The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 53 |
Chapter Index
Chapter 54: 1868-1870
Doctor Shore was the third
physician who had the care of the
Mountain and St. Joseph's. The first
was Dr. Wells, the second Dr. Robert,
assisted by Dr. Daniel Moore. On Dr.
Shorb's retirement from general
practice, a few years before his
death, he was succeeded by Dr. William
Patterson, also an alumnus of Mount
Saint Mary's College. Dr. Shorb's
first assistant had been his
brother-in-law, Dr. Felix McMeal; then
Dr. J. Grover and Dr. Timothy Sweeny.
Dr. Patterson's assistant was Dr. John
Brawner, who for many years and still
(1908) fills this honorable place.
Mr. William Seton 2d, '12, the son
of Mother Seton, died on the 13th of
January, 1868. His son, Mr. William
Seton 3d, '55, wrote requesting
permission to make the interment in
the Mountain graveyard ; this was
granted and the remains brought on.
They reached the Mountain on Tuesday
evening, January 28th, in the dim
twilight, coming by rail from New York
in charge of this son. It had been the
father's earnest wish, through life
and at death, to have his remains laid
at rest at Mt. St. Mary's, the home of
his schoolboy affections and the
shrine of his oft-repeated
pilgrimages. When the approach of the
hearse from Frederick was signaled,
toward the end of the five-o'clock
recreation, the slow tolling of the
bell gathered the boys to attend the
cortege to the graveyard. Owing to the
lateness of the hour but few of the
neighboring people, and only two of
the community from St. Joseph's,
Sisters Martha and Bernard, was
present. These venerable ladies were
among the first of Mother Seton's
spiritual daughters. The sacred
ministers and the seminarians, in
surplice, met the corpse at the church
door and walked in procession to the
grave. Not a gust of wind stirred the
flicker of the candles as the last
prayers were said; a thin veil of snow
covered the noble landscape to the
distant mountain chain that bounds the
horizon, and from the hillside could
be faintly seen the outlines of the
little Gothic chapel in the convent
graveyard, beneath which Mother Seton

Music Hall |
Abp. Spalding writes from
Baltimore, January 20, 1868, thanking
the administration for a "very
handsome present of beef, mutton,
turkey, butter, etc.," and sending in
return a copy of the Comedy of
Convocation. Mrs. Semple, of
Montgomery, told the chronicler at
Christmas, 1905, that Abp. Spalding
advised her, ''take your boys to the
Mountain." Two of them, Henry and
James, were graduated in 1871.
That many non-Catholics still
continued to send their boys to the
College would seem to be the inference
from the fact that Father McMurdie on
May 20 baptized six boys; Joseph
Atkinson, aged 14; Jesse Clagett, 17;
James R. Graves, 16; Richard Hughlett,
17; William Ratliff, 20; and William
Thompson, 19.
There were six graduates in 1868
and the valedictory was "a perfect
gem, thanks to George [George Miles]
who is kindness itself," as Father
McMurdie writes. [We trust Mr. Miles
did not write the paper however.] The
valedictorian was James C. Fenlon, of
Latrobe, Pa., and one of the graduates
was the future president, Father Hill.
The honors were awarded in Second
Collegiate (Junior Class) to Thomas L.
Coulehan; in the Third to Robert H.
Ward; in the Fourth to Henry.C. Semple;
in First Prep, to William Shaw; in the
Second to Thomas M. Compton; in the
Third to Nicholas Maher.
The Archbishops of Cincinnati,
Baltimore and New York were present at
this Commencement, three of the seven
Archbishops then in the country. Dr.
McCaffrey and each of the Archbishops
made addresses, and the dinner was "a
capital affair." Next day they went to
St. Joseph's and Abp. McCloskey
speaking there half predicted that
some of the gay, laughing girls would
imitate those now wearing the cornette
whom he well remembered in his boyhood
" as merry as crickets."
On the 16th of August Father Thomas
Becker was consecrated Bishop of
Wilmington, Del., and Father Edward
Fitzgeral, '57, Bishop of Little Rock.
An old pupil writes to Dr.
McCaffrey September 20, 1868, this
letter from Memphis, Tenn.:
My dear Sir: In this age of
photography and pictures I will be
much obliged if you can tell me
where to purchase one of the old
Mountain? It is now over twenty six
years since I was first under your
kind and careful cue. As I grow
older I only appreciate the more the
benefits of a good school. My own
boy. now nearly nine years old. with
his lessons every night, takes Be
back to my own days, and a few years
hence I must be looking for a school
for kn, for I believe you do not
take Protestants any longer. There
are none of your old pupils here but
myself. Farrell died about a year
ago. McLaughlin is in business at
Nashville, Ferguson made quite a
fortune in the hardware business
during the war he died a few years
since. During the war saw several of
the old boys, Billy Orme was a Brig.
General in the Federal service and I
saw him afterwards as an Agent in
the Treasury Dept. He is since dead.
I saw Frank Clack at Corinth just
before Beauregard retreated. He
commanded a Battalion, from La.;
Dick Winchester was also a soldier
in an Artillery Co. I write you at
your old home as all the Catholics
here of my acquaintance are not
posted in such matters. We have only
Dominicans, except one church lately
started. I had always hoped that you
would have been made Bishop of this
State. I see that many who were your
pupils are now Bishops. In several
years past I have been very anxious
to visit the Mountain, but time and
money have both been rating. I pass
for a Catholic with all the
Episcopalians here but it is only
because I correct some of their
notions regarding your belief, and I
only wish that I could say that I
was a good and consistent Catholic.
Should you have the tine I should
much like to hear from you. Yours
truly, James Correy, Jr., '46.
Betsy Peterman, who had charge of
the Infirmary, and had been at the
College from early times, died this
year, 1868. Dr. McCaffrey shed tears
as he spoke over her corpse in the Old
Church on the Hill, for the hardships
of early days made people very
dependent on each other's kindly
offices, and Betsy had shown herself
genuine metal.
1869, April 12. The College
authorities heard today that "it might
be proposed at the approaching Council
of Bishops of the Province of
Baltimore to make the Mountain some
kind of an institution under the
immediate patronage of the Bishops of
the Province." He asked for authority
to speak for the Body Corporate in
case such a proposition should be
made. After some talk on the subject
it was decided that in case such a
proposition came officially from the
Bishops, the President was authorized
to say that no objection would be made
when the matter was presented in
regular form.
There were one hundred and
twenty-two boys on the roll in June,
1869, and twenty-two seminarians. Four
students were graduated, the
valedictorian being Thomas L. Coulehan,
who took the honors of his class. In
the other classes of the Senior Course
these went to Reginald W. Jenkins,
Henry C. Semple and Thomas M. Compton.
In the Junior to Thomas J. McTighe,
Joseph M. Atkinson, James McCullough.
Prof. Ernest Lagarde entered the
Faculty the fall of 1869. He was a
native of Louisiana, who had lost all
by the war, in which he followed the
fortunes of the Confederacy. He had
been a teacher at Randolph-Macon
College in Virginia, but the faculty
had struck because they could not have
Jefferson Davis, ex-President of the
Confederate States, for president, and
so he entered Mt. St. Mary's. Prof.
Joseph Black, a Scotchman, also became
a member of the Faculty.
Doctor McCaffrey's name is found
among the Rural Deans this year.
September 9, 1868. It was agreed
in Council to take five thousand
dollars' stock in the Emmitsburg
Railroad. If the road interfered
with our farm we would claim three
thousand dollars damages, or we
would pay two thousand dollars cash
and give it the right of way if it
had to pass through our farm.
September 16, 1868. The St.
\7incent's Library Society of
Emmitsburg (sic) invited Dr.
McCaffrey to lecture for their
benefit at St. Vincent's Hall, that
village. Needless to say that a like
favor was often asked, and from
every point of the compass.
October 9, 1868. Rev. Harry A.
Brann, D. D., at the instance of the
Archbishop of Baltimore, sent his
manuscript to be examined by Dr.
McCaflrey or by Dr. McMurdie, "in
whose judgment every one has
One who became very honorably
distinguished amongst the sons of
the Mountain gives an insight into
student life and the penal code of
the period we are recalling. He
writes, January 2, 1899:
"Editors Mountaineer: A few days
ago I ran across an old 'Jug Book'
for 1868-69, my first year at the
Mountain, and it proves so
entertaining to me that I felt
certain a few quotations would
occasion at least a smile from some
of the dear old offenders whose
names I have chosen as victims of
this letter, and mayhap something
broader from some of their friends.
"Many a happy incident was
recalled to my mind as I turned over
the pages, and many a sigh of regret
escaped me as there met my gaze the
name of a companion long since
sleeping the sleep that will know no
"For a wonder my name does not
appear in the book (this is true),
although I must confess that Mr.
Hayes, my first Greek teacher, had
me in Jug the first week of my
college career, just after Billy
Maher had finished my 'loaf,'
because I was unable to decline 'Neanias,'
up to that time the toughest 'young
man' I had met. The prefects that
year, as set forth on the cover of
the Jug Book, were Messrs. K——,
Mc——, H—— and F——, all of whom are
'' Mr. F—— was perhaps the best
hated prefect who ever enjoyed that
important office at the Mountain. He
was small in stature, but he could
run like a deer, and he was a terror
to raiders to ' Mrs. Burke's cash
variety store.' In fact he
practically broke up the raiding
"He never bothered a boy on his
way out. He waited until the
aforesaid boy had acquired all Mrs.
Burke's best cigars, 'kinnikinick,'
rice paper, etc., and had loaded his
pockets and shirt so he could not
run, and then F—— would waylay the
poor fellow and capture him bag and
baggage. In the quiet of the
prefect's room F—— would sit and
enjoy all the contraband articles,
the poor, vanquished raider,
confined in the lock-up adjoining,
getting only a smell for his labor
and money, while F—— would devil him
in telling in his hearing at great
length the short facts about the
raid. I will not stop to tell what
he did to me once, but I got even
with him in after life. He left the
Seminary and became a lawyer, and I
was his 'best man' at his wedding.
"The first and second were just
ordinary mortals, but I would not
like to begin to write about Mr.
Hayes. There are too many nice
things to say about him. Everybody
loved him and thought him an angelic
prefect; but we have had them at the
Mountain, Pat Dufty and a few
"Now for a few cullings from my
book. A—— is the first to gallop
into prominence and to stay there.
He was a holy terror.
" 'A—— for shooting stones
through the study-hall window at the
lamps will write 250 lines, Caesar,
p. 86 ; Prefect.'
"Eight next to the above is this
"'G——, study Latin lesson and
write 100 lines of Sallust; Mr.
"'A——, for cutting benches in
class room and refusing to give up
knife when told, will write 150
lines from Caesar, p. 20, and go in
lockup during dinner.'
"'A——, laughing in class, write
125 lines Caesar, p. 25; Mr.
Mullen.' . . .
''' C——, always talking in ranks
and prayer benches, go to lockup
during breakfast; Mr. Redman.' . .
'' Who could forget our old
friend G—— ? Certainly not the
"'G——, refusing to take note out
of the dormitory, will write 350
lines Caesar, Book 2d; Mr. O'Brien.'
"'G——, for throwing into the
study-hall last evening, through the
windows, during the studies, write
350 lines Caesar, p. 48; Mr.
"Of course, our genial friend
H———, could not escape a good thing
when it was going about. In fact, he
got up and rushed for it.
"'H——, for running downstairs,
write 100 lines Sallust, p. 80;
"'H——, write 75 lines Caesar,
chap. 10, for loafing out of English
"'H——, loafing in study-hall
after night prayers, write 100 lines
of his Latin author; Prefect.' . . .
''And poor J—— I Just imagine
this quiet, inoffensive boy,
interviewing the great Dr.
McCaffrey; probably, too, at a time
when the Doctor was suffering with a
swelled face.
"'J ——, continually laughing and
causing disorder in French class,
will see the President and go in
lockup; Mr. Gillet.'
"Then appears J——'s dear little
brother K——, my chum and classmate,
and one of the noblest boys that
ever lived. Of course he could not
help laughing continually when his
big brother was amusing him.
''' K——, continually laughing in
French class, write 100 lines
French; Mr. Gillet.'
"These (he gives two-score of
them) are only a few samples, but
they will convince any one how much
better we were then than the present
generation of young men, and that is
all I wish to do on this occasion.
If any one has anything against me
my address is as usual. X——, '75."
To this detailed indictment one of
the " offenders," "H——," submitted
what he called a "Demurrer," from
which we select a paragraph or two:
New York, March 24, '99.
Editors Mountaineer: On reading
X——'s notes from an old "Jug Book"
in your January number, the smile he
predicted came and quickly broadened
into a regular old-time grin,
accompanied by those irrepressible
chuckles which stir and warm the
heart. I said to myself, '' I will
answer that immediately if I can
find time, for X——'s camera was
pointed the wrong way, sure, or else
the plate was not developed properly
and got fogged."
Without having the mendacity to
assert that I was never punished, I
do say that when I was, it was for
something more worthy of a little
ingenuity than the paltry
malefactions noted by X—— , . . In
the first place, I did not usually
take the trouble to run down stairs.
It was much easier to slide down the
hand-rail, and slide I did, even
though it involved landing on the
floor with a bang.
In the second place I never "
loafed out of English class." I was
too much interested to do so. If
that Jug-book man had reference to
Greek class, or English history, I
might not be so positive. As a
matter of memory however, I do not
believe I was guilty of that
particular crime.
In the third place, I never was
so much in love with the old, cold
dreary study-hall and its smoky
lamps as to select it as a preferred
spot for the dolce far niente
with which the old book seems to
charge me. I would be far more
likely to be indulging in a quiet
whiff at another locality where
lamps were scarcer, windows less
numerous, but doors plentiful a
locality horribly lacking in all the
requirements essential to a really
enjoyable smoke, but one
nevertheless in these grim days much
Besides all this, during a part
of 1868 I had an older brother at
the College, and in 1869 a younger
As a matter of fact, I did have a
few stunts to do from time to time.
As an instance, I was once caught
smoking inflagranle delectante
(I had almost written it
fragrante) under circumstances so
aggravating to the second prefect
Mr. McCullum (dead these many years)
that I was read out on a Thursday
morning in the "big boys playroom"
to the tune of 1500 lines of English
history, and to stay " in jug'' till
I had the task done. And I was to
pitch in an important match that
very day : but I had a crafty
inspiration and after breakfast went
to the Prefect's room ostensibly to
beg off, but really to carry out nay
scheme. In the presence of the first
prefect, Mr. Hayes, I was told the
lines must be done correctly, and I
must be able to read them.
Jim Howard helped me to do the
trick. He came with me, read out the
1500 lines and I put them down in
shorthand in which I was something
of an adept just then. We finished
the job in about five hours. This
was not record time by a good deal,
but it served. I was able to read
any part to the Prefect when I
staggered him with the sheets of fly
tracks, but he was game and
acknowledged the beat, and the "Irona"
won the game that afternoon after
But I cannot use up the columns
of your valuable space in an
autobiography of crime, so I will
merely admit that I was punished a
few times for various causes, but I
was not once punished for a tobacco
raid possibly because I managed to
evade discovery and capture, even
with the great Vidoc F—— on duty ;
however once my trunk was packed and
I was booked for the Gettysburg
stage, but I got clear on a
X——, is right in hinting at the
superiority of the students of the
former generation. Of course they
were superior ! Wasn't he a student
then? Wasn't I and a crowd of other
good fellows ? Why of course.
The students of those days were
certainly a hardy lot to go
cheerfully through the long winters
with one stove in the play-room, one
in the study-hall, one in the
class-room, one in the refectory and
none in the dormitory. It took rich
blood to stand it, and it is no
wonder the blood effervesced on
balmy days, and the jug-room caught
the froth. H——, '72.
Alas! the brilliant good-natured
writer of this ''demurrer," who
himself enjoyed the highest
recognition his fellow-members of
the Alumni Association could bestow,
has passed out of this world like
most of those whose boyish pranks he
so wittily describes. Peace to his
genial spirit!
Father Xaupi died July 11, this
year, aged 83, and Father John Hickey,
S. S., Dubois' earliest assistant and
the first sacerdotal fruit of his
labors, died also.
Among the College societies at this
period we find the Philologian and the
Dramatic Society, but we would call
special attention to the Children of
Mary, the rules of which were
published in book form this year. The
Sodality or Society of "The Children
of Mary," as it was called, met on
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. It had a
Guardian chosen from among the
"priests or theologians," and four
Angels, all to be elected by ballot.
The Sodality had a library, and the
members wore medals. The members
visited the Blessed Sacrament together
every day; they said the beads; they
read a chapter of the Following of
Christ; made the act of Consecration
to the B. V. M.; recited the Memorare
and the prayer to the monthly patron
all these daily.
Every week they had a meeting, made
an act of Reparation to the Sacred
Heart and the prayer to St.
Stanislaus. Every month they received
Communion, and if convenient also on
the festivals of the B. V.; they read
the rules of the Sodality and attended
on the second Thursday the public
prayers for a good death. They
contributed 25 cents yearly; assisted
in keeping the Grotto in order; were
bound especially to give good example;
could not divulge unnecessarily the
proceedings; offered up a Communion on
the death of a member, and retained
always a copy of the rules. At the
weekly meeting the following was the
1. Opening prayer and rosary. 2.
Hymns or Psalms. 3. Roll-call. 4.
Minutes. 5. Signing the minutes as
approved. 6. Self-accusations. 7.
Narrations. 8. Guardian's instruction.
9. Postponed business. 10. New
business. 11. Hymn and closing prayer.
This method of Sodality meeting
resembles perhaps what regulars call a
Chapter, and in our judgment there is
something heroic about it.
Prof. Lagarde, who has been
teaching at the College since 1869,
tells us that Dr. McCaffrey
commissioned him to collect fifteen
thousand dollars due by Southern
students and twenty thousand owing at
the North. In the South he collected
seventy-five dollars. In 1869, four
years after Appomattox, of the one
hundred and forty students at the
College, eighty were from impoverished
Dixie and sixty from Yankee land.
Chapter 55
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.