The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 22
| Chapter Index
Chapter 23: 1831-1832
Mr. Louis B. Binsse of New York,
long well known as the stout champion
of the rights of the Catholics
detained in the Randall's Island House
of Refuge, the eloquent panegyrist of
the regular orders and the pleasing
correspondent of several papers on
both sides of the Atlantic, came to
the College in this year, 1831.
The following letter is to Mr.
Purcell from the youth's father.
New York, July, 27th,
Sir: . . . I hope to have the
pleasure of seeing you then and of
talking with you on a subject which
interests me more than any other;
and that is the education of my son.
It would have been easy doubtless,
for me to have him make his
classical studies at the New York
College [Columbia, doubtless], but
independently of the chaos of
studies which is there pursued, what
I fear most is the frightful
anti-Catholic doctrine with which
their lectures and their books are
in some sort impregnated. I think
little of science if religion does
not keep step with it, or rather I
do not believe there can be true
science without true religion.
I am the brother of M. Binsse de
St. Victor, a well-known writer of
the Catholic party in France, and
the intimate friend of the Abbe’
F. de la Mennais; but by a
singular awkwardness, my brother has
always in Europe signed himself by
the last part of his name and I here
by the first.
[Brute’ himself corresponded with
the fallen champion of Christian
liberalism, de Lamennais, whose
brother, we say in passing, founded a
community of brothers that are now
(1908) doing good work in the Church
in America. Many of Brute's letters
have been lost, but of those of de
Lamennais to him some are found in the
works of the latter]
In the year 1884, on the occasion
of the sacerdotal Jubilee of Cardinal
McCloskey, Mr. L. Binsse fils,
the subject of the above letter, wrote
for the Catholic Review, an account of
these days at the Mountain: "I first
made his, the Cardinal's acquaintance,
in the fall of 1831 at Mount St.
Mary's College, Md., which I had
entered as a student. . . . Dr.
McCaffrey taught the first class of
Latin and Philosophy, and Rev. E.
Sourin taught the first Greek. Both
were thoroughly and deeply learned in
their respective branches and devoted
lovers of them. There was no chance
for the students in that institution
to get ponies (so easily obtainable in
this city) to save themselves from
labor in the study of the classics.
His Eminence was at that time second
prefect of studies, professor of the
two higher Latin classes, and of
elocution and declamation. In this
last respect he was facile princeps
of his colleagues, although
several of them were speakers of good
and impressive delivery. He had a
clear, ringing voice, graceful
attitude and gestures, and altogether
so well managed as to quickly bring an
audience into sympathy with him.
Perhaps for this reason it was
assigned to him to read aloud in
English, as was the custom there, at
the service on Good Friday, the
Passion of our Lord according to St.
John. He read aloud beautifully and
with great effect. It was also his
province at the commencements to give
out the names of the fortunate
recipients of premiums and academic
honors, and the students felt that no
other person in the College could do
it with the same effect as he. There
was among the students generally a
very great respect for him and for his
acknowledged abilities, so much so,
that while they usually had nicknames
for the other prefects in authority
over them, they had none for him.
There was a belief prevalent among
them, which I remember to have heard
expressed on frequent occasions, that
he was in due course certain to be
called to the highest dignities of the
There were then in the College very
few students from New York City.
Probably because I was a townsman of
his, he manifested much interest in me
and befriended me at the proper time
by getting me advanced in Latin to the
class which he taught, and in which I
read the sixth book of Virgil with
him. I recall with pleasure how
interesting the recitations were made
by his cultivated literary
appreciation and by his lucid
explanation of the religious belief of
the Romans, interwoven in Virgil's
beautiful verse. At other times, out
of school hours, I was benefitted by
his agreeable and instructive
conversation and his friendly advice,
and for that purpose was often invited
to his room. Upon one of these
occasions he related to me how, when a
young boy, living with his mother on a
farm in Connecticut, he once had such
a narrow escape from being killed. To
a friend of mine he has avowed that
this Providential (I might say
miraculous) preservation of his life
in that dreadful accident proved with
him a determining motive of vocation
to the priesthood. The accident
happened this way: Some laboring men
were employed on the farm hauling logs
on a cart drawn by oxen, and after
getting a load ready, they left the
cart standing, while they went to
their dinner nearby. Young John
McCloskey thought after they had left,
that there was a grand chance to have
a fine ride; so, getting into the
cart, he took hold of the whip and
applied it vigorously to the oxen. The
poor brutes started on a run, which
the juvenile Phaeton at first
considered very fine fun, but as he
knew neither how to guide nor to stop
them, they very soon got off the road
and upset the cart with its heavy load
upon him. The men hearing the noise,
came in great haste, accompanied by
his sister (who, upon this occasion,
as he told me, assisted with powerful
strength) and lifted the cart off him,
not expecting to find him alive. For
weeks he was confined to his bed, such
a sufferer from bruises and the shock
that he could not bear to be touched,
and no one but his sister could attend
to him. So fearfully had he been
crushed that for weeks after
convalescence his eyes were red with
the blood suffused through their
Mr. McCloskey (Card.) while a
seminarian to Mr. Jamison.

His Eminence John
Card. McCloskey, '30 |
New York, Aug. 3rd,
Rev. and dear Sir: The favor of
Mr. McCaffrey which accompanied your
note was received early yesterday
morning. It was my intention to
answer it last evening, but you will
sigh over the loss of my
seminarian-regularity when I assure
you that it was after 12 o'c. at
night before I could extricate
myself from a company of learned
gentlemen who called here to enjoy
the society of Mr. Ryan with whom I
board in fact, his house is
constantly besieged by "Literati"
and I of course as being a great
friend of Mr. Ryan's and a gentleman
from Emmitsburg, must submit to the
rather irksome, but certainly most
beneficial necessity of being
introduced to them. Indeed it seems
to me that if I could enjoy for the
space of one year such society as I
here mingle with, and listen to such
learned conversations as I almost
daily hear, I could derive from it
more information, that is, more
practical information, than from
nearly two years' study. And I
really feel more at ease in the
company of such men and can join
more freely in their conversation,
than when condemned to waste my time
with females or dandies and obliged
to supply them with ''small talk.''
But enough of this you have no time
to lose in reading such trash. You
will however, I hope, excuse me,
when I assure you that I merely
introduced the subject to let you
know that I have opportunities of
making our College known to many who
enjoy high literary reputation and
who, it may be, will one day prove
useful acquaintances, and depend
upon it, such opportunities I do not
fail to improve . . . But to come at
last to the point. It is your wish
that I should exert myself in this
city to procure students for our
College, and to this end you have
invested me with the necessary
authority for acting as your
responsible agent, which honor I
duly acknowledge. I must, however,
confess that I do not think that my
exertions as an authorized agent are
necessary because Messrs. Purcell
and Hitzelberger are expected daily
and will no doubt be in town in the
course of one or two days, and
everything which regards contracts
and money matters can be attended to
by them; as for myself, my time is
so much occupied with my family and
friends that I have very little
leisure to attend to anything else.
You may, however, rest assured that
whatever I can do will be done
cheerfully. In the circle of my own
acquaintances I have interested
myself in the behalf of the College
as much as I could. I have succeeded
in getting one scholar, which is
better than nothing. He is the son
of a gentleman who is now a merchant
of New Orleans with whom I am well
acquainted and who is at present on
a visit to his family on Long
Island. He is a good Catholic and I
will vouch for his punctuality and
readiness to pay his bills. He will
send his son for perhaps five or six
years and such a one is worth having
his name is James Mullen, a namesake
of the Rev. gentleman who finished
in 1824.
I have visited several other
parents and endeavored to persuade
them to send their sons to our
College but their objections are so
many it is very difficult to meet
with success. The sole chance we
have is among those who are anxious
to have their children reared good
Catholics. I visited yesterday a
lady who is very eager to send one
of her sons. I did not see her
husband, but will see him tomorrow,
as I am invited to spend the evening
with him. Perhaps he can be
persuaded, but it will be difficult,
as he is a lawyer in good practice
and too high-minded to send a son to
a "place so little known." [The New
Yorkers were almost as provincial
then as they are in 1908.] There are
five or six other families where
there is a chance and I will try it.
But I can neither promise myself nor
you success. Rev. Mr. Purcell has
gone to Canada as you know. He
received a letter from Mr. Laroque
requesting him to visit Montreal as
there were two or three other boys
besides his son who would likely be
sent to the Mountain. Mr. H. is with
him Mr. Hitzelberger preached in
this city and gave universal
satisfaction indeed all were
delighted with him . .
If I should be so fortunate as to
secure any more students I will
leave the settlement of money
matters, etc., to Mr. Purcell whom
of course I will introduce to the
parents . . . As for myself you will
see me at the Mountain next
Wednesday and if I have not time to
call on all I would wish, I will
leave their address with Mr. Purcell
who can effect a great deal more
than I can. I will take the trouble
to collect the names, address, means
of introduction, etc., etc., of all
with whom there are any prospects of
success, and these I will give to
Mr. P. to act by. I have already
said that it is utterly impossible
for me to devote much time to it. I
am determined to force myself out of
the city next Monday. Excuse haste.
Yours with respect J. McCloskey.
A note from Dr. McCaffrey's diary
tells that " the prefects of this year
Aug. 15, '31 to Aug. 15, '32 were Rev.
John McCaffrey, John (Card.)
McCloskey, L. Obermeyer and John
In 1831, Aug. 20, William Henry
Elder of Cincinnati, whose maiden
speech we have chronicled in his "
elder" brother's loving words, began
his collegiate course.
Mr. Jamison was in New York at the
time, to whom Mr. Purcell writes;
bidding him sell the organ recently
purchased even at a sacrifice of $300.
It was finally brought to the college
and lodged in the church "where the
negroes stand."
On Sunday October 1st. at
Gettysburg, by Rt. Rev. F. P. Kenrick,
his bishop, the Rev. Thos. R. Butler,
future president, was ordained priest
and F. X. Gartland, future Bishop,
deacon. Mr. Butler sang his first Mass
in the Church on the Hill, the next
morning. Rev. I. V. Wiseman left the
Mountain at this time for Ohio. Mr.
Pise who had been on the missions in
the Baltimore diocese left for New
York. [Priests went from one diocese
to another with very slight formality
in those days.]
Mount, 6th, Oct., 1831
The same to the same: Mr. Brute’
had a chill on Saturday. Poor man he
wept yesterday at reading in a
French tragedy by Voltaire: "Je
vais auR des Rois demander aujourd'
hui Le prix de tous les maux que
j'ai soufferts pour lui." Heaven
will bless and lengthen, I trust,
his declining years . . .
The question of abolishing the
Seminary at the Mountain being still
agitated, it was feared by the friends
of the College that the deed would be
accomplished, notwithstanding the
efforts made, particularly by Father
Brute, to prevent such an unfortunate
issue. On the 28th of October a
Council was held to deliberate upon
the Archbishop's letter ordering that
the faculty cease teaching Divinity on
the 25th of September, 1832, and to
appoint a committee to see His Grace ?
The Archbishop, as we gather from
Father Brute's notes, was desirous of
the preservation of the College, but
could not understand the injury done
to it by the suppression of the
Seminary Department, which would
deprive it of so many of its teachers.
The views of the Council were laid
before the Archbishop by letter or
letters, to which the following is his
Baltimore, 30 Nov., 1831.
Rev. and dear Sir: On sitting
down to answer your last letter, my
first impressions are those of
admiration and gratitude,
considering the unceasing efforts of
you and your associates to sustain
and improve the highly valuable
College of Mount St. Mary’ s and
your unabated fortitude and energy
to meet and surmount the
difficulties you have to encounter,
difficulties arising not from your
government but under that of others.
I feel grateful for your
indefatigable labors in the cause of
religion, and assure you that it is
my sincere wish and ardent prayer
that Mount St. Mary's College may be
a Catholic College in perpetuum. At
the same time I hope that the piety
of its Professors and scholars will
ensure to it the protection of the
Blessed Virgin and through her
patronage, the aid of God, to
deliver it from danger and debt.
If greater security for holding
the property and transmitting it for
its religious end and purposes will
be best obtained by act of
incorporation, I willingly consent
to this measure, nor will I dictate
as regards the names to be inserted
in the act as members of the
corporation, except however, that no
one of another Diocese be a member
of the incorporate body unless he
obtain his exeat and actually be
admitted as a Priest of this
Diocese. But now what I do and (as I
think) any Bishop would or ought to
object to, is to exonerate every
member of the incorporation from the
obligation of fulfilling the promise
of obedience which each of you made
to me and my successors on being
ordained Priests. Besides to enter
into an engagement with you that all
the members of your body shall, if
they will, remain fixed at the
College during life would be in me
unjustifiable to grant, for many
reasons: The first that strikes me
is, suppose the President of the
College himself should be known to
me as unworthy either to preside or
even profess in the College, yet in
virtue of such an engagement joined
to the act of incorporation he could
continue in spite of me. You know
that the Bishop has not only a
right, but is bound to make a
visitation of Seminaries and
Colleges and see that none but
worthy Presidents, Superiors and
professors have the government of
the Catholic youth. Besides why
would you bargain with your Bishop
and bind him down to terms as you
would a common man? You ought to
look upon your Archbishop as a
father, not as a tyrant, you ought
to place full confidence in his
paternal government and not
entertain for a moment any kind of
suspicion of his treating you
harshly, or of doing anything that
may injure or ruin your College.
This you ought to be assured of,
whoever may be your Archbishop, and
by placing this trust in me you will
not be deceived. Though I cannot
make the promise you ask, because I
cannot concede any right attached to
my Episcopal government, yet as long
as I judge any of your members
essential or necessary to the
College it is not my intention to
call him out. With regard to Mr.
Whelan, were he even desirous to
come out on the mission, I would
object, on account of his age, for
some years to come. As you wish all
uncertainty to be removed as far as
possible, I come to another
essential point. The late Archbishop
recommended to my fostering
patronage, Mount St. Mary's College
as a College, not as a Seminary,
after the five years of teaching
Theology would expire. They did
expire, the 25th. September last. I
have the very same motives he had to
restrain your institution to a
College, allowing however Theology
to be taught until the 25th.
September next, when it is
absolutely to cease.
With regard to what was written
by Abp. Mar’echal about Mr. Jamison
that he was to be one of the
permanent members of Mt. St. Mary's,
this does not in the least prove
that not only he but all its members
were to remain there permanently.
Nor was it a privilege in favor of
Mr. Jamison but a condition on which
he consented to ordain him Subdeacon.
Such are my views and intentions
to which I propose to conform, and I
assure you that they are my own; no
one having suggested any of them. I
mention this that you may not judge
wrong, as you would, were you to
attribute them to any person but
myself. I am, Rev. and dear Sir
Yours faithfully in Christ, James,
Archbishop of Baltimore.
Meanwhile Bishop Dubois had visited
Europe, and during two years and some
months had collected a considerable
sum of money for his poor diocese,
intending to establish a seminary of
his own. Mr. Hughes, writing to Mr.
Purcell, expresses the hope that
"Almighty God will put it into the
heart of Bishop Dubois to place the
money which he will have collected in
Europe in your institution as a
perpetual fund, and let the interest
educate with you candidates for his
diocese, instead of attempting at his
age the establishment of a Seminary."
Bishop Dubois did not allow this
expression of hope, by subsequent
action on his part, to become a
prophecy. He returned to New York in
the latter part of November, Rev.
Father McGerry with him. The latter
stayed in the State until 1834 and
then went west.
Rev. Andrew C. Byrne, one of our
priests in New York, writes to Mr.
Jamison, Nov. 16, 1831:
. . . You have no doubt, ere
this, heard of the pillaging and
conflagration of St. Mary's Church
in this city. It was robbed of three
Chalices, one Ciborium, the
Remonstrance and the Candle-Sticks.
The Blessed Sacrament was crumbled
to atoms and thrown about the
Sanctuary. The Church was afterwards
set fire to in three different
parts, and in order to render their
escape easier, the sacrilegious
villains muffled the tongue of the
bell, the only one the Catholics in
the city had, and it was melted in
the fire. Father Luke Berry, '27,
died of the shock . . .
But the hearts of all at the
Mountain were beating anxiously all
this time, feeling that the very
existence of their beloved College was
threatened certainly was limited to
but a few months. The following
letter, signed by the Faculty, was
written to the Archbishop on
Dec. 29, 1831.
Most Rev. Sir: We, the President
and Vice President and those whom
you have permitted to associate with
them for the preservation and
welfare of an Institution endeared
to you by its past services no less
than the cheering promise of future
and more efficient exertions in the
cause of religion and science;
endeared to you by the happy results
to the Church of America and
particularly to this Diocese as well
as by the pledge which its present
flourishing condition offers of
increasing and permanent blessings
to our holy religion, have been
encouraged by the assurance of your
letter of the 30 November to submit
to your paternal consideration and
to your sense of justice the great
embarrassment into which we are
thrown by the ceasing of Theology,
and the inevitable ruin of our
beautiful establishment consequent
on such requisition. The urgency of
the case which we have not failed to
represent to you as our Father in
previous letters, and the fear lest
any misconception of your views
might be occasion of further
epistolary communications, have made
it desirable to us to depute some of
our own body, who may wait on you in
the name of us all, to ascertain
clearly and positively your final
intentions on the subject of your
last letter. We deem it the more
necessary to ask a personal
interview as the latter part of your
letter requiring the cessation of
Theology (the teaching of which is
the only means in our power to
furnish the College with the
necessary tutors,) seems at variance
with the kind and paternal feelings
contained in the first page. The two
Rev. Gentlemen, Messrs. Jamison and
Brut6 who wait on you, will
respectfully communicate to you our
views relative to the Institution.
They will represent to you our truly
critical situation, particularly
that of the President and Vice
President who, although neither of
them was party to the original
contract of five years, and
consequently not obligated to the
arduous task of continuing the
Institution after the departure of
Mr. McGerry, have at your special
request and with the warmest
assurances of protection and aid
from you, assumed all the
responsibilities to the creditors of
the Institution and to the Public at
large, little thinking that
yourself, Most Rev. Sir, would in
the short space of two years deprive
them of the only means they possess
to fulfil these obligations.
What then is to be the fate of
this institution? What will become
of its credit when thus deprived of
its only resource for the supply of
teachers ?
What will become of the
association, how shall it be formed
when two of its important members,
already approved by you, are by your
letter debarred the right of
membership ?
What shall we say to our present
students of Theology who must by
next June have provided elsewhere
for the prosecution of their
studies? How shall we secure
Professors for the ensuing year?
How shall we avoid the scandal
which must necessarily attend the
breaking up of an Institution so
generally and so favorably known to
the Public, and which, it pains us
deeply to say, must break up, must
cease to exist, if thus effectually
deprived of the means of existence.'
These are questions which our
embarrassed and painful situation
impels us to refer to you as our
common Father, our Archbishop, the
fountain of relief as well as of all
authority in this Diocese. Messrs.
Jamison and Brute1 will in our
common name entreat you to grant
indeed to our College that
protection which your kind
expressions so fairly pledge and
accept our joint assurance of love
and respect for you as our Superior
and protector and of the faithful
discharge of our sacred duties.
This touching appeal was sent to
Baltimore as soon as written, that is,
on the Thursday or Friday of the
Christmas holidays.
"The Catholic Press" of Hartford,
Conn., reprints from The
Philadelphian a " Defence of Mount
St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg,
Maryland," signed by John B. Purcell,
President, and dated at the College,
May 5, 1831.
It appears that a young man had
been dismissed for gross
insubordination and seditious
behavior. " In a word, it is almost
evident that this young man came or
was sent for the express purpose of
producing one of those Collegiate
insurrections with which this
Institution has been unacquainted,
Thanks to the unbending energy of our
discipline, which is blind to the
distinctions of age, and presses with
equal impartiality on the child of ten
and the child of twenty-five."He then
attacked the College in The
Philadelphian, and obliged Dr. Purcell
to defend it. In doing so the
President published a letter from
students living in the house, and the
following from former ones:
Frederick City, May 4th,
Respected Sir: Having seen in a
late number of the Philadelphian an
article calculated to impair the
future usefulness of the institution
over which you have the honor to
preside, we deem it our duty as
Protestants, and an act of justice
to the gentlemen associated with
you, to state, that during our
residence at the College, we
observed nothing in the conduct and
treatment of Protestant students to
support the author of the article
alluded to in any of his assertions.
We entered the College
Protestants (of whom there was then
a large proportion); we left it
such: we never perceived any
distinction made on account of
difference of religious belief no
persecution for opinion's sake the
honors of the College were conferred
on those, and those only, who
merited them by their superior
knowledge of the branch they have
studied, their talents and good
We think Mount St Mary's a
valuable institution, and highly
approve its rules and regulations,
and the manner in which they are
With due respect, etc. Wm. R.
Sanderson, G. M. Tyler. Rev. J. B.
Purcell, D. D., President of Mt. St.
Mary's College.
The Commencement of 1831 was a
great event, being the first at which
a Bachelor was graduated. He was
alone, and it is a coincidence that
Seton Hall's first graduate, forty
years later, was also alone. Drawings,
maps, paintings and penmanship were
exhibited. At one o'clock a small
balloon was sent up. Father Purcell
addressed in Latin the graduate and
those who were to receive the degree
of M. A. There was a Greek and a Latin
ode. A speech on Poland lasted 20
minutes; one on Chivalry 30 minutes.
There was a Spanish oration on
Columbus, and lectures, with
experiments by the students, on
Hydrostatics, Caloric, Pneumatics, and
Analysis. The Professor of Physics,
Dr. Hermange, was a graduate of
Maryland University, and had studied
in Paris, Montpelier and London.
On October 17 following, President
Purcell announced that the candidate
for degrees, besides a critical
knowledge of the vernacular, "must
prove himself, on examination, to be a
master of the most difficult Greek and
Latin authors and well acquainted with
Mathematics and Philosophy. Nothing
less than a thorough course of
scientific and classic studies shall
entitle a student to his degree. . .
." Father Purcell set up a standard
which American colleges have not
reached, if they have attempted it, in
the classics at least. We have given
and borne academic degrees, but they
are far below those of Europe in
Hoping more from a viva voce
interview, as we have already
intimated, Father Brute and Mr.
Jamison at noon of January 1, 1832,
left the Mountain via Frederick to
visit the Archbishop in reference to
the teaching of theology. They
remained all night at Frederick and
reached Baltimore at 5 p.m. on Monday.
The leaflet in Father Brute's
handwriting, after recording the
circumstances of the journey,
"Saw the Archbishop with Mr.
Jam., and took supper with him; he
offered us beds, and (the
Archbishop) after supper opened the
"1. He expressed his
determination, as had the Archbp.
before him, to have but one
"2. Yet desired also that the
College of Mi St. Mary's should
continue to prosper.
"3. ' If I cd. myself be
convinced by the coming June that
teaching Theology is necessary to
its preservation, I wd. certainly
grant it. He repeated that at least
3 or 4, perhaps 5 or 6 times, in the
very words: ' I tell you, if you
could convince me that teaching
Theology was necessary, I wd. grant
"4. But it is for the present his
conviction that it is the very cause
of the increase of debt. He made a
calculation of 20 at $150 a year
(cost of each theologian) during
five years, to show that it has
required an outlay of 815,000, the
very thing that sinks the Mountain.
"5. 'There is no real need of
those teachers.' He showed that from
the Almanack we have more tutors
than St. Mary's and Georgetown. He
thinks we have too many in our
faculty, teach too many things, and
that reducing all around will
prosper the house.
"6. It will be moreover by
'following my advice archbp. that
the blessing of God will come; 'it
is by acting against his inclination
and his predecessor's, that we have
not had this blessing; try obedience
and you will be blessed reduce the
number of classes.'
"7. If we bring about and teach
as far as philosophy this will be
enough; St. Mary's might then
receive the subjects (of this
diocese) for their divinity. . . ."
On Jan. 5, Mr. Jamison wrote from
"The Archbishop has asked me for a
list of all our classes, the number,
the length of time of each the
different branches taught the list of
debts number of students their pay,
etc., etc. I shall call tomorrow and
detail what I think necessary."
The rumor of the disestablishment
of the College had gone abroad and
Father Hughes wrote to Father Purcell
from Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1832 :
"The effects of the intended
suppression of your establishment for
it will be tantamount to a suppression
have been to my mind a subject of much
speculation and regret. Have you cast
in your mind what you shall do? How
will you dispose of yourself ? What
will be done with your ecclesiastics,
especially those who do not belong to
Baltimore? Is the in stitution which
it took so much pains and labor to
raise and which was becoming the hope
of the American Church, to be smitten
by the hand that should protect it,
and prostrated in a day? Or does God
mean to display another instance of
the folly and shortsightedness of
human wisdom by bringing something
better from its ruins?
"If the mind of your Archbishop and
his determination in your regard be
like the laws of the Medes and
Persians, then I tell you what have
the back door open, and back out; not
forgetting as you cross the Maryland
and Pennsylvania line, to shake the
dust from off your feet. Neither do I
want you to come alone ; but bring all
the zeal, disinterestedness, and
talent of your establishment and have
the glory of instituting the diocesan
Seminary of Philadelphia. There is,
adjoining the new Church, a building
which will suit admirably both as to
location and internal arrangement. You
may either rent or purchase it. I will
have means provided, without your
being obliged to furnish them in
advance. After enjoying this building
and its advantages for a few years,
you will be able to dispose of it at
considerable profit, and to remove, if
you wish it, to some favorable place
in the neighborhood of the city, with
the advantages of an established
school and reputation.
"The project may perhaps startle
you by its novelty, but it is
altogether practicable. Let me know
your ideas in reference to the subject
generally, and then I shall have more
to say. Now if the ruling powers will
have it so that you cannot be better
employed after the 25th. September,
1832, what would you think of coming
to join me? Or if you would not, whom
would you recommend that could? A man
of sound but not enthusiastic piety;
mild in his temper; honest, open and
sincere in his disposition. As to his
learning, I should not think it an
objection if he resemble Sir Roger de
Coverly's chaplain (Spectator, No.
106) in some respects, provided
always, nevertheless, that he is
capable of writing and pronouncing
well his sermon, and does not as the
New England critic on pulpit oratory
has it think himself privileged to
'talk nonsense in the name of the
Lord.' Now, if you know any such
person, won't you let me know it? for
I have reason to believe that Bishop
Kenrick will put no obstacle in the
way of my desire to have an assistant.
In the Spring of this year 1832
Rev. D. F. Mayne, vicar-general of
Florida, an old Mountaineer visited
the College. Father Brute' has this
note on March 15:
Rev. M. Pelissier died the loth
and was buried the 17th, St.
Patrick's day, between the graves of
the Rev. M. Lynch and M. Thomas
Egan, father of the Rev. M. Egan.
Rev. M. Purcell the Superior (sic)
said the High Mass 9J and preached.
The Sisters went to Communion. R. I.
Father Brute also wrote a long
eulogistic letter regarding the
young priest, for whom he seemed to
entertain a high regard, and whose
ordination the College had
requested, though his services as a
priest would be brief and limited
mainly to his good example and
offering of the Divine Sacrifice.
Jan. 10, 1831. There was a stage
once a week from Frederick to
Emmitsburg, but the roads were so
bad that it started two hours before
dawn. Many came on horseback and the
latter manner of travel was very
common on account of the bad roads.
Everybody knew how to ride.
Jan. 19, '31. J. M. Palmer, a
Protestant of Frederick, sending
back his boy who had left the
Mountain without his consent,
cautions Father Purcell about
admitting to the College an infamous
journal published in New York and
called The Protestant, which had
occasioned very unpleasant
differences between the students,
many of whom were Protestants. He
signs himself " affectionately
Yours." . . . The boy having
returned home again in a similar way
his father obliged him to walk back.
It was '21 1/2 miles on a "dirt road."
. . .
Jan. 22, '31. Mr. ——— (a member
of the State legislature) is opposed
to allowing your College to "hold
property without limit," and indeed
"thinks your estate already too
Feb. 9, '31. A boy in Frederick
said " nine boys had left the
Mountain on acct. of persecution and
ridicule of Protestants." This was
of a piece with the libel before
alluded to.
Mar. 1, '31. Michael G. Ege
writes from Carlisle that a report
is going round that in consequence
of maltreatment from the Catholic
students fc'ty Protestants have
taken their departure from Mt. St.
Mary's. Crescit eundo.
Mar. 11, '31. A Spanish gentleman
writes from Winchester, Va., begging
to be employed at the College. He
has a place at W., but Mass is
offered there only once in two
months in a private house for the "
five or six Catholics."
A patron in Marlboro, S. C., Nov.
14, '32, writes that he had given a
letter enclosing a draft for $900 to
a man to post. The latter had
forgotten it and after many weeks
found it almost crumbled to pieces
in his pocket.
Nov. 26, '31. A young man who had
been dismissed writes from Louisiana
" I cannot tell but Mt. St. Mary's
has a charm which I cannot resist,
and when I will be able to see that
College again I will be truly happy
. . . It is always with pleasure
that I think of the "Papist
Minister" (Jamison?). [Jamison wore
a long beard and perhaps so got this
Montreal, Mar. 21, '31. "I am
convinced that boys derive much more
advantage than most people are
aware of from social, unrestrained
conversation with good and wise
grown-up persons, who have their
good at heart, and I am more than
grateful for your interest in my boy
. . . I admire your motto ‘Croyez
et vous pourrez' or as Napoleon
put it: 'Vouloir est pouvoir
' . . I sent my son to the United
States in consideration of the
infancy, as it were, of our Religion
in that country and the daily
attacks made upon it and its
ministers. The Church was never more
beautiful and more resplendent with
virtue them when suffering
persecution under the Roman
Emperors. The waters of the ocean
are far more clear and limpid in the
agitation of a storm than after a
long calm ..."[The boy afterwards
became Mayor of Montreal. His name
was Alfred Laroque.]
April, 1831, a card appeared in
several papers announcing that " the
Rev. F. McGerry, formerly president
of the College, who is now in
Europe, having dissolved all
connection with the establishment,
the management of it will, as it has
been since his departure, be
continued in the hands of the Rev.
John B. Purcell as President, and
the Rev. Francis B. Jamison as
Vice-President, who alone are proper
and responsible agents."
A Philadelphia publisher, writing
April 10, '31, says he is coming,
being "anxious to see your ' Heaven
on Earth,' I hear so much about."
April 21, '31. The pictures
imported came to the Institution,
and are probably two Madonnas, one
of "the Chair," the other "the
In those (1831) days, when the
bed and bedding was brought, a
charge was made for the cot.
April 29, '31. A mother writes:
"Willie's nose has something the
matter with it which is making it
grow crooked. Please make him keep
pushing it to make it straight. . .
If he takes part in any violent
exercise, please see that he cools
off slowly."
June 23, '31. The Baltimore stage
company writes asking that the boys
walk to Emmitsburg (two miles and a
quarter), as the road thence to the
College is very rough and extremely
dangerous for vehicles to traverse
before daylight. The coaches came up
the evening before in order to start
early in the morning.
Aug. 1, '31. A physician writes
from Richmond that his younger
brother, who is going to the
Mountain, " is not, on account of
too much paternal care, as far
advanced as we could have wished."
Aug. 31,'31. The ''Catholic
Miscellany" of Charleston, was "circumscribed with regard to funds,"
and asked Father Jamison as their "friend and agent," to make
collections around Emmitsburg.
Happy Retreat, Sept. 3, 1831.
Rev4' Sir, I suppose you are not in
the habit of marrying a slave
without permission of the Master.
This is to inform you that I have no
objections to Charity's getting
married. Respectfully yours, John
Shorb. To Rev. F. B. Jamison, Mt.
St. Mary's College. This is the
first time we find the term
"College" used instead of Seminary.
14 Sept. '31. A father writes
that his boy complains of having to
learn 18 Greek "out of a book in
which the rules, etc., are given in
Latin, and he doesn't know enough of
the latter language to do so.''
John Keenan writes, Oct. 3, '31,
"I made applications for students
both in Lancaster and Columbia, but
without any success. Riches, not
literature, are principally courted
by the blood of Pennsylvania. They
will very shrewdly tell you that a
common portion of education is less
dangerous to and more consistent
with temporal advancement, than the
useless and too great refinement of
a College course."
New Orleans. Oct. 15, '31. "I was
brought up a Quaker and would prefer
that ray son should be of that
denomination, but if he wants to
follow his mother's creed, I wish
you to take particular care of his
religious studies. . I want him to
be a truly religious man and a good
Dec. 14, '31. An old student
writes from Pittsburg, saying he is
glad to hear that the " Academus" is
flourishing, as he knows of no
institution better calculated to
bring out the latent springs of
talent in the youthful heart. . "He
gives the example of a speech an
hour long made by a member of a
debating society in Pittsburg, and
considered masterly, though the
speaker was under twenty-two years
of age.
New York, Nov. 30, '31. Bishop
Dubois got back from Rome and Spain
with " a respectable sum of money
and many valuable clerical books."
Dec. 19, '31. The College having
paid a certain loan the lender wrote
congratulating it on its prosperity
and reputation.
Phila , Dec. 31, '31. One
McNichol writes telling how Stephen
Girard was buried on St. Stephen's
Day in the Holy Trinity cemetery by
permission of the Bishop. Girard was
83 years old and unmarried. There
was no Mass because the Freemasons
would not leave the church. Dr.
McCaffrey used to tell how Bp.
Kenrick would have officiated
himself had they done so, but on
their entering after the corpse in
regalia, he said: "Take this out
of this church."
"Dated from the Propaganda. Aug.
31, '29," is a letter from P. J.
Maitland to Father Purcell. It is on
the inside sheet of a Phila. letter
of same date from another party.
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.