The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 29
| Chapter Index
Chapter 30: 1836
The new charter, replacing the old
one which Roger Brook e Taney rejected
as "disreputable to the State and a
stigma on the Faith," was, "through
the kindness of Mr. Shriver, and more
particularly the cleverness of Col.
Robert Annan " (Emmitsburg), passed at
Annapolis on Saturday, April 4, 1836.
Frederick, May 6, '36. " Mr.
Annan's zeal and ability in having
your charter passed on the last
evening of the session entitles him to
our thanks." Annan was a Presbyterian
of Irish descent, a tanner, and lived
at Emmitsburg. The following is the
charter in its amended shape:
An act entitled, an act for
founding a college near Emmitsburg,
in Frederick County.
Whereas, Thomas B. Butler and
Edward J. Sourin, by their petition
to this General Assembly setting
forth that they have been for many
years associated for the education
of youth, the pursuit of sciences
and the general diffusion of
knowledge, have prayed for an act of
Sect. 1st. Be it enacted by the
General Assembly of Maryland that
the aforesaid aforementioned Thomas
R. Butler, Edward J. Sourin, and
those who may hereafter become
members of the said Association, and
their successors, from and
immediately after the passage of
this act, be, and they are hereby
created and declared to be a body
politic and corporate by the name
and style of '' The President and
Council of Mount Saint Mary's
College," and by the name aforesaid
to have perpetual succession, and be
able and capable at law and in
equity to sue and be sued, implead
and be impleaded in any court of law
or equity; and that it shall and may
be lawful to and for the said Thomas
R. Butler, Edward J. Sourin and
others who may hereafter become
members of said Association, and
their successors, to devise, make,
have, and use a common seal, and the
same to break, alter, and renew at
their pleasure; and to make, alter,
and repeal rules and by-laws, not
contrary to the Constitution and
laws of this State, for the good
government of said Association; and
the said Association and their
successors by the name and style of
the "President and Council of Mount
Saint Mary's College" is hereby
made, and shall forever be able and
capable in law to purchase, take,
hold, and convey in fee simple, or
for any less estate, any real or
personal estate whatsoever. Provided
always, that the said Association
shall at no time hold and possess
more than two thousand acres of
land; and provided further, that the
yearly values of all the real and
personal estate of the said
Association, exclusive of the
buildings and appurtenances
appropriated for the use of the
students and professors of the
College of the said Association and
of their private chapel, shall not
exceed the sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars.
Sect. 2nd. And be it enacted that
the said Thomas B. Butler, Edward J.
Sourin, and their associates and
successors, members of the said
Association, may on the first Monday
in June next, and on the same day in
each and every year hereafter, elect
from the members of the said
Association a President,
Vice-President and such other
officers as they may deem requisite
for the administration of the
government of said College, and may
from time to time appoint such
teachers and professors as they may
deem useful and competent; and every
officer so elected or appointed
shall remain in office until his
resignation is accepted or another
person appointed in his stead. And
it shall be lawful for the said
Association, at any time hereafter,
to admit as members of said
Association such persons as to them
may seem qualified.
Sect. 3rd. And be it enacted that
the said Association by the name and
title aforesaid shall immediately
have, and is hereby invested with,
full power to confer on its
deserving pupils and others all
collegiate honors and degrees except
Doctor of Medicine. Provided that no
collegiate honor or degree shall be
conferred on any pupil of said
College until he shall have been
first duly examined and adjudged
worthy of the same at a public
Sect. 4th. And be it enacted that
the Acts of Assembly of December
Session, 1829, chapter 167, of 1830
chapter 42, and of 1833 chapter 75,
be, and the same are hereby
repealed; provided that all deeds
executed and other matters and
things lawfully done heretofore by
the institution, in such acts
incorporated under and by virtue of
such incorporation, shall be valid
in law, and all rights, privileges,
debts and claims vested or accrued
thereby to such institution shall
survive and inure to the use and
benefit of the Association by this
act incorporated.
Sect. 5th. And be it enacted that
the General Assembly of Maryland
shall at all times have, and hereby
expressly reserve, the power to
repeal this charter; provided that
when repealed by the authority
aforesaid, all the property, real,
personal and mixed, in possession or
action shall remain with and belong
to such officers of the said
institution, or to such other
persons as may be entitled to the
same, to them, their assignees or
legal representatives.
Rev. John Hughes wrote from
Philadelphia to President Butler, May
3, 1836, in a strain which indicates
that the latter was at least
uncomfortable in his position, and
there is reason to believe that only
obedience to the Archbishop kept him
in the place. Father Hughes alluded to
the "perpetual mist " hanging around
the prospects of the Mountain, and
would help in clearing it if he could.
" You must not be discouraged," he
says, "but cling together and show an
unbroken front. It is impossible that
an institution which has braved so
many storms," etc. Father Richard
Whelan writes from Harper's Ferry, May
16, that as he had had difficulty in
adjusting Father Dubois' books, so he
could not fathom Father Jamison's
business transactions. He refers also
to the Kanawha and the Hampshire lands
in Virginia on which the College held
certain mortgages given in payment of
students' bills; speaks of starting a
sisters' school at Martinsburg, etc.
A singular project is referred to
in a letter of F. Gartland,
Philadelphia, May 30, 1836: "Rev. Mr.
Williamson has been with us for about
two weeks, and he declared to me very
seriously that if the expenses (sic)
of the College were not above $30,000
he would cheerfully buy you out and
establish himself there, etc. He would
conduct the college on a new plan and
allow every clerical professor a small
income, as they do in Baltimore. What
think you of the plan?" Whether this
was the first suggestion to Rev. Mr.
Butler or not I cannot say, but that
it was entertained subsequent letters
will prove. [Rev. Adolphus Williamson
was a priest in Baltimore in 1836 and
left his fine library to Saint Mary's
A letter of Father Heyden, of
Chambersburg, Pa., June 17, 1836, to
President Butler, evidently in reply
to a proposal of the latter, tells
that Father Hughes " would most
cordially wish that Providence by some
means would bring about the junction
of Emmitsburg to this diocese
(Philadelphia), but says that any
measure to that effect must come from
the Archbishop." This seems to refer
to the subject of the letter of Father
Hughes to the President quoted a
little back.
The graduates of this year were
four. Rev. Mr. McCaffrey addressed the
Philomathian Society. Among those
whose names recurred most frequently
on the premium list were William H.
Elder, A. Laroque, Carroll Spence,
Robert Snyder, John Rhey, Wm. Kuhn,
John Cahill, James Ball, Edw.
McCloskey, John Byrne, Edward McGrath,
Wm. Wilson, Jno. Spann, Jno. Hurley,
Outerbridge Horsey, James McSherry,
George McCloskey, William McSherry,
Charles Spence, John E. Howard,
Richard Smith, John McGirr, E.
Larnelle, H. Doudinot, B. A. Soulard,
Charles Elder, Thomas Gallway, W.
Daly, Wm. Delacy, Joseph O'Donnell,
Thomas Emery, J. B. Mullary, Henry
Rennolds, Leonard Forsyth, Wm. Hyde,
Peter Patterson, M. Row en, Wm.
Fitzgerald, Edward Menard, J. B.
Ferry, William Shriver, F. Ferriera,
G. Miles, F. Ward, Frederick and John
Bishop Brute’ arrived in New York
this July in good health and high
spirits and accompanied by twenty
priests recruited in apostolic France.
He visited the Mountain and left there
three of them for training, Vabret, a
priest, and two Berels, one a deacon
and the other a layman.
In October, 1836, the old stone
washhouse on the back terrace was
extended and turned into a chapel,
which in all humility and simplicity,
and still further enlarged, serves the
college for the purpose until the
present day.
Mr. Butler destroyed or carried
with him almost all letters addressed
to himself personally, so that we have
nothing else but these letters to him
concerning the proposed transfer of
the College to Rev. Williamson. One
from the latter reads as follows:
Cincinnati, Aug. 17, 1836.
Rev. and Dear Sir: I have
reflected on the subject which
engaged our attention during the
time I passed with you. I have
likewise advised with others and
have consented to accept of your
offer, provided you give me the sole
management and title to the
property. I will then attend to the
immediate liquidation of the debts.
I make this a condition founded on
an observation of yours, "that
unless the President had the entire
control of the property he would be
continually thwarted in his views."
In case this arrangement suits your
desires, you promise me your
assistance, for without you I would
not be able to do the good which you
propose in giving the charge of the
house to me. Nothing but the desire
to advance the interests of religion
would prompt me to make the
sacrifices. I will be compelled to
take the responsibility of the
charge. The sacrifices I speak of
are pecuniary. I will have either to
sell or mortgage my property, and by
this means lose the present interest
and perhaps the future rise. I
mention this solely that you may see
my motive for coming among you is
disinterested and to prevent
difficulties; to free you from debt,
which I feel confident the College
will be able to discharge in a few
years unaided by any one. Have you
permission from the Archbishop to
continue the Ecclesiastical Seminary
and for what time? Is it limited?
Task these questions as I have heard
it said that the Seminary was to be
discontinued. What arrangements I
would make in case you accept my
offer will be discussed when we
Yours Sincerely, A. Williamson.
The other is from Baltimore:
September 29th, 1836.
Rev. and Dear Sir: I received
your last letter on Friday morning
last. Hearing that the Archbishop
would be home on Tuesday or
Wednesday, I delayed writing you
until then. I saw him yesterday. I
proposed to him what has been under
consideration between us. He did not
object to my going. During our
correspondence 1 have thought often
of the project. Sometimes the
reasons why I should accede to your
request seemed to be overwhelming,
and that I could scarcely ever do an
act that would tend more to the
glory of God, when this question
would present itself and knock the
fair edifice to the ground: "Can the
house possibly succeed as well under
my direction as yours? Ought it not
to be given to some society or
religious order?" As I am fully
persuaded that I would never be able
to quiet or keep quiet the internal
disputes in the house, I must
decline your highly flattering
offer. Nothing but the full
conviction that the house should be
placed in the hands of a religious
society would ever have brought me
to this conclusion. I hope my
declining this offer will prove no
inconvenience to you. I feel
confident that you have no reason
whatever to feel uneasy about the
debts, as in a few years you will be
able to pay all that you owe. Trust
in the infinite bounty of God. Yours
sincerely, A. Williamson. To Rev.
Thomas R. Butler.
[Nothing further or later is known
of Father Williamson, who, like other
priests of the period, may have
labored successively in different
parts of the country. Baltimore boys
of the name were students here in the
last quarter of the nineteenth
Bishop Purcell writes to Deacon
McCaffrey from Cincinnati, October 27,
1836: "From the tenor of your last we
are daily expecting your arrival in
our fair city. Do not disappoint us in
coming out West. Mr. Jamison is said
to be at St. Louis."
In December this year, 1836. Father
Butler left the Mountain on a visit to
Canada in quest of health, and before
leaving he made his will, bequeathing
the Virginia property of the College
in trust to Archbishop Eccleston.
Deacon McCaffrey, who is found
again to be Vice-President, wrote him
December 21st: " The Seminary and the
College are going on just as you left
them. What is most felt is the absence
of the spiritual directors of the
students of the College. I have
endeavored to remedy the evil by
getting Rev. Mr. Flaut to hear as many
as are willing to go to him, and for
that purpose to devote the whole of
this week to confessions. Many of the
boys are thus preparing to celebrate
properly the approaching festivals.
Rev. Mr. Hickey having called here
this week, I mentioned to him the fact
that the sisters with us had no
confessor, whereupon he staid to hear
them all. My brother Francis' health
is declining steadily. Pray for him.
Patricio Luis de la Guardia has
arrived at the College and attends

Above: The Old
Chapel; Below: Interior of the Old
From the letter it would appear
also that Father Xaupi of the college
and Father Flaut of the congregation
were then the only priests in the
house, Father Hickey, S. S., being
pastor at the village.
After the passing of the amended
charter February, 1836, we find that
on April 4th of that year the
following were members of the
corporation: Revs. Thomas R. Butler
and Edward J. Sourin. On Dec. 13,
Archbishop Eccleston and Father John
Hickey. On March 19, 1838, Revs. John
McCaffrey, Honoratus Xaupi, Philip
Borgna, George Flaut and Patrick Corry
were admitted, and Thomas R. Butler
resigned. We notice the catholic
complexion of this body. Butler,
McCaffrey and Hickey were Americans of
Irish descent; Sourin of French;
Eccleston of English; Xaupi was a
Provencal; Borgna an Italian; Flaut a
Pennsylvania German.
A rifle company was formed or
resuscitated this year with
twenty-nine members, including nine
officers, Carroll Spence, '37, being
captain and Outerbridge Horsey, '37,
first lieutenant. Among its rules is
one establishing a court martial, to
consist of the captain, the first and
second lieutenants, and one private
elected by the company. The following
were indictable offenses: 1st,
disobedience or impudence to
commissioned officers; 2d, violence or
disobedience to non-commissioned
officers; 3d, ungentlemanly conduct
during parade. A majority vote was
sufficient to break one convicted of
one of these offenses, and the captain
pronounced sentence. For lesser
misdemeanors the Court could impose
fines. There were twelve parades a
year, and uniform drill every Thursday
after breakfast. According to the
rules of the house every boy whose
parents did not forbid, got each week
for fifty cents half a pound of powder
and two pounds of shot. Among the
officers at this period we find
Outerbridge Horsey, '37, bell-ringer;
C. T. Whitney, Carroll Spence, '37, T.
Lee, '35, and M. Curran, fire-makers.
Helman, in his History of
Emmitsburg, tells us that Tom's Creek
should be Tomes' Creek, so called from
a tribe of Americans that lived along
its banks. Indian Tom, he says, was
Tomes Bones, his father being a negro
named Bones, his mother of the Tomes
September 6,1836, Father McCloskey
(afterwards Cardinal) wrote from the
Convent of Saint Andrea della Valle,
Rome, telling of two cases of books
from Cardinal Mai and four paintings
from Cardinal Fesch, all intended for
Bishop Brute, which he had sent on to
the latter. He describes penitential
processions in Rome to Saint Mary
Major's, intended to avert the
cholera. Pope, Cardinals, etc., and
thousands of people, men and women,
monks and nuns, all Rome in fact, "
may be said to have put on sackcloth
and ashes." An aged cardinal is
described as barefooted and enveloped
in a sack from head to foot with
openings for the eyes only. A servant
followed the feeble old priest. . . .
An Italian priest named Borgna came
from St. Louis about this time. He
taught ethics and theology from 1837
to 1842, besides directing the
Seminary. In 1842-3 he taught at
Ford-ham. The tie that bound the
clergy to a particular diocese was
very loose, and hence we find them
moving from one end of the country to
the other, and indeed for a period
faculties were general throughout the
Father Leonard Obermeyer was
secretary and procurator this year,
besides teaching physics. He was a
valuable addition to the Faculty,
which had lost many of its principal
members in the years preceding. Father
Hughes writes, January 2, 1837, to
Bishop Purcell, that on reflection he
had a settled disposition to prefer
remaining in the lower rank of the
clergy, although "I fear that
cowardice has more to do with the
preference than humility." He had been
named to the mitre of Pittsburg, but
the appointment had been deferred.
On the 10th of January, 1837, died
Barney, one of Father Dubois' slaves,
and on the 14th Francis McCaffrey, a
seminarian, brother of John and
Thomas. The smallpox was brought from
Baltimore by a slave, and
Vice-President McCaffrey would have
everybody re-vaccinated, but could not
get vaccine. The President returned
toward the end of the month, having
been detained several weeks in
Philadelphia by an almost fatal
On March 17, 1836, The Catholic
Herald of Philadelphia prints "Moses
on the Nile," a poem by Rev. J.
McCaffrey, a deacon, Vice-President of
Mt. St. Mary's. We give a stanza or so
as a specimen of his literary ease and
style. A poet is usually no man of
affairs; and strong as John McCaffrey
was, we nowhere find him ever
mentioned as having business ability
or interfering in business matters.
Moses on the Nile.
(1) Bright beamed the sun upon
the banks of Nile; Bright shone the
waters gladdened by his smile; With
evening's crimson blush the air was
bright, And cities, fields and isles
were basking in the light.
(2) But there was gloom and
sadness in the cot, Where the poor
Hebrew sorrowed o'er her lot; Three
moons had filled, three moons had,
waning, set The trembling mother hid
her infant yet; Braved the fierce
tyrant's edict to destroy, Nor
danger feared, but for her smiling
boy. Oh! as that babe upon her bosom
hung Her aching heart what thrilling
sorrows wrung!
How oft she marked in mute
despondency. His smiling lip and
brightly beaming eye. The mockery of
her woe! How oft she pressed The
trembling innocent to her sad
breast. And turned her hand and
aching heart to heaven. That safety
to her child might yet be given.
Alas! in vain, the cruel Pharaoh
still. Sends his stern minions to
explore and kill; Kearer and nearer
comes the dreaded hour. When bloody
hands shall pluck that cherished
(3) She starts:'was but the
breeze that murmured by! "God of my
fathers!'' still the infants cry!
God of the Patriarchs, whose chosen
race Now pine in bondage, misery and
disgrace, Oh, spare the unconscious
babe! Oh, do not tear This bleeding
heart, nor leave me in despair! . .
In the spring of this year
another fire occurred at the
College. The newly erected ten-pin
alley was burned. But as it was at a
distance from the buildings, on the
lower terrace, where the gymnasium
now stands, no extensive mischief
was done.
Chapter Index |
Chapter 31
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.