The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 31
| Chapter Index
Chapter 32: 1838
Of all those within the College
enclosure who, after the excitement of
that 17th of March, sought the
soothing of "Tired nature's sweet
restorer, balmy sleep," there were two
hearts at least that knew happiness as
a blessed companion: he who, weary
with the useless struggle, had
resigned his task, and he who, now
succeeding to it, and being called to
guide the course of his Alma Mater,
laid no uncertain hand upon the helm.
John McCaffrey, the new President
"ambitious Mac," as Cardinal McCloskey
called him was no ordinary man, and
won only the hearts of those who could
appreciate his character and who drew
him to reveal to them its gentle
shades. He was stern yet tender,
seemingly harsh yet devoted to the
best interest of the boys. He was
extremely positive and never concealed
his opinion, even when he condemned
President Purcell as well as President
Butler, who however did not apparently
try to have him retired from the
College, of which, as Abp. Elder says
in his funeral oration, he was even
then the chief force. Says John
Mitchell, '38: "McCaffrey was called
'Sleepy John.' He was very determined,
and never raised his voice, but he
looked it. I considered him a great
man. His voice was a silvery voice,
but I tell you what he said had more
force than if others spoke with
thunder. He was adapted to be chief of
police or chief of detectives. He
would have been a great military man."
Glad to find a substitute in the
pulpit, or to be relieved from the
singing of High Mass, nothing could
induce Father McCaffrey to give up his
catechism class on Sunday afternoon,
and, rain or shine, the hour of two
o'clock p. m. saw him wending his way
up the mountain-path to the church.
And the children of his class loved
him. His visits to the sick were
marked by a gentleness and
thoughtfulness which those who were
regarded as less stern lacked. How
often do we note these compensations
in character! As an orator he was not
excelled even by the silver-tongued
Hughes; as a scholar he stood in the
foremost rank. Yet jolly,
affectionate, genial "Father Tom," his
brother, carried all hearts in his
wake. The following hymn, so exultant
in its loving worship of the sweet
patroness of the Mountain, reads like
a veritable inspiration and is one of
many from the pen of President John

Rev. John McCaffrey |
Hail to the Mistress of the
skies, The Queen of Seraphs bright;
Our hope in gloom, Maria rise And
guide us into light'. O Star of
ocean's wave!
While o'er life's sea we darkly
glide, And fear and grief prevail,
Illume our course, our pathway
guide, And cheer us as we sail, O
Star of ocean's wave!
On thee we turn our weeping eyes
When round us dangers start, Then
let thy radiant beams arise, And
light and cheer each heart, O Star
of ocean's wave!
Tien o'er life's sea we'll calmly
steer, Unto the port of rest, Where
thy bright beams shall ever cheer
And shine upon the blest, O Star of
ocean's wave!
He also arranged the words of the
second chapter of St. Luke's gospel
from the eighth to the fourteenth
verses, in metrical shape to be set to
music. It is a favorite Christmas
"There were shepherds abiding in
the field " . . .
We give in this book some other
specimens of his pen-work. Like
Socrates, however, he taught rather by
conversation than by systematic,
labored, polished writing. And yet the
little he has left in prose shows what
he might have done in this department.
He seldom displayed any sense of
humor, except when amused in the
company of intimate friends, and then
sometimes by showing he did not know
what they were laughing at.
Archbishop Eccleston retained the
Rev. Mr. Butler as his private
secretary for two years after the
latter left the College. His wish,
however, always was to be a
missionary, and at the end of that
time he went to Cincinnati and was
made parish priest at Hamilton, Butler
Co., Ohio. When the diocese of
Covington was erected with Rt. Rev.
George A. Carrell as bishop, he joined
his old friend, received the
appointment of Vicar-General and died
in that office in 1869, a few weeks
after the Bishop. Before leaving the
College he wrote out the following
memoranda of his administration:
"In order to afford to the
gentlemen of the Council of Mount St.
Mary's the means of forming a just
estimate of the character and effects
of the administration of its
interests, during the four years of my
presidency, it is necessary in the
first place to look back with candor
upon the state of the Institution when
left by my predecessor. This is done
without any desire to reflect upon his
management or for the purpose of
building up a claim for approbation of
my own government, and may be best
done by referring to the letters of
distant friends, to the records of the
official transactions of that time by
the Mt. Rev. Archbp. and the Council
of the house, and especially by
regarding the evidence afforded by the
schedule drawn up in half a day from
memory and written by my predecessor.
From the hasty and imperfect schedule
of its debts given on that occasion in
the handwriting of the then President,
you will see that even by that
imperfect document, drawn from memory
in a few hours, without the
possibility of referring to books or
accounts of others against us, that a
debt of $53,000 is acknowledged and
that a few large omissions were
immediately found which raised the
amount of debt over $56,000, and from
the large number of due bills bearing
interest for small sums the amount
should be fairly estimated at $60,000.
In comparing the state of the
establishment four years ago with its
present condition, it should be
remembered that
1st. We have a satisfactory
Charter of Incorporation in place of
the dangerous and imperfect and
embarrassing ones under which we
were before obliged to act. 2nd. We
have gained what was never before
granted an ecclesiastical character
for the Seminary and a permanent
pledge of protection from the
Archbishop. The limited time for the
permission to teach Theology had
been fixed at eighteen months from
the end of my predecessor's official
term. 3rd. The number of Seminarians
has increased from seventeen to
thirty. Four years ago there were
but three in the class of theology
in 1833 two divines in 1834 three
divines. 4th. In February, 1834,
there were eighty boys in the
College. In June, 1834, there were
one hundred and five. And ever since
the number has varied from that
upwards to one hundred and
thirty-one. It is now one hundred
and ten. 5th. The credit of the
house is much better in a commercial
way. 6th. Its reputation as a
College better. 7th. It pays per
annum less interest $400.00. 8th. It
is insured for $15,000.
Then he goes on to enumerate all
the improvements made about the place,
one thousand volumes added to the
library, the decrease of four hundred
dollars a year in interest, etc. The
altering of the old stone wash-house
into a chapel cost eight hundred
dollars; the barn (torn down in 1906)
one thousand dollars, etc. So that the
credit of the College had increased or
its debt decreased, during the Butler
administration, about seven thousand
dollars notwithstanding the
improvements which cost in all
seventeen thousand dollars.
Many congratulated Father McCaffrey
and the Mountain on his accession. The
"disunion" would now be a thing of the
past. Although the Baltimore House, as
shown by their letter of April 18,
1838, felt the departure of the
brothers McCaffrey who had taught
there, still they admitted that "M.
John McCaffrey was necessary to
prevent the Mountain from falling to
pieces," and while he was almost
necessary" to themselves, they felt
that in such an emergency the
sacrifice should be made. "However,
they could not let Thomas go just
then, and in fact considered it almost
offensive to ask them." Thomas came
back to the Mountain, however, this
same month.
Brute’ wrote a holy and delightful
letter, April 20,1838, rejoicing with
Father McCaffrey and the latter's
father on his ordination. "'Altaria
tua, Domine virtutum!' Ah! the
beautiful hymns you made for First
Communion, and tears ran from every
eye!" He goes on to speak of the
Mountaineers in New York, Cincinnati,
New Orleans, St. Louis and Mobile, and
of the sisters who had come to
Vincennes from Emmitsburg.
Ex-President Butler still held the
Virginia property in fee simple and
individually, and wrote from Baltimore
May 2, 1838, proposing to transfer
title. He asked for catalogues to
distribute. "You must ever feel
assured of my cordial good will
personally and of my lasting and
unchanging zeal for the Mountain.
Please send my alarm-clock. The habits
of the city folks are rather late and
the neighborhood of the Cathedral very
quiet until seven or eight o'clock, so
that I need it."
Brute’ wrote again, May 27, 1838,
in most enthusiastic and inspiriting
style: "Your load of debts the same
nearly! Well, it might have been
increased. But you could drag it along
twenty or thirty years without any
more breaking than the Bank of England
or Biddle (a Baltimore banker). Our
stock is better than theirs, even on
earth. The Mountain forever! Drunk
standing and nine cheers in a full
glass of
'That purest of best, and best of
pure waters.'
We have good water also, and use
it, and having no such high visitors
to receive, we want no sideboard, no
decanters, no purple or yellow thing
in them."
Abp. Eccleston, writing June 15,
1838, announcing his coming for the
Commencement, is "most grateful to
Heaven for the blessings it lavishes
upon your invaluable establishment."
During the vacation Messrs. Edward
O'Neill and Francis Coyle left for
Lefargeville, N. Y. (about three
hundred miles from the metropolis),
where Bishop Dubois had established a
new seminary, under the priests of the
Mission, and John McCloskey, future
President, became First Prefect at the
Brute' wrote again, August 15,
1838, requesting that his library,
which he had, on request, allowed to
remain for a few years at the
Mountain, should now be sent to
Vincennes, "his holy spouse her
dower." He speaks of "Michigan City,
four years ago only a few houses and
now growing so fast. Our Catholic
Indians so good and obliged to go west
of the Mississippi." Then the holy man
goes on to say that the College might
take certain of his books in payment
for the clerics trained there for
Vincennes, as he is "very short of
money," and goes on to show that he
might be considered to have some claim
on the Mountain. During my twenty
years and more there I had neither
salary nor pocket-money."I procured
from Charles X of France six hundred
dollars, and then four hundred through
M. de Lamennais and others. I gave the
students, I can say, more than a
thousand or twelve hundred theologies,
&c. I always paid my own traveling
expenses, freight of books, &c. The
loan of my library for these last four
years ought to pay what I owe for
those students." [These gifts from the
French king may or may not be those
referred to by Mrs. Sumter. See Chap,
President McCaffrey was dangerously
ill during the fall of 1838, and
Brute' writes, Oct. 13, expressing joy
at learning of his recovery. He goes
on to regret that "not on the Mountain
is my grave marked; not those paths
around mine; not M. Gegan's nor M.
Andre's land; not Dr. Shorb at the
last pulse; not the shake of
neighboring bones, Duhamel, Lynch,
&c., &c. However, what matters 'dummodo
consummem cursum meum'? M.
Plunkett has set out for the Illinois
Canal, Joliet, &c., 250 miles, where
the laborers are dying of malignant
fever and the other priest could not
attend them all; nineteen died in
three days. I was exceedingly
prostrated myself when I returned from
Bardstown, a tour of more than nine
hundred miles, as I had gone the whole
northern round."
On November 29 he writes that he
had sent M. Hailandiere to France for
more priests and M. Vabret to New
Orleans on account of his lungs. He
himself had a relapse. There was great
difficulty in distinguishing Brute's
books, more than half of which had not
his name, and the anxiety for them
troubled him somewhat.
It seems that Father McCaffrey
wanted him to pay cash for the
Vincennes students, three in number,
who had been for less than a year at
the Mountain, and who were to be paid
for in books and service at the
sisters, etc., and the Bishop finally
writes, Dec. 12, 1838: "Simply send me
the bill." At the same time, besides
what he had already told of his claim,
he recalls other sums of money paid by
himself: one hundred and fifty dollars
to Baltimore for the first students
sent thither from the Mountain; six
hundred paid directly to St. Sulpice
for those who went to France directly
from the Mountain, and who did such
valiant service for their alma mater,
besides the expenses of their journey
which he collected from friends; "my
journey to France for the Mountain in
1824 I paid myself; I gave Dubois
seventeen hundred dollars, reserving
the right to take back three hundred
if I left the College, or it was
broken up, but I never asked for the
money and left it to the College, and
accepted only the clothing, like the
other missionaries, whom we always
clothed on their departure. "Tis true
we gave Dubois two hundred dollars
besides his clothes. I served twenty
years and more without any salary;
drank water and walked, having
ability, to spare stage-fare; never
made Niagara or other travel, though I
have often wished to visit Montreal's
old library and archives. We had sent
above sixty seventy, more priests, I
think to the different dioceses, most
of them educated without any money of
the bishops. Now I have rejoiced such
long years in its admirable services
for all our dioceses, and shall I not
to my death rejoice the same, glad
even that, able to pay my bill, I
shall have cast this last mite in its
ever needy, poor treasury ; for needy
I found it, needy I left it, and
though not my fault, I cannot find it
ill that my children (so do I say,
humbly, and may I be allowed
especially from 1826 to 1834) rely on
my answering, as I did the claims of a
full pay in cash 'non enim
thesaurizant filii parentibus, sed
parentes filiis' only do I the
more claim their kind prayers my
health nearly as bad this December as
the last."
Books were very much prized in
those days evidently, and there is
always much objection to removing them
from a library once they are placed on
its shelves. We quote from Brute 's
letters however merely to reveal the
fact of his heroic self-sacrifice and
glorious life in connection with the
College. The reader will recall 2nd
Corinthians, XI.
Because the Mother deserves
recognition for the deeds of her
children, we transfer to this history
a brief record of the labors of
another typical Mountaineer, George
Elder who died Sept. 28th, 1838.
"The Rev. George A. M. Elder was
born in Washington now Marion county,
Kentucky, in the year 1793. His
parents enjoyed a moderate competence
and were full of zeal for the Catholic
faith. His mother was a convert. They
spared no pains to make a good
impression on the tender minds of
their children, and to rear them in
the knowledge and practice of
Christian virtue. The young George
gave early evidences of piety, and of
that amiable disposition which
characterized him throughout life. He
manifested, from his most tender
childhood, an ardent thirst for
learning, and gave indication of a
wish to study for the Church a wish
his parents did everything in their
power to foster by giving him every
opportunity to cultivate his mind in
the few schools with which Kentucky
was 25 blessed at that early day. At
the age of about eighteen, he was sent
to the flourishing College of
Emmitsburg, Maryland, June 3, 1811,
and remained there for several years,
prosecuting his classical studies in
order to qualify himself for entering
on the study of theology. There, too,
he became acquainted with Father
William Byrne, with whom he formed
that intimate Christian friendship
which continued throughout life, and
which even death could not sever. The
regulation at that time required that
students should go for divinity
studies to the theological seminary of
St. Mary's Baltimore conducted by the
Sulpicians, and in this institution,
he completed with credit his
theological course; then returning to
Kentucky, where he was soon after
rejoined by his friend who had been
there also his associate. As we have
already seen, both were raised to the
priesthood by Bishop David in the new
cathedral of St. Joseph's, on the same
day, the 18th of September, 1819. Soon
after his ordination, the subject of
our notice entered upon the active
duties of the holy ministry in the
congregation attached to the Cathedral
of St. Joseph's, where he labored with
great zeal and efficiency for several
years. The Diocesan seminary had
already been removed to Bardstown; and
like other clergymen living in this
town, the Rev. Mr. Elder resided at
the seminary recently erected, and ate
at the same table with the seminarians
and the two Rt. Rev. Bishops.
"The people of Bardstown had long
expressed a wish to have a school
established there for the education of
their children. The good Bishop Flaget
now resolved to comply with this wish;
and selected Mr. Elder to be the
founder and first President of the
infant establishment. As no buildings
had as yet been erected for the
purpose, the school, composed at first
entirely of day-scholars, was opened
in the basement story of the
theological seminary. The seminarians
assisted the Rev. President in the
duties of the school, which was
numerously attended, and thus, about
the year 1820, were laid the humble
foundations of St. Joseph's College.
Its cradle was the cellar of the
seminary. The number of scholars daily
increasing, the President determined
with the approval of the Bishop, to
undertake the erection of a separate
building for the College; so the south
wing of St. Joseph's College was soon
put up, and paid for chiefly from the
proceeds of the day school. Boarders
were now received and the institution
was soon filled to overflowing; its
success surpassing the most sanguine
expectations of its projectors. The
number of boarders was soon afterwards
(in May, 1825) greatly increased, by
fifty-four young men brought up to it
from the South by the Rev. M. Martial,
a special friend of Bishop Flaget.
This was the commencement of that
southern patronage, which was destined
to render the institution so
flourishing in after days; and also,
on the subsequent heavy pecuniary
derangement of the south, to bring
upon it, as upon his Alma Mater, so
great an amount of pecuniary
embarrassment and responsibility. The
increasing patronage of the College
soon rendered necessary the erection
of new buildings for the accommodation
of the students. The north wing, and
subsequently the front, or main
college edifice, were rapidly put up.
The President spared no labor to
promote the welfare and prosperity of
the institution, which was soon
incorporated by the Legislature of
Kentucky, and becoming one of the most
flourishing colleges of the west,
educated many youths of the most
distinguished families in the Western
and Southern States. The accomplished
manners and amiable character of the
Rev. Mr. Elder, gave him a peculiar
facility for the management of youth.
He secured the esteem and won the
hearts of all under his charge. The
esteem, love, and confidence of both
parents and children did much to
enlarge the patronage, and to secure
the permanent prosperity of the
institution. The chief and, perhaps,
the only fault he had, as President,
was on the amiable side a too great
mildness and indulgence in enforcing
discipline, for being of Maryland
stock, Fatti Maschi, Parole Femmine
was still his motto. The Rev. Mr.
Elder continued his labors in
connection with St. Joseph's College
for nearly the whole of the last
twenty years of his life. For only two
or three years was this occupation
changed for the active duties of the
mission in Scott county and throughout
the central portion of Kentucky. On
his retirement from the College the
office of President was discharged
with great vigor and success by the
Rev. I. A. Reynolds, the present
distinguished Bishop of Charleston.
Upon the resignation of the presidency
by the Rev. Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Elder
was induced again to accept the
office, which he continued to hold
till his death. His health was,
however, already beginning to decline
under the weight of his heavy and
long-continued labors, and received an
additional shock from the exposure and
fatigue which accompanied and followed
the disastrous burning of the main
college building on the 25th of
January, 1837. He never recovered from
this blow, which not only went to his
heart, but also greatly impaired his
already feeble constitution. For many
years he had been subject to a violent
palpitation of the heart, a disease
which had been probably caused by
over-exertion while a student at
Emmitsburg. Each year it exhibited
symptoms more and more alarming, and
at length, in combination with fever,
it caused his death on the 28th day of
September, 1838 the forty-fifth year
of his age and the twentieth of his
priesthood."Note the enemy fire which
attacked the Mountain, Nyack, N. Y.,
St. Mary's and Bardstown, Kentucky.
It will have been remarked how, on
the 19th of March, 1838, Father John
McCaffrey signed himself "S. S." There
is no further allusion or explanation
to his presumed membership of the
Society of St. Sulpice.
Dr. McCaffrey and his
contemporaries used to tell of the
celebration at St. Mary's Seminary of
the Feast of the Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, November 21, when
the Archbishop first renewed his
sacerdotal vows before the Blessed
Sacrament and then received those of
every member of the community, from
the oldest to the youngest. A Solemn
High Mass opened the sublime function,
a sermon on the Priest hood being
preached thereat, and the consecration
followed, in which the words used were
those first uttered by the candidate
for Tonsure: "Dominus pars
haereditatis meae et calicis mei: Tu
es qui restitues haereditatem meam
mihi." We do not read of this
ceremony's being used at the Mountain,
but priests from the latter
occasionally accepted the courteous
invitation of the gentlemen of St.
Sulpice and took part therein, and do
so to the present day.
Chapter 33
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.