The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 16
| Chapter Index
Chapter 17: 1828
Mr. Basil Elder chronicles a
concert which took place about this
time, a sort of grand jubilation over
the success of the new building. The
musical numbers were interspersed with
speeches and declamations by members
of the Philomathian Society. "The
President and professors were of
course in attendance, together with
several visitors from New York and
elsewhere: among them was a gentleman
from Pennsylvania, whose son was
learning music and was a member of the
orchestra, but was totally incapable
of performing the pieces selected for
the concert. What was to be done that
the father might not be hurt at the
exclusion of his son from the
performance? James Meline, who was
always equal to any emergency, at once
suggested to Mr. Gegan the application
of tallow, and the boy entered into
the scheme most cheerfully. He took
his stand with the others and
flourished his greased bow as
vigorously as the leader Mr. Joe Gegan
himself. Neither the President, the
father, nor any one outside the
music-room suspected the fraud at the
time and the boy himself enjoyed the
joke as much as the rest. Boys were
boys, even in those days."
Mr. McGerry having gone to
Baltimore, Mr. Egan writes to him
under date of January 16,1828,
Wednesday evening: "I profit by the
return of Mr. Fitzpatrick to write. .
. . All are well here. ..."

Rev. John
McGerry, Third President |
The reference to Mr. Fitzpatrick is
connected with the infrequency of the
mail and also with the high rate of
postage. A letter to Washington cost
ten cents, to Philadelphia eighteen,
to New York twenty-five, to New
Orleans fifty, etc. Hence people took
advantage of travelers to send
letters; in order to keep down the
weight they used no envelopes; they
wrote criss-cross; used thin paper;
sometimes wrote to two persons on the
same sheet, and so on. The wafer or
seal frequently injured the manuscript
when the letter was opened.
Meantime Father Brute, like the
watchman upon the tower, keeps a
vigilant eye for all actual or
anticipated negligences or abuses,
which he fears the inexperience and
youth of the present heads of the
establishment will allow to creep into
this his cherished vineyard, and his
notes show that the subject of reunion
with St. Sulpice, either in Baltimore
or Paris, still occupied his thoughts.
He carefully goes over the pros and
cons, both in circumstances and
persons, but the memoranda are too
involved to be of interest. From those
of March, 1828, we collect that Father
Egan was then only 26 years old, F.
McGerry 32, and F. Purcell 28. Brute
believed in moving in the direction
which Providence seemed to prepare and
indicate, and not in forcing or
anticipating Providence; for instance,
by at once seeking " unqualified union
with and surrender" to Baltimore,
rather than to France. " In the future
when we are free from debt, and so
free to choose, we may consider
whether to join a society in France or
Ireland, or to unite under such
modification of the original Sulpician
vocation as is admitted in Canada, or
better, perhaps to form an association
entirely new. This last way is how
most of the best and most efficient
societies have been formed, self-modelled
by circumstances. . . . All in good
time. . . . Expecta, re-expecta. . .
." "After five or seven years, when
debts will be of no account, we can
give lower terms to Catholics rather
than try to increase by more wealthy
Protestants. We shall have improved
also in the efficiency of the
seminarians, and having more priests,
may, with the Archbishop's approval,
take charge: 1, of Mt. St. Mary's; 2,
perhaps of Emmitsburg; 3, the Furnace
Church and district (this is the only
intimation that a mission was
established in that locality before
the 50's), including Mechanicstown
(Thurmont), Moraviatown (Graceham),
Creagerstown, Cavetown, etc.; 4,
Harbaugh Valley Church and environs;
5, maybe, Liberty town, and 6, maybe,
Wainsburg; 7, maybe, Taneytown after
M. Zocchi's demise; 8, maybe,
Gettysburg. One, two or three
missionaries might attend these
stations, and in course of time
permanent pastorships might be
established."This would be natural
development which "might be interfered
with by premature union, unqualified
at its foundation," with another body.
We could then also supply with
subjects such institutions in
Baltimore or elsewhere, say
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Bedford.
Pittsburg, Wheeling, Hagerstown,
Frederick itself, as might need and
desire the supply."
"Nay, after even only twenty or
twenty-five years of good management
and the blessing of Providence, who
knows what form then of Society would
arise naturally, strongly,
sufficiently cemented, and offer a
kind of little Jesuit Society to the
Church of America, ready to engage in
earnest the missionaries and prove a
great desideratum realized."
9. Here of course easily retreats,
&c.; from here the Sisters supplied as
before, old priests (retiring), &c.,
But the light-hearted Frenchman has
a heart and a pen for everyday doings
too, as is shown by this extract from
his diary:
"A.M. D. G.
"Fancy the 4 March, 1828, as passed
by the log-house begun for Mrs.
McEntee and her daughter. Honor to old
age and filial piety, too. On the 6th
of March, in the year of our Lord
1828, may it please his divine majesty
a mite for the widow!
"At the Seminary of Mount St.
Mary's, according to previous
resolves, as agreed with the very
reverend landlord and proprietor, the
same minister of the Interior and
Public Works on all the premises of
said Seminary, John McGerry.
"After a good, hearty meal or
dinner, so called, a number of
Gentlemen (and no ladies) went to the
ground that surrounds the hermitage,
intended to be finished, to receive
and harbor that good old pious woman
now at Mr. Nat. Elder's, Mrs. McEntee,
and her most deserving daughter,
determined to see it cleared all
around for half an acre, or acre, as
directed by the very reverend Sir
above named and duly qualified, to the
intent and purpose that a small, neat
garden, 'och!' with its cabbages,
potatoes, onions, and the like,
besides the proper garnish of a few
flowers, rose trees and high
sunflowers in the middle and corners,
with two or three bending peach trees
looking over the whole, may be there
prepared by taking away the stumps and
main big stones, leveling and clearing
the wild bushes and, if necessary,
burning them, trying moreover to
destroy the poison oaks on the
fence-rails on the sandy ground lately
cleared along the east side of the
nursery garden, the stable and the
brook, and setting up these around the
patch, to be prepared for these two
said good souls. The whole remaining a
future improvement to the Seminary
grounds, as well as a lasting monument
of the kind and honorable feelings of
the undertakers of said deed of love.
"And were present: 1. All the Johns
that could be caught by the good
thought; John Hickey, John McGerry too
and his little brother; John Gildea I
reckon, and John Purcell I dare say,
besides the Simon, to be sure McSherry,
Duffy, Riley, Major and Minor, and 2.
Of the boys a full, noisy, clattering
eager and gay brigade." Need we call
attention to Brute's merry Gallic
This was the "Peggy" of early days
and doughnut fame, whose house on the
Mountain-side had been appropriated,
in the exigencies of the growing
College, as the residence of one of
the lay professors Mons. Marcilly.
On Palm Sunday, March 30, 1828,
Rev. Mr. Egan had a hemorrhage, while
preaching at the Sisterhood, which
nearly proved fatal. His health failed
very rapidly.
The following letter marks a point
in the history of the Church in
America ; Most Rev. James Whitfield
succeeded Archbishop Marechal, who had
died on January 29, in the 60th year
of his age and the 11th of
his episcopate:
Baltimore, April 29, 1828.
Rev. Dear Sir: Your very kind
letter afforded me singular pleasure,
and I thank you for your benevolent
congratulations, prayers and goodwill
which my elevation to the awful
dignity and charge of Archbishop has
elicited from you and your worthy
Bev11- Associates. If my appointment
has taken place, it is entirely due to
the late Archbishop, who in
petitioning for it had only in view
the preservation of the present order
of things which at least he expected
under my administration, and
especially a fostering patronage for
the Seminaries of Baltimore and Mt.
St. Mary's. If I hope to act and
govern, taking him for my model, my
hope is in the Divine assistance,
which I shall endeavor to obtain. . .
We shall be glad to see you at the
consecration by Bp. Flaget, and as
many of your gentlemen as may be able
to come, to whom I beg you will
present my respects. Assuring you of
my sincere regard and attachment for
Mount St. Mary's Seminary, I am, Dr.
Revd. Sir, Yours, James Whitfield.
P. S. Mr best compliment to the
Revd. Mr. Brute’. and many thanks for
his last affectionate and edifying
letter. I beg he will pray and ask
also for me the prayers of all the
Apostles, Martyrs and Confessors who
have borne the name of James,
especially those whom he has
At this time there were 25 American
priests in the Archdiocese of
Baltimore; 12 Irishmen, 11 French, 5
Belgians, 2 Germans, 2 Italians, 2
Englishmen, 1 Pole, 1 Mexican, 1
Bavarian, 62 in all.
Father Brute’ was present in
Baltimore, at the consecration of the
new Archbishop, and the following
letter must have been of this date,
1828, since Bishop Flaget was not
again in Baltimore at the season of
Pentecost. It is addressed to
Josephine Seton.
Tuesday or Pentecost (1828).
My dear Josephine: What full
conversation about Mother had I
yesterday with Mgr. Flaget, with whom
I crossed the sea the first time, just
to be at the very beginning of that
Valley, now the scene of such an
extensive blessing. "O Mother,
Mother," we said, could she ever have
known what, in the secret of oar dear
Lord. He had prepared to meet her
simple offering of herself to His only
glory and love, as He should Himself
see best, only so purely, but the
consequences so perfectly unforeseen
to herself; nay, equally so to those
who at first might have feared to
suggest too great a sacrifice for God
and for Eternity! For God. coming for
us to Bethlehem, dying for us on the
Cross for Eternity, no less than
Himself enjoyed in Heaven face to face
with Mary and the Saints forever. All
the sacrifices were made with a heart
which God Himself, whose grace
accomplished them through it, knew,
although to those who saw nearest that
heart they were but dimly felt. Your
Mother, Josephine, your dear Mother,
why do I try to speak of her to you?
My dear Josephine, look from your
valley to New York, and on every side;
not the hundreds, but now the
thousands of children blessed through
your Mother. Now only all respect and
affection to you and William. Pray for
me. S. Brute’.
The earliest of the few Programs,
which are to be found, of the
proceedings at the close of the
Scholastic year is this of 1828.
Exhibition at Mount St. Mary's
June 30, 1828.
Distribution of Premiums.
- Music. Daniel Byrnes of
Baltimore - The Calm of the Soul.
- Wm. K. Sanderson of Frederick,
Md.- Lines to the memory of
Washington (original).
- Music. Thomas C. Evans of
South Carolina - Jupiter's Address
to the Inferior Deities (Greek).
- Francis L. Higgins of Norfolk,
Va. - Address to Greece.
- Music. Edward P. Fry of
Philadelphia - The Ruin of Israel.
- William B. Hill of Marboro,
Md. - Ode to Washington (Latin,
- Music. Edward P. McCardle of
Hagerstown, Md. - Oration on the
mutual influence of
- Government and Letters
- Music. David M. Whelan of
Baltimore - War Song of the
- John Argos of Caraccas, S. Am.
- Speech of Brutus to the
- Music. Fielding Lucas of
Baltimore - Apostrophe to the
- Music. Edmund A. Meany of
Philadelphia - Battle of Tallavera.
- Dominick Kelly of Cork,
Ireland - Genseric, or the Capture
of Borne (original).
- Music. James Barry of
Baltimore - The Last Man.
- Music. Edward Hurley of
Philadelphia - Fall of Warsaw.
- Music. Joseph E. Fry of
Philadelphia - Oration on
Philosophy (original).
On July 3rd Rev. M. Egan writes
from Baltimore, telling of the
intended visit of Archbishop
Whitfield, Rev. Messrs. Tessier 8. S.
and Deluol 8. 8. to the Mountain and
St. Joseph's. He also tells of one of
the stages being upset near
Reisterstown, but fortunately none of
the boys were hurt. " Joe Gegan," he
adds "seems determined to go to Canada
with me."
He writes again from Philadelphia,
July 6, 1828, and we cannot but
perceive the note of sadness and
despondency. No wonder, however, that
he longed for home, the Mountain where
he had lived from his seventh year!
"... I dine tomorrow with Col.
Biddle and Mr. Peters, who are
equally enthusiastic friends of the
Mount. Mr. Tessier is to send his
nephew with me. There will be
several other new comers. Mr. Fry is
delighted and wishes Bill and Ned to
go back. . . . The good Bishop is
here yet and will set sail about the
15th. He wishes me much to accompany
him; I am to see Dr. Chapman
tomorrow and will await his
decision. ... I wish I were home,
and feel tempted to go no further
than New York. . . . Please write to
me soon and tell me all about home."
Mr. Hizelberger in a letter to
Father McGerry refers to the visit of
the Sulpician gentlemen:
Baltimore, 21 July, 1828.
. . . Mr. Deloughery and myself
are alone in Baltimore that is, the
only seminarians, for our confreres
have not yet returned from the other
cities, and Le Grand Seminaire has
fled to the Mountain, where you no
doubt are entertaining its
representatives and supporting, with
your usual readiness and ability,
the honor and dignity of the
Mountain. Long may it endure and
long may you live to exercise your
zeal on so worthy an object I The
wishes of all interested in the
welfare of Mount St. Mary's I hope
may be fully gratified in seeing us
with a full house this year, and
indeed, as far as I can see and
hear, the prospect is pleasing and
satisfactory. May we succeed as well
as in the past . . .
The foundation for the addition to
the Old Mountain Church was dug in the
spring of this year. This enlargement
consisted in adding the wings and a
space equal to their width to the rear
of the building the space now, 1908,
occupied by the sanctuary and
vestries. Father Brute laid out the
plateau in front.
It may be interesting to read that
the sum to be paid on the completion
of this addition: 73 feet by 33, the
walls to be from 22 to 24 inches ; the
mason to furnish his tools and keep
them in order and board his men; the
College to furnish his materials, was
two hundred dollars.
It will be remembered that Prof.
Joe Gegan accompanied the Rev. M. Egan
to Canada, whither the latter went for
health or to get money and students
perhaps. Mr, Gegan was not favorably
impressed ; a lawyer and musician
could scarcely feel at his ease in a
Canadian Seminary, of that date at
least. He writes to Father McGerry:
Phil., Aug. 1, 1828.
Rev. and dear friend: I would
willingly have accompanied the
bearer of these few lines, but my
friends in the city of brotherly
love were determined to hold me
captive for a few days more. No rest
for poor Pat! Dinners, music
parties, &c. occupy all my time. I
often sigh after the retirement of
my room or the society of yourself
and the Revolutionary shaving cup!
[Mr. McGerry was of Revolutionary
stock.] My description of Canada
will not exactly correspond with Mr.
Egan's so far at least as the
hospitality of its inhabitants is
concerned. Heaven help the Canadians
should my eulogy of them have any
weight in a political or literary
scale, especially the Seminary of
Montreal! ' C'est la regie, C'est la
regie' et voila tout!" That sentence
must serve for your breakfast,
dinner, grog, supper and bed. Rather
slender food to digest but you can
get no more. The rites of
hospitality are discarded parceque
c'est la regie! When Uncle Sam's
little bunting once more displayed
its waving folds on Lake Champlain
my heart leaped for joy. Then the
blessings of civilization (for the
Canadas are semi-barbarous!) again
smiled. The Green Mountains of
Vermont seemed to frown with
contempt on the raw, barren, sandy
soil of John Bull in America. It
appears to me that the genius of
Liberty in tracing the extent of her
territory North in this Republic,
threw aside her pencil in despair,
shocked at the idea of having to
preside over the destinies of those
black regions. We will talk this
matter over at the Mount. You need
never fear that Montreal will ever
serve as the theatre of my musical
or legal exertions. Philadelphia has
afforded me infinite pleasure.
How the gentlemen would have roared
at this layman's description of his
welcome ! The cup of coffee especially
which formed the Frenchman's early
morning repast must have tan talized
his American stomach. No wonder he
thought it "slender."
Rev. M. Egan to Father McGerry:
Baltimore, Aug. 30, 1828, Sunday.
. . . The Archbishop seems very
much pleased with his visit to
Georgetown and the Mountain . . .
Our prospects seem as flattering as
ever but we will lose all the boys
from Havana. The King of Spain has
issued an edict for their recall
immediately the two Porins, Pie, and
Fabre. The College here will lose
nine or ten . . . Best love to all.
I feel dispirited, more than I can
express my health is better.
The scholastic year began in those
days, and until quite modern times, on
the 15th of August. Thus those fearful
days of waning August and early
September were spent in class and
We find the following beautiful
letter from Father Brute to Rev. Mr.
McGerry, without date, but postmarked
" Frederick, Aug. 19." It is written
in his own English:
Safe so far, my dear Brother. We
arrived at 8 o'c. Mr. McElroy is at
the Manor, but comes this morning
about 10, and the stage starts only
at 1 o'c. So I will have the
pleasure to see him.
A most pleasing weather cooling
though, morning and evening, so I
recommend you to see with Sister
Genoveva that Mr. Lynch be well
secured for his stages and
steamboats on his way to
Philadelphia and for his stay there,
for the fatal origin of his delicate
state now was precisely the want of
change of flannels; excellent
friend, I can't see him leaving the
house without concern, but himself
and the doctor seem to wish it and
consider the travel as hopeful. May
God bless him I We live in such a
hurry and press of business so as to
live very little for one another
time for that when snugly all
gathered together in heaven! Yet our
poor sick member claims special
attention. Sorry for my part to be
absent when he leaves; I entreat our
nursing father McGerry to attend on
him as a father indeed.
I never know better how I love
you all even my distant friend Egan
than when abroad but no matter
indeed our I and I and I God is all,
I the foreigner and old one making
fast probably ahead of you all for
the grave, I ought to be the more
detached, less caring for mutual
marks of affection, yet am ashamed
to feel occasionally very unworthy
times of disappointment a weakness
of bad example whenever I let
anything of it be perceived by
foolish ill-humor. I will try better
this year.
So great, so elevated, our common
object the true service, God's
service, and not one another's
service, unless for His sake and
only to please Him who commanded our
loving one another and even making
it the mark of being truly his
disciples. Well then, let us, my
dear Brother, let us this year
strive anew for the best service and
love, as if in the heart of our
Mother and trying to secure our
assumption and being forever with
her at that true Mount St. Mary, the
Mountains or Eternal Hills of God. "Oculos
ad Montes colles Eternitatis."
Our object, whole object, indeed
of the College too, certainly is to
give to the Church more of our
beloved young priests; the many
already spread from East to West but
alas! yet the "quid haec inter
tantos!" the laborers few, alas!
for the immensity of a harvest which
could be easily gathered and is lost
on all sides, for only by my last
letter of M. Dubois it is for tears
of blood to see what is to be done
and can't be done, at least for a
long while long, long after our
tombs will be clustering around M.
Duhamel' s one and those of the
blessed youths taken away in their
prime intention all carried to their
account, nothing, alas! to save
other souls with their own 25,000
did Roment ask for, [Roment, a
French Seminarian who had died some
time before] but was it 25 each one,
think of another and another and
another soul besides our own to give
eternal praise and love and enjoy
eternal bliss with Mary, saints and
angels, with Vincent, Francis,
Augustine, Paul and then the old
patriarchs to the beginning of our
family, even our unfortunate parents
Adam and Eve.
O think of that! but seeing the
wonderful ways of God, for that poor
human family, turn to simple
adoration! "O altiudo! quis cognovit
sensum Domini, aut quis consiliarius
"Per ipsum et cum ipso et in
ipso!" this is our whole mind it
continually, all, let us all mind it
incessantly we are nothing, let us
not forget it indeed our personal
effort, care, solicitude, nothing
Jesus Christ is all in all even our
good will, our prayers and sighs for
the Church are nothing but with,
through and in Him, as we so
forcibly declare every day at Mass
let us think of that our divine
faith is that we and the whole world
sinful and nothing of itself would
not give glory but Jesus Christ came
to be the whole religion and hope of
all then let our devotion be more
and more enlightened and fervent.
Let no distraction, no
self-importance, self or money or
talent confidence, seize upon our
poor blind forgetful souls but our
all in all be truly what it should
be, our conviction of our (word
effaced) as for ourselves and our
boundless and most tender trust in
our Jesus success or disappointment
as He will appoint! Let it be so at
meditation at Mass eminently at
communion and then amidst studies or
affairs frequently recalled. I long
for a chapel near the house, more
for us than the boys, for the more
frequent visits of the B. Sacrament,
yours particularly so often
prevented by the distance and for
that 300 or 400 dollars were quite
enough, a little Bethlehem as at
Pigeon Hills no more because more to
design will be nothing to have yet
for years, as since so long I did
urge it with M. Dubois and now two
years with you by little memoirs
that I need not repeat here I know
no Seminary in France without its
chapel at hand.
But that too I should resign!
only I say that I care little that
my doors are mahogany-colored this
year they pleased me enough white
last year and my cot the pure wood
not green and if propriety directed
the change as of many other things I
think for my part that the propriety
of the chapel would be more urging
"establish first God,'' said M.
Olier, ''the rest to follow by and
by;" the want of a chapel none can
feel more than yourself. I must then
leave it to you. Your Brother, S.
The cares of the children and
negroes is still more urging souls,
souls, the true temples of God let us
try to bring them all around us and be
as if a kind of standard parish for
our young priests to imitate. [What
depth there is in this last phrase if
it were only practicable!]
Meanwhile Mr. Egan was obliged to
resign, and left the Mountain for New
York on the 8th of October, 1828, to
visit France and Italy. He was
accompanied by Richard Whelan, a
seminarian, who entered the Sulpician
Seminary of Paris and remained there
until August of the year 1832. Mr.
Egan visited Rome and was received by
Cardinal Capellari, Prefect of the
Propaganda, afterwards Pope Gregory
XVI, with great kindness.
"On the 2nd of November, 1828, a
boy aged nine years died in the
infirmary. He was Gabriel Duponceau
Garesche, and we find some touching
notes regarding his last moments in M.
Brute's handwriting. The child had a
nurse named Biddy Boyd, who came to
see him and care for him in his
illness. It was very touching. They
were all very kind to the child and to
Biddy, and Father Brute's letter to
the father on the boy's death affected
him so much that he could not answer
for a long time. Some one wrote:
Of all the flowers
that look up to Heaven. How soon
have the loveliest sunk to the tomb!
On the 5th of November Rev. James
A. Lynch, the first to go of the
priests, died of consumption, during 5
o'c. studies (Wednesday evening). He
was buried on Friday at 10 o'c. Mr.
Purcell preached his funeral sermon.
Mr. Brute, with John McCaffrey and
some other seminarians, were with him
when he died. Here are some lines
written on the cross at the head of
the Rev. Jas. A. Lynch's grave:
Could science claim exemption
from the grave, Thy gentle manners
or thy virtues save, Would yield to
memory oft affection's tear, The
fervent prayers of those who hold
thee dear;, Could earth detain thee
from the bliss that's given. To
those like thee who seek their home
in Heaven, Then loved and cherished,
left to deck the scene, In joy or wo
the friend thou e' er hadst been,
Thou hadst not yet reposed thy
drooping head To slumber silent
midst these lonely dead.
Father John F. McGerry succeeded
Father Egan as President, but we find
no record of his election. Here is a
letter to him from Rev. John Tessier,
S. S., Superior of the Baltimore
St. Mary’s Seminary, Balt., Nov.
19, 1828.
Rev. and dear Sir: I was informed
of the death of Mr. Lynch on the
Friday after; and have repeatedly
recommended him to the prayers of
our gentlemen and seminarians; I
hope that our Lord has had mercy
upon his soul. I had accepted to
acquit eighteen masses, which he had
to say, and I have just said them
all. I hope that his death causes no
deficiency in your establishment.
The absence of the Revd Mr. Egan
must have been felt very much; but I
think that you have been prepared
for it. I wish that our Lord may
continue to pour his blessings on
you all. And I request you to pray
for us also; and I remain with
sincere affection . . .
Archbp. Whitfield was now very much
pressed for want of priests and writes
to Pres. McGerry:
Baltimore, 17 Dec., 1828.
Rend, and dear Sir: After
consulting the Kevds Tessier and
Deluol and with their advice I write
this letter.
It is sometime since the Rev. Mr.
Hickey, S. S., Pastor at Emmitsburg,
expressed a desire to be removed
from his present situation, and Mr.
Tessier approves of such a removal.
Mr. Deluol would not be adverse to
it either, if his place could be
supplied from the College of Mount
St. Mary's, but for a confessor at
the Sisters he fixes upon Mr.
Purcell and says if this gentleman
can find time, Mr. Hickey might be
spared for the Mission, where he is
much wanted and the congregation of
Emmitsburg might be attended by
yourself or Mr. Brute'.
There are several congregations
going to destruction for want of
missioners, but no where at present
is the want felt more than in the
three congregations of which Mr.
Wiseman was pastor, viz. Upper and
Lower Zacharias and Matawoman.
[Names of places are changed so
often that it is hard to identify
them. Ed.]
In my late visitation I confirmed
in those churches, but Mr. Wifieman
was present only in one, and'as Mr.
Moynahan was at the point of death
Fathers Neale, Smith, Zocchi and
O’Brien, who accompanied me, had to
hear the confessions. Mr. Moynahan
has been sick several weeks, I gave
him last week the viaticum and
extreme unction; since, we heard he
was a little better and might
recover, but if he do, he will not
be able to do much this winter and I
see no one but Mr. Hickey to place
in that very important mission,
which has been much neglected for
several years.
Martinsburg is another desolate
place, but not so important nor so
destitute at present as the former.
I am sorry to have to make a call
upon you for services that may put
you to some difficulties, but what
can I do, when thousands of souls
are exposed to perish for want of
such a priest as Mr. Hickey? As I
have not written to Mr. Hickey, you
may shew this letter to him, Mr.
Brute and Mr. Purcell if you think
proper, but keep its contents secret
at least from the Sisters.
P. S. I returned last Saturday
after an absence of seven weeks in
the District of C. and Charles and
St. Mary's Counties. I gave
confirmation to one thousand nine
hundred aud twenty nine persons.
In reply to the Abp.'s letter,
President McGerry, Dec. 21, 1828,
finds it utterly impossible to meet
his wishes. ". . . . We have lost Mr.
Egan and Mr. Lynch. I cannot myself be
away two days or more every week to
attend Emmitsburg, being in fact
unable to look after the Mountain. Mr.
Brute hears nearly all the
confessions. I sing Mass and preach
every second Sunday. M. Brute teaches
Theology, Scripture and Geography. M.
Purcell teaches Moral Philosophy,
Hebrew and Greek ; is the confessor
and spiritual prefect of over a
hundred boys, as well as of several
seminarians, of the Sisters and
domestics, and is Prefect of studies.
If I lose him I lose my right arm. The
pastoral inactivity of more than one
of the priests in this institution at
present makes our situation still more
burdensome," etc., etc.
When Baltimore was in such straits
for lack of priests, who can even
imagine conditions further north where
the tide of immigration was
immeasurably greater ?
... In Father Brute's notes we
find that the usual terms for
students, ecclesiastical aspirants
doubtless chiefly, were '' teaching
a sufficient time, lending other
assistance as prefects, clerks,
etc., as maybe a proper compensation
for its liberal proffer . . ."
. . . The '' bounds'' for the
boys were "not the wood of the hill
beyond Mrs. Brooke at night; not
beyond the Grotto ; not the quarters
(the slave houses) not the two
... A shoe maker lived in a
little house at the College. In
later days as many as seven, at
their own homes, made and mended
shoes for the house. But with shoe
factories of modern times all this
has been changed and the neighbor
hood has lost many industrious and
exemplary inhabitants. One of the
last of the shoemakers, desperate in
his enforced idleness, committed
suicide in 1890.
On Aug. 11, 1827, Aloysius Elder
died, and next day was buried "at
his ground." On Aug. 13 there was a
High Mass for him.
. . . On July 5, John, a black
man, a Methodist preacher, died a
Catholic in Mechanicstown (name
changed in 1900 to "Thurmont"). Xone
from Mechanicstown attended funeral.
Only two women and Cot's son were at
it. Father Brute1 preached.
... In those days and long after
meat was forbidden on Palm Sunday
and every day of Holy Week.
. . . The only place about the
College where Mass was said was the
little church on the hill, then half
its present (1908) size, and another
altar was set up on the gallery.
When people were waiting below for
Mass they used to try and hear the
Mass going on above, but this was
difficult, as no bell was used up
there. Those who went up on the
gallery for Mass brushed against the
celebrant, etc. etc.
. . . Hospitality was so natural
and so common on account of
difficulty of communication, etc.,
that persons of both sexes used to
stop at the College, sometimes too
often for good discipline, and in
early times members of the
congregation would still stay for
breakfast when they had been to
Communion. This was a relic of the
still earlier times when the manor
or glebe land granted by the lord
Proprietor supported the pastor, and
the people came great distances.
Besides it was quite common for them
to bring contributions for the
priest" s table. Half a century
later it was customary to entertain
visiting ball-players, but owing to
the pragmatic ways gradually
introduced into the national game
this became impracticable, and the
delightful intimacy of older days
came to an end.
... In 1828, Mar. 25, there were
one hundred Sisters in the entire
community, sixty of whom were
present in the Emmitsburg house and
five made profession this day.
. . . The use of tobacco in any
form was forbidden at the College.
... It seems to have been thought
impracticable that the boys should
climb the hill daily throughout the
Winter for Mass, but there appears
to have been a question as to the
expediency of obliging them to go
daily to Mass from Easter to
vacation. Father Brute in his notes
gives us to understand that some
considered it might occasion more
evil than good. He proposed to
inquire if the other Catholic
Colleges require it, Baltimore,
Georgetown, Bardstown. He asks also
whether the practice can be endeared
to the students by proper
instruction. This same question is
on the carpet in 1908.
... A father writes 1828: "I have
not yet heard from E—— please make
him write to me." One father writes
1828 that his son "must not be bled
nor given calomel" another that he
has sent him cotton underclothes and
hopes "he will not have to wear
. . . Letters of this year show
that it was not general for boys to
go home for vacation. The
institution was usually designated
"the Seminary" up to the time of the
charter. Latin quotations are common
in the letters, and the expressions
of attachment exchanged by
ecclesiastics and students,
professors and officers are quite
remarkable: "Your most affectionate
brother in Jesus and Mary," "Your
truly sincere and devoted friend,"
these last two to Egan.
... A student transferred from
the Mountain praises the order he
left at the place.
... On April 26, 1828 George W.
Washington of Mount Vernon a
"nephew" of the Pater Patriae, came
to the College. His record is not
sufficiently brilliant to be further
noticed, but he was here till Jan.
15, 1836.
. . A Baltimore father writes
desiring that his boys come home to
see the '' procession and commencing
the Railroad on July 4, 1828." This
was the opening of the B. and O.,
the earliest in the country.
. . . On Aug. 28, we have the
letter of a mother who puts a hard
one to the president. "What shall I
do?" It seems the President had
refused to let her boy go to her
aunt's for vacation until his bill
was paid, and had written to the
mother that her son would have to
leave the College unless it were
. . . Leonard Obernieyer of
Emmitsburg, a future professor,
entered the Seminary in the Autumn
of 1828. His father had a paper mill
near the Annandale School. The
addition to the church on the hill
was built this Fall.
. . . "In buying books," says
Father Brute1, "good bargains are
ruin if not of standard books."
. . . "To succeed with people you
must look at the subject from their
point of view." This was another
saying of his.
Index | Chapter 18
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.