Largest building is Annan-Horner Bank

North West Corner ~ 1920 - Largest building is Annan-Horner Bank

1922 Gettysburg Reunion march

The "Senga Gift Shop" was located on the square in the space which is now a part of Crouse's. The shop was Treiber's Gift
Shop, who is seen in the background. Dr. Treiber operated a drug store which occupied the rest of the space where Crouse's now is. The clerk is Marguerite
Peters Wolfe. This picture was taken about 1928.

North West Corner ~ 1930s

Center square of town, Looking West - 1951

Removal of the blinker ~ 1950s

Rotering's Clothing Store ~ 1915
Same Site ~ 1951 Crouse's Store, Center Square

North East Corner

Center square of town looking East~ 1885

NE corner ~ 1896

Sketch of Horner Bank - NE corner of square in 1887
(Note phone lines - this building was home to first phone system in town)
Taylor Brothers Built this building

Annan Brother's House ~ 1880s
(Note cobblestone Street)

NE corner during 'Old Home Week' 1908

NE corner during 'Old Home Week' 1908

NE corner during 'Old Home Week' 1908

Houck's Store - Building was formally
Annan Brother's mirror image homes
Read Ed Houck's - Living on the Square
South East Corner

Slagel Hotel ~ 1911

Center square looking South East - Hotel Slagle ~ 1920

Center square looking South East - Hotel Slagle ~ 1920
(Photo taken after civil war plaques were installed around fountain)
When the Mondorf's operated the hotel, they had a restaurant on the first floor on the
east side between the band and the hotel

Motorcycle Club in front of Post Office on Square ~ 1920's

Center square of town - 1947

Mac's Coffee Shop ~ 1951
South West Corner

Center square of town looking west ~ 1896

Center square of town looking west ~ early 1900s

Center square of town looking west ~ early 1910s

Emmitsburg Post Office ~ 1900
(Annan & Brother's Building is present day Ott House Restaurant)
Zimmerman owned the building

Zimmerman's Store ~ 1915
Store to right was formally a Tea Room run by Mary Eckenrode ~ 1940

Emmitsburg Post Office ~ 1951
Doorway on right was access to apartments on second floor
(Louie Stoner Post Master, Earl Gelwicks, Jim Adlesburger, Gerald Rider, Bob Topper, Vince Topper)
Prior to Stoner Mrs. Combs was Post Master)

Moffit's Restaurant, Center Square ~ 1951

American Store ~ 1951
Present Day Ott house - prior to that it was the C. A. Harner's Grocery Store, prior to that it was the
Isaac S. Annan & Brother General Store.
Have an old photo of Emmitsburg area?
If so, please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net and we'll
arrange to have it scanned and added to this collection.
Know a story about a particular building on this page?
Is so, please send it to us at history@emmitsburg.net |