The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 34
| Chapter Index
Chapter 35: 1840-1842
In March of the year 1840 the
Archbishop ordained Mr. John
McCloskey, the future President, to
the subdiaconate, in the Church on the
Hill. In a letter dated March 22nd,
Rev. Mr. Deluol announces the death on
the previous Thursday, the 19th, of
the Rev. Mr. Tessier, for so many
years the Superior of the Seminary of
St. Sulpice in Baltimore, and, since
for some time Father Dubois was but
the deputy of the Baltimore house in
the government of the Mountain, the
actual Superior of this College also.
Mr. L. Obermeyer left the college
in April on an extended tour through
the Southern States in the interest of
the Institution. On September 2nd he
was admitted to the Corporation.
Archbishop Eccleston and Bishop
Fenwick of Boston attended the
Commencement this year, 1840, at which
there were but two graduates. Messrs.
Loughlin and Conroy (both Bishops
later) were ordained subdeacons on the
morning of Commencement day in the
chapel on the back terrace. The
Prefects for the scholastic year
1840-41, were John Harley (afterwards
President of Fordham College) Laurence
Carroll, Richard Kein and John
Hackett. There are very few letters
and documents relating to this year,
but the following from Bishop Purcell
to the President will be of interest:
Cin., 4 Sept., 1840.
Rev. and Dear Friend: As the
labors of the launch are pretty nigh
at an end for you this new
Collegiate year, to be blessed like
its predecessor and more, I take the
liberty of requesting you a favor.
It is this. Just to lock your door
for a couple of hours for one or two
days, and to put on paper a report
or statement of the system pursued
in Catholic Colleges as to
instruction, thorough scholarship,
mental and moral training and
discipline, paternal and filial,
relation of teachers and pupils and
any other remarks which your
experience and reflecting mind will
suggest. I beg you not to neglect
doing this. It is called for by our
College of Teachers, which is to
commence its sessions on the first
Monday in October. Bishop Mcllvaine
of the Episcopalians is to be there
this year for the first time, and
Alexander Campbell, founder of the
Campbellites, is invited by a mean
little schoolmaster of this place,
one of his sect, but who has the
turning of the wheel of proceedings
in his hands, to deliver the
Introductory. I am rusty in the
matter of college discipline by this
time, am ignorant of any new
improvements that might have been
made in the course of Classical,
Mathematical or other studies, and
moreover, am constantly occupied.
Come to our assistance. A. M. D. G.
& B. M. V., however . . .
Rev. Mr. McCaffrey having complied
with Bishop Purcell's request made in
the letter given above, the bishop
wrote as follows under date of
September 30, 1840:
Many sincere thanks for your kind
and intelligent letter of the 17th
inst. You will have seen that the
Jesuits have come to Cincinnati.
There is growling indistinctly heard
among the dens of the bigots, like
that of a distant and unfeared
menagerie. Rev. Thomas R. Butler,
your predecessor, is superintending
extensive preparations for the
opening of the college. He will
probably join the Society. [He did
and was about six months in the
novitiate.] Very Rev. E. T. Collins,
another of your Mountaineers, is
indefatigable. He has a great duty
to perform and he takes neither wine
nor anything that could inebriate,
or rather sustain him in that line.
He does not drink tea, nor coffee,
nor eat flesh-meat, except perhaps
once in three months when he cannot
get anything else. Yet he is in
perfect health. His monthly
penitents cannot be fewer than five
hundred . . .
Bishop Hughes who had just returned
from Europe in August came to the
Mountain, arriving on the 7th of
December, 1840. On the same day Mr.
Denis McNamee died. Bishop Hughes
ordained Mr. John McCloskey (Father
John) to the priesthood on Sunday the
13th, raised Mr. William Henry Elder
to the subdiaconate and confirmed some
of the students of the college.
On August 31, 1840, the College
petitioned the legislature to
authorize them to free William
Richardson, Isabel Campbell, Susan
Green, Ann Key and Betsey Butler, and
on September 8th, the offer of a negro
boy was declined.
Bill Richardson and his wife Anne
were, when the chronicler knew them,
two old slaves of the College who
lived in their latter days down at
the Dry-bridge. When their cabin
became uninhabitable a woman named
Magraw took them into her house
nearby, and they lived with her for
three years, while the neighbors
were accumulating the wherewithal to
rebuild their hut. No one
unacquainted with the feeling
towards the negro that exists below
Mason and Dixon' s line can fully
appreciate the natural heroism and
sublime Christian charity shown by
Mrs. Magraw. Bill and his wife lived
in their domicile many years
thereafter, enjoying the good will
and respect of all that knew them,
and though the house was but a
cellarless hut in a swamp, they
received their visitors with a
simple grace and dignity that would
sit well on the President and the
Mistress of the White House. Bill
was a captive of rheumatism in his
latter days, but we never heard him
complain, and once when we brought
him up for Christmas Mass and
invited him to dine at the College,
we were deeply impressed with the
simplicity and piety with which he
said grace. The seminarians admitted
that he was a model in making the
Sign of the Cross. In old times he
had been a teamster at the College,
and used to make a brave show with
his horses and mules and their
brilliant tassels and his cracking
whip, but his great display was made
in 1875 when he drove Cardinal
McCloskey from Thurmont, then called
Mechanicstown, to his Alma Mater.
Bill was very much attached to his
namesake, Bishop William McCloskey,
of Louisville, whom he used always
to speak of as "Father William," and
the gentle, polite, respectful way
in which he recalled old times and
persons was charming to observe.
Bill died at last (in 1902) in his
ninetieth year, and his wife very
soon followed him. The College
clergy did honor to the remains of
those excellent servitors.
In the records of the year 1840 we
note among other things the piety of
those days, which some attribute, as
they do the literary taste and
achievement, to the rarity of
newspapers, especially of newspapers
with sporting columns, and also of
cheap novels.
The Sodality of the Queen of
Apostles used to meet on Sundays. It
had speakers on holy subjects at each
meeting; four members were chosen by
lot to make a retreat on each Sunday,
certain ones to go to Communion on
Saturday, and monthly monitors
determined by lot, two and two, to
admonish each other, and "Mr. Keveny
will be his own monitor." The
Secretary was to correspond twice a
year with members on the mission. No
self-accusations are noted in the
minutes. Every month also a patron
saint was selected by lot. Names found
in the Gregorian Society are to be met
with here also.
The Gregorian Society composed of
seminarians and referred to in the
last chapter, met regularly from 1840
to 1843 and existed down to 1880. It
was an excellent association. The
members were punished for dereliction
of duty by being obliged to read
essays of so many minutes or declaim
lines. Sides in debate were decided by
lot. Things were then much as they are
now; for March 14, 1841, "At the
opening of the meeting all were
present except the prefects," while on
May 28, 1843, "the president left to
say beads for the boys." The same
month it was "moved that we hold our
meetings henceforth in the Teachers'
Dormitory; carried." Oct. 19th, same
year "Mr. Francis P. McFarland moved
that the president be fined 25 lines
of declamation for disorder on the
last evening; Mr. James Clark (they
were both West Pointers) seconded the
motion; carried."
Oct. 25,1840, a father wrote in
reference to and apology for some rule
broken by "Orlando": "A very painful
position he had placed himself in by
disobedience.... I know your strong
aversion to corporal punishment, as
you remarked in your letter, for I
remember that after your return to the
college and becoming its president
such chastisement, I might say,
ceased, and I believe for the manifest
advantage of all the students who were
actuated by an honorable spirit." Dr.
McCaffrey, to whom this letter was
addressed, did not afterwards show
very positive "aversion to corporal
Dec. 17, 1840, an appeal for books
as well as specimens for the cabinet
was sent out from the College, Bishop
Brute’ having transferred his books to
his diocese, and they having formed a
considerable portion of our library.
The fewness of priests, and their
consequent frequent transfer from
place to place so often recorded, must
have caused serious injury to
religion, but especially to education,
and this was more hurtful to the
College than perhaps the debt itself.
Rev. Mr. Corry resigned the
Vice-Presidency and left the College
after New Year's, 1841. On the 21st of
March, 1841, Rev. Richard V. Whelan, a
former professor, whose name has been
so frequent in our pages, was
consecrated in the Cathedral of
Baltimore to the See of Richmond,
having jurisdiction over all Virginia.
In April of this year Rev. Mr.
Obermeyer left the College for the
mission at Cumberland, Maryland.
Archbishop Eccleston wrote to Rev.
Mr. McCaffrey on April 30th that,
"Should I have the physical strength
to walk in procession to Emmitsburg
and lay the corner-stone of the new
church after my six hours ceremony at
the sisterhood, I assure you that I
shall not be deficient in good will to
comply with the engagement which you
had a well-implied right to make in my
name. May God bless you all, my little
and great children of the Mountain!"
Bishop Hughes was endeavoring at
this time to establish a diocesan
seminary in the State of New York, and
for this purpose was obliged to
withdraw Bishop Dubois' subjects from
the Mountain; he writes May 6, 1841:
Rev. dear Sir: ... I hardly think
it fair to put our question on the
ground of "generosity and
sentiment," or if it be, I am free
to occupy that ground also, and say
that in this case the appeal will
stand in my favor. An old pupil of
the "Mountain" wishes to multiply
its benefits to religion and
establish a similar institution
where it is so much needed. Will not
the Mountain, then, aid him?
In fact it is thus that I would
expect you to reason. However, I
must return to points sufficiently
intimated in my first letter on the
subject about two years ago. I
persevere in the sentiments then
expressed by me. They were twofold:
1st, that to the best of my power, I
would yield to the wish of any
subjects of this diocese who might
be disposed to attach themselves to
the Mountain. 2nd, That in
withdrawing subjects, which I
intimated I should do, I should take
care to do it in a manner not to
affect injuriously, if possible, the
Institution from which they are to
be called, and to which religion is
so much indebted. In the full spirit
of this declaration, I wish to
recall two or three of those
subjects, after two years from the
time it was made. Neither is this
done from any other cause than that
which necessity produces. Had I not
been disappointed in receiving the
aid I expected from Europe, it is
probable that I should not have to
call on the Mountain at all. But as
it is, this is unavoidable. I shall
be content with two, whom I natter
myself you can spare without
anything like serious injury to the
house. The two that would suit are
Rev. Mr. McCloskey [Father John] and
Mr. Harley. But you have your mind
set on them and I shall not disturb
the arrangement for the present, if
I can provide otherwise. I have
understood that Rev. Mr. Corry was
about to leave, and if he were to
come, and Mr. Conroy, I should make
out, till the arrival of our
reinforcement from Europe. We must
commence next month. And the
commencement under the eyes, you may
gay, of this city, must be such as
not to fall far short of the
anticipations that have been
created. How can this be it you
claim all for the Mountain and leave
us to struggle unaided with the
difficulties incident to the
commencement of such an undertaking
? If you could spare me Messrs.
McCloskey and Harley even for six
months, I do not say but at the
expiration of that time I might
allow them to return.
Try, then, my dear friend, and
make such a disposition of your
resources as will leave me at
liberty to write to these parties on
the receipt of your letter. Bishop
Dubois would have recalled them at
once, but I wish to do it only after
you will have had time to foresee
the contingency and provide for it.
We must in these matters that are
undertaken for a common cause be
prepared to help each other, and he
who is most in need has the best
Our school question progresses
beautifully in Albany. It is
impossible to predict the issue with
certainty, but our side looks by far
the brightest. ..."
[This was an endeavor to get State
support for Catholic Public Schools or
to have religion taught in schools for
Catholics maintained by the State].
The next letter is a continuation
of the subject.
New York, June 2D, 1841.
Rev. dear Sir: I received your
letter of the 19th ulto., but had
not time to reply to it immediately.
Indeed, at present I am hurried as
usual, and this must plead for me
if, instead of replying to the
details, I merely extract the
substance as the grounds of my
remarks at the present time.
For convenience, then, I shall
divide it into two parts: the first,
in which you propose to give me two
teachers who are of little use to
you, and would be of none at all to
me; and the second, by far the most
interesting portion of your letter,
in which you prove at length how
generous you are and what sacrifices
you are willing to make in order to
aid my commencement. Fie! fie!
Mr. Dougherty I recommended
because I thought that at all times
he would be worth his expenses, and
because I thought the
"coming-forward system" of the
Mountain would qualify him to take
the place left vacant by the recall
of others now advanced and most
needed here. I have not written to
any of the subjects of this diocese
as yet. Now I must begin. I wish to
observe all the proprieties which a
regard for good order, for the
interests of Mt. St. Mary's, and old
unabated friendship for yourself
require. Indeed, I know that Bishop
Dubois, at least, would have begun
where I must conclude, in writing to
the subject himself.
I have just written in answer to
Rev. Mr. Corry's letter. Should he
come as he proposes. I shall take
away besides, at present, only Mr.
Harley. Should he not come you will
have to spare Mr. Harley and Mr.
Carroll. But even with these, I
shall be obliged to engage at a
salary a teacher to supply the place
of others. . . . I do not mean to
call these young men away until
after your Commencement. I trust
their place can be supplied at the
Mountain, but to me they are
indispensable. Should you favor us
with a visit in vacation you will
have an opportunity of convincing
yourself of this fact, viz., that I
cannot do without them. Your sincere
friend, John Hughes, Up., tie.
When it is borne in mind that the
diocese of New York had not in all
probability paid one dollar toward the
maintenance and tuition of those young
men, one is better able to picture to
himself the feelings of the College
Council on receipt of these letters.
However, as President Egan wrote to
Bishop Hughes, May 28, 1827, when the
latter was still a pastor in
Philadelphia, "our views change with
our situations." Bishop-elect Dubois
made an agreement with the authorities
of the Mountain which he felt unable
afterward to carry out, for, as Egan
says in the same place, "Dubois
President and Dubois Bishop are two
very different personages," and so now
his successors discover that Father
Hughes pastor and Bishop Hughes take
quite different views of things and
find conditions so changed that
treaties cease to hold. "Pro doma
sua," and "necessitas non habet
legem," seem to be the principles
of action. Doubtless were Dr.
McCaffrey in Bishop Hughes' place he
would act similarly, but with more
peremptoriness than Hughes or even
Dubois himself.
Mr. Hassard tells us that this
college at Fordham (transferred from
Lafargeville, N. Y.) was opened in
June, 1841, with the following
officers, four of whom we have already
made acquaintance with at the
President and Professor of
Rhetoric and Belles Letters, Rev.
John McCloskey (afterwards
Cardinal); Vice-President and
Professor of Greek and Mathematics,
Rev. Ambrose Manahan, D. D.;
Professor of Moral Philosophy and
Hebrew, Rev. Felix Vilanis, D. D.;
Treasurer and Professor of Natural
Philosophy and Chemistry, Rev.
Edward O'Neill; Professor of
Spanish, Rev. Bernard A. Claneza;
Professor of Latin, Mr. John J.
Conroy (afterwards Bishop of
Albany); Prefect of Discipline and
Professor of Bookkeeping, Mr. John
Harley (afterwards its President);
Professor of German, Mr. Oertel;
Professor of French, Mr. McDonald;
besides six tutors.
These are the generations of the
New York Seminary:
In 1834 the Seminary at Nyack above
referred to was opened under Father
McGerry as president and Father
McCloskey (Cardinal) as professor,
with five students who lived in the
old farmhouse adjoining. Before the
students occupied the new building, it
and its new chapel were destroyed by
Bishop Dubois next thought to build
in Brooklyn, but Bishop Hughes opened
Sept. 20, 1838, St. Vincent de Paul's
Seminary at Lafargeville, a couple of
hundred miles away. Father Guth was
Superior, assisted by Fathers Moran
and Haes. A few seminarians and a few
pupils for the collegiate department
entered, but in a year it was
abandoned (Shea's History), as they
saw it would not take. The charges at
this institution were one hundred
twelve a year for board and tuition,
eight dollars for washing, ten dollars
each for modern languages. This
attempt was followed by that at Rose
Hill, Fordham, just referred to, but
to Cardinal McCloskey, '34, is to be
credited the great advance made when
in 1864 the Provincial Seminary of
Troy was founded, and to Archbishop
Corrigan, '59, thirty-three years
later, the diocesan Seminary of
The New York Seminary was in 1843
in charge of Vincentians, who also
directed that at Philadelphia. The
Seminary at Troy was conducted by
Louvain Doctors, and that at Dunwoodie
by Sulpicians. In 1907 most of the
Sulpicians at Dunwoodie withdrew from
the Congregation, but were engaged by
the Archbp. to continue in charge of
the institution, which thus ceased to
be under St. Sulpice. Our friends of
St. Sulpice had no seminaries outside
of Baltimore till their Centenary,
1891, after which they took charge in
San Francisco, New York and Boston, as
well as, to a certain extent, of the
discipline in the Divinity school of
the Catholic University at Washington.
On the 21st of July, 1841, the Rev.
Mr. McCaffrey was made a member of the
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
The prefects of the Scholastic year
'41-42 were Messrs. L. Carroll,
Richard Kein, Fr. P. McFarland and
Patrick Murphy Mr. McFarland had
taught for a while at Waynesboro,
Penn. He became Bishop of Hartford,
St. Joseph's Church at the Convent,
Emmitsburg, was consecrated by the
Archbishop of Baltimore, May 6, 1841.
The ceremony began at six in the
morning and at 11 o'clock Bishop
Whelan of Wheeling sang Mass, Dr.
Moriarity 0. S. A. preached, and
Father Borgna of the Mountain
marshaled the procession. In addition
to the bishops, clergymen from New
York, Philadelphia and Baltimore were
present, besides priests and
seminarians of the College and these
with one hundred and sixty
girl-pupils, a band of music, a banner
of the Blessed Virgin, accompanying
the beautiful bier on which was the
urn containing the relics, made a most
vivid and holy impression.
In the afternoon of the same day
the Archbishop laid the cornerstone of
the new church at Emmitsburg. where
this year also, the pioneer journal of
the village, the Emmitsburg Banner,
waved for three months, drooped and
was furled.
We saw how Father Obermeyer had
gone to Cumberland, Maryland, and we
rejoice to record that he founded a
Temperance Society there. We have an
account of one of its meetings held
June 27, 1841. "At a meeting of the
Temperance Society of Cumberland held
in the old Catholic Church on the 27th
of June, 1841, Mr. B. Mattingly was
called to the chair and Mr. John Swann
appointed Secretary. Whereupon the
following preamble and resolutions
were adopted.
"'Whereas the organization of the
Total Abstinence Society lately formed
in Cumberland thro' the praiseworthy
exertions of the Rev. J. L. Obermeyer
is eminently calculated to alleviate
distress and misery and repress vice
and immorality, the certain
consequences of intemperance, and
thereby promote peace, industry,
happiness and virtue and richly merits
the warmest approbation of all persons
who love good order and morals etc.,
The Temperance wave at that period
overran the whole country and the
inhabitants thereof, from the
President along to all the sailors of
American ships. It began in Baltimore
and was called the Washingtonian
Movement. Its influence extended to
Ireland where on April 10, 1838,
Father Mathew started his immortal
The Catholic Herald July 22, '41,
says, giving an account of our
Commencement: " This College is noted
not only in the United States, but has
yearly pupils from France, Spain, the
West Indies and South America, a
reputation earned for it by the
talents of its learned president, the
Rev. John McCaffrey, as well as of the
other scientific gentlemen who preside
over its different departments."
Dec. 15th, '41. Dr. McCaffrey
writes to a Pittsburg priest: "Only
four cases of personal chastisement
occurred this year. It might be
supposed that our ordinary
punishments, tasks of memory, were
multiplied; they have been diminished.
I have reduced their average number by
at least 80 per cent, since I became
president, and we have fewer this year
than ever. . . . There was some
disturbance and several boys were
dismissed. The whole truth is this ;
every College in the country but ours
has an occasional outbreak of the
national spirit of independence, a
riot, insurrection or something of the
kind. . . . There was an idea of
introducing a little more of liberty
and equality. . . . and if that were
resisted a disposition to repel force
by force. , . ."
The new bishop of Richmond, Richard
Whelan, writes under date of Jan. 10,
1842, to Rev. Mr. McCaffrey:
Rev. and dear Sir: . . . Remember
me kindly to all and do not imagine
that I have lost sight of them
because of the birth of " The Young
Mountain " [a college he had
opened]. It appeared to me of the
utmost utility to commence
immediately the foundation of
something permanent, and hence I
plunged boldly forward, assuming all
risks and fitting my already wearied
shoulders to the discharge of the
combined duties of the factotum of a
seminary, a Pastor and a Bishop.
Thus far I have not had reason to
regret the effort. Strange to say,
my health has improved, and I have
collected around me seven students
of theology and two young lads,
besides Mr. Heurth of St. Mary's,
who was on Epiphany promoted to the
priesthood. In the Spring I shall
put up a large building, for now we
are crowded, and I shall endeavor
gradually to establish a college, to
put the Mountain in the shade.
Therefore hasten to get out of debt.
It is my desire to obtain
henceforth as many young American
students as possible, and perhaps in
this you may aid me. ... To Mr.
Ingoldsby I have stated my
willingness to receive him, altho'
very much crowded. Pay us a visit; I
shall be delighted to see you, and
promise you in evidence thereof that
you shall have a snug bed upon the
floor. Again my best wishes and
farewell. ..."
The church in Emmitsburg was
nearing completion and Rev. Mr.
McCaffrey its builder began to arrange
for its consecration. Bishop Hughes
writes on March 6, 1842:
I just now have received yours of
the 28th ult. and hasten
to reply. It will be out of my power
to assist at the consecration of the
new church in Emmitsburg during the
coming summer. Duties are thickening
on me so fast that I have no
prospect time for enjoying the
pleasure of visiting my friends out
of the diocese until the time shall
have arrived when my presence will
not be so necessary at the
cathedral. We shall have the
consecration of four new churches
here in a few weeks, three in this
city and one in Brooklyn. Also
during the season, about a dozen in
other parts of the diocese. Then our
Convent. Rose Hill (St. John’s
College, Fordham) Church debt and
school question will require my
constant and immediate attention
till they are confirmed and settled.
The P.S. (Public School) Society
are going down and our side is going
up but whether enough yet. to secure
the conscientious rights of the
children, I cannot say. A few weeks
will tell.
My best respects 10 your Rev.
colleagues and all friends. The
memory of former days becomes more
and more endeared, the more they
recede in the past and the fewer
that time has left for it to cling
around. You are among the most
prominent in place and in the
affection of your ever devoted and
sincere friend John Hughes, Bp. etc.
And the Archbishop of Baltimore
writes regarding the new church and
also the celebration, then held for
the first time, of the Landing of the
Maryland Pilgrims:
Baltimore, March 29th,
Rev and dear Sir: I should feel
some reluctance to consecrate the
new church in Emmitsburg, unless
there was some visible means of
reducing the debt to an amount that
would place the church beyond all
danger of being sold or desecrated.
Your idea of a procession meets my
cordial approbation. Could it not
take place even in case the church
should only be blessed?
Very large sums of money have
been taken away from Baltimore
within the last twelve months by
beggars that have far less claims on
our Catholics than you have. Do you
not intend to make a. descent upon
us before the opening of the church?
I know no other sources of
information relative to the first
landing of the Catholics at St.
Mary's than McMahon's and Bozeman's
Histories of Maryland and a letter
of Father White's at Georgetown
College. Extracts from that letter
may be found in one of the late
Catholic Almanacs. Rev. Mr. Heyden
informs me that he knows no other
authority than O' Connell himself
for the assertion that a Jesuit
Father was the author of the clause
in the first Charter in favor of
religious liberty . . .
We have had a most consoling
retreat in the Cathedral. There were
from twelve to fourteen priests
engaged in hearing confessions, and
there was ample work for ten more.
Hundreds who for years had been
estranged from the Sacraments have
edified the community by their
fervent conversion. Wishing you and
yours every blessing of these
Paschal times, I am your most
faithful servant in Xto. Samuel,
Abp. Balt.
The landing of the Pilgrims was
celebrated on the 10th of May, upon
which occasion Rev. John McCaffrey
delivered the address. The military
companies of the College with bands
and a large crowd marched to
Emmitsburg where this oration was
delivered, and a poem of his own
composition was recited by George H.
In May of this year Bishop Dubois
accompanied by Rev. Dr. Power visited
his old home for the last time. The
venerable man was nearing the term of
his earthly pilgrimage. Mrs. Charles
Wilson of Emmitsburg told us how, as a
little-girl, she was taken to see him
at St. Joseph's, where he made a visit
of several days; he was bent over and
very tremulous with age, so she had to
kneel down in order that he would see
her. He recognized her at once. [Her
daughter became the wife of Professor
Mitchell of the College, along in the
Mr. McCaffrey tells us in his
journal that the Bishop remained until
July, occupying the chair at the last
Commencement (June 20, 1842) which in
the flesh at least he was to behold,
as he had presided at the first of the
long series which the College was to
In the list of those deserving
premiums this year are found the names
besides the graduates of George H.
Miles, Wm. Geo. Read, Daniel
Beltzhoover, William C. Sappington,
John F. Ennis, Ambrose Mullen, William
Tehan, Louis LeBourgeois, Joseph
O'Donnell, Fred Beelan, F. Byerly,
Theo. Mosher, Hilary Williams, Thos.
Bevans, Edward Casamajor, Cuthbert
Roberts, Julius Lajonchere, Charles
Madden and Frank Clark.
The speeches, etc., were, except
one, in English. George Miles recited
a poem, "The Triumph of Innocence";
Louis LeBourgeois, the "Monologue de
Napoleon" in French; Richard D. Krider
spoke on the "Naval Glory of our
Country; " John LeConte on the
"Progress of Astronomy," and was
The College lost many of its staff
this summer. Bishop Hughes recalled
five seminarians ; Fathers Borgna also
went to New York and William Henry
Elder departed for Rome. Fathers Corry
and Obermeyer had left the year
before. However F. P. and Theo. Giraud
returned from Paris, and Father James
Miller came back and was for a while
in charge of Emmitsburg, being also a
member of the College Faculty.

Achilles' Bow |
One advantage of this constant
change of teachers as well as of the
variety of their race and training, is
that it prevents monotony or even
stagnation and ensures a certain
freshness and vigor and freedom of
opinion and expression which is not
always found in places seemingly more
fortunately circumstanced.
Thomas McCaffrey, the President's
brother, was made first prefect in
June of 1842. The same summer the new
Church at the village, built by Dr.
McCaffrey was dedicated, and after the
ceremony the "Fair" ladies of
Emmitsburg invited Dr. McCaffrey, the
Archbishop and others to a dinner.
They referred to " our noble and
magnificent temple" for which " future
ages will remember your name with
gratitude and many prayers will ascend
in your behalf." . . . The "noble and
magnificent temple " in fact stands a
monument to Very Rev. John McCaffrey,
himself a native of the village which
it adorns.
Rev. Mr. Obermeyer to Rev. John
Cumberland, Oct. 18th,
Rev. and dear friend: Although it
was our understanding when I had the
pleasure of seeing you last that you
should write to me when the then
gloomy prospect of affairs should
give way to more cheering ones still
I cannot willingly repress my desire
to congratulate you on the bright
prospects of the institution opened
by events which I am informed
recently occurred. I rejoice that
the fear entertained lest the place
would be wrested out of the hands of
the Mountaineers and put into those
of strangers has passed away. . . .
And now the hurrying feet and
exultant voices of youth must be
restrained and stilled; as they had
been once before for the angelic
Brute, so now for him to whose labors
and energetic combativeness in the
past they owed all. Bishop Dubois died
on December 20, 1842.
The strong imperious spirit had
worn out the frail body and the holy
soul had
"Past, To where beyond these
voices there is peace."
Bishop Hughes being Coadjutor cum
jure succeeded to the vacant see. As
soon as possible, namely on the 24th
of January, 1843, a Requiem was sung
in the Mountain church for the dead
prelate and President McCaffrey
delivered the eulogy.
Winter's snowy mantle covered
mountain and valley, the one spot of
earth dearer than all others to the
now pulseless heart, when those of his
children who could, gathered in that
plain old church to honor the memory
and pray for the soul of Father
Dubois. What sentiments must have
welled in their breasts as they gazed
upon the walls which the now powerless
hands had helped to raise when they
knelt before that altar from which he
had voiced, in broken tongue but in no
uncertain accents, his Master's
message, remembering that never, never
more would they clasp that hand or
hear those tones again in this world.
On the east front of St. Patrick's
Church (the old cathedral) Mott
Street, Manhattan, New York City, we
Here lie the remains of the Rt.
Rev. John Dubois, D. D. Third Bishop
of New York who departed this life
December 20th, 1842. In
the 79th, year of His
age, and the 16th, of his
episcopacy. may his soul rest in
peace. Amen.
I do not know whether Dr. Newman
had, at that time, written the
following exquisite poem, but it reads
like a message from the saintly, twin
souls, Brute and Dubois, already, as
their children hoped, enjoying the
delights of heaven, while in reverend
and tender doubt they offered the
prayers that the Church in her wisdom
makes obligatory.
A voice from Afar:
Weep not for me: Be blithe as
wont, nor tinge with gloom. The
stream of love that circles home,
Light hearts and free! Joy in the
gifts Heaven's bounty lends, Nor
miss my face, dear friends.
I still am near, Watching the
smiles I prized on earth, Your
converse mild, your blameless mirth;
Now, too, I hear of whispered sounds
the tale complete, Low prayers and
musings sweet.
A Sea before the throne is spread
its pure, still glass Pictures all
earth-scenes as they pass. We, on
its shore, Share in the bosom of our
rest, God's knowledge and are blest.
Chapter 36
Chapter Index
Historical Society Note: In honor of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Grotto of Lourdes we'll be posting a at least 2 new chapter every week.
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.