The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 59 |
Chapter Index
Chapter 60: 1875 The Cardinal’s Year
On May 3, 1875, at a meeting of the
Council it was announced that Cardinal
McCloskey, '31, the first American to
receive the "red hat" (he had donned
it a few days before) would visit his
Alma Mater at the Commencement, and
this was anticipated a full week to
suit his convenience. A committee of
the alumni association had been formed
in New York, and, besides other
notables, all alumni were to be
invited, addresses in Latin, English
and French to be prepared, a new set
of brass instruments to be purchased
for the baud, etc.
The 23d of June, 1875, saw the
greatest and grandest event that up to
this took place at the Mountain, the
reception to America's first Cardinal,
her son. The concourse of visitors
greatly exceeded the accommodations,
so that the students and seminarians
were forced to sleep in the outer
buildings or in the open air. The
program was carried out on a grand
scale, coupled as it was with
Commencement exercises, enlivened by
the finest music (among the bands
present being that of Fort McHenry),
and graced by the talent and dignity
of the American church. The scene was
a spirited, a glorious one, favorably
impressing not only the American
prelates present, but the Papal
dignitaries themselves.

Four Generations
of the McSherry's |
The Catholic Mirror of the
day tells how the Cardinal with Mgr.
Roncetti, the Papal Delegate, and
Ubaldi, the latter's "Secretary, came
on Monday, June 23, driving up from
Mechanicstown (Thurmont), as the
Emmitsburg railway was not yet open.
On Tuesday the Cardinal and the
Delegate said Mass in the Old Church
on the Hill. Tuesday afternoon saw a
variety entertainment by the boys and
a reception at the Convent by the
girls. On Wednesday the Cardinal said
Mass in the College chapel, and at
half-past eight the Commencement
exercises began. A special train
leaving Baltimore at 5.30 a. m.
brought a large delegation, which
arrived after nine. Father Edward
Sourin, S. J., '30, opened with an
address to his old schoolmate and a
poem, then came the boys' speeches,
then the doctorate in Theology was
conferred by Georgetown's messenger on
Father John McCloskey, President, who
read a reply in Latin and rendered it
in English afterwards, alluding
incidentally to his venerable friend
and predecessor, Dr. McCaffrey, who,
being called on, made a characteristic
speech. The distribution of prizes
came after lunch, as well as the
valedictory and the Cardinal's
charming address." Whatever I am,
whatever I may be, under God's
Providence, I owe to this institution
more than to any other here or
elsewhere. "Hurrah for the Old
Mountain!" and he waved his red
beretta. Words fail to describe the
enthusiasm. No one can appreciate it
but one who realizes that this was the
first Cardinal of the American
continent and that he was a child of
the most genuinely American college.
The New York Catholic Review, July
5, 1875, gives the Cardinal's speech :
. . . " When the great ceremony which
you have heard my friend from early
youth (Father Sourin) describe in a
style so ornamented with poetical
imagination, when that terminated in
the cathedral of New York, my thoughts
were more and more drawn to the dear
old Mountain, the scene of so much of
my youthful happiness. I was filled
with a desire to visit it as soon as
time and circumstances would permit. I
resolved to visit it, not to receive
such an ovation as has been tendered
to me and the other bishops to-day,
but to make a pilgrimage to the sacred
spot where I had knelt when a boy and
an ecclesiastic in the seminary, where
I imbibed those lessons in whose
spirit I have walked till now; where I
received my first call to devote
myself to God and the service of the
Church. I came not so much to renew by
copious draughts of the mountain air
my bodily health, but much rather my
spiritual health, so that I might be
fitted for the work which still
remains for me to do. I came to renew
my vows before the altar where I first
pronounced them. I came in truth a
pilgrim to the shrines of my early
life. . . . Alas ! how few are there
left when I look around me here or
elsewhere ! How few there are who were
boys or ecclesiastics with me ! One by
one they have dropped away. Father
Sourin, your venerable president, and
one or two others are all that are
left who were with me in rhetoric or
theology. I thought, as I sat here,
how soon the first generation of
Mountaineers has passed away. I look
to you, gentlemen of the graduating
class. You are to grow up to take
their places. You are to be the
standard-bearers of the College, but
you are to carry it higher than your
predecessors, for you have a smoother
way and greater encouragement. All you
need is God's blessing. May you be a
blessing to the church and to your
families, and after a happy life on
earth, may you have a still happier
future! I thank you for all your
kindness, which I have not been able
to witness without swelling emotions.
I say simply in parting that if in
this honor any church or diocese has
been particularly honored, what place
has a right to claim a larger share in
the honor than Mount St. Mary's, to
which I am indebted for what I have
been, for what I am, for what I may be
in the future." (Unrestrained
applause.) The Cardinal was then
preparing to retire, the military band
from Fort McHenry playing "Auld Lang
Syne," when an enthusiastic graduate
stood up and cried out: " Three cheers
for the American Cardinal! " They were
hardly given when His Eminence,
entering into the spirit of the
moment, waved his red beretta and
called for " Three cheers for Mount
St. Mary's!" The applause was renewed
again and again.
A banquet followed with more
speeches. Then came a meeting of the
Alumni, who formed an association,
Father Jeremiah Griffin, '62, of New
York, being made President, James
McSherry, ex-'63, Treasurer, and
Outerbridge Horsey, '37, Chairman of
the Executive Committee.
On Thursday all went to St.
Joseph's, where the Cardinal made
another of those graceful addresses
for which he was celebrated.
In memoriam.
Visit of His Eminence, CARDINAL
JOHN McCLOSKEY, Archbishop of New
York, To his Alma Mater, Mount Saint
Mary's College, Emmitsburg, June
I. Prince of the kingdom that
shall stand forever, Till tilled
with light of the eternal day, Time
and its storm-clouds shall have
passed away, Bathed in the splendors
of the Sun that never, Never more
more shall veil His face from thee:
Salve Regina! Sponsa Christ!! 'Tis
heaven's word divine, its law
supreme; No gorgeous vision, mere
angelic dream, But God's own pledge
of thy eternity.
II. Oh! that my lips were
cleansed with living fire, Like that
the Seraph to the Prophet bore, To
chant thy beauty, majesty and might,
Church of the living God ! fair
realm of Light! Where sin and
sorrow, death shall be no more; No
warring nations, soul-destroying
strife, But Peace, Joy, Victory,
Everlasting Life.
III. Spirit of Love ! my
thoughts, my words inspire!
Thrice-honored Servant of the
Pontiff-king, Well may thy Alma
Mater lift her brow, And bid the
woods, the rocks, the fountains
sing. Praised by thy Guardian-Angel
be the hour, When, on this
Mount-side like some gentle flower.
Nurtured by Wisdom's Sons, through
sun and shower, Through boyhood's
April-grief, thro' manhood's fears,
Health-wasting cares, it may be,
bitter tears, Thy holiest thoughts
all budded in the vow Which made
thee Prince! Father, Cardinal, what
thou art now! Joy of thy native
land, Gem of thy Mountain-mother!
Shall we, last relics of the
youthful band That climbed these
hills, some fifty summers since,
With hope-inspiring joy Our souls
all full of Brute’ and Dubois, Shall
we not hail thee still our Friend
and Brother?
IV. Yes! by the robes symbolical
thou wearest, Emblems of suffering,
dignity and love, Gifts of Thee, O
sceptered-hand that bearest Rule
o'er myriads; by the Almighty Dove
Through all sustained: on whose aged
brow, Through weal and woe, With
mercy beaming pure as virgin snow,
Still rests the triple crown,
Despite the world's wild hate, its
fiend-like frown; Its still repeated
mockery" Come down! Come down ! and
in thy royalty, The nations proud
and free, Shall yet again believe,
and bend the suppliant's knee": Yes,
Father ! Cardinal! by every honor
given From those blest palms that
clasp the keys of heaven, Our hands,
our hearts, our hopes are all with
V. If in that land, where from
the throne of God, E'en as a crystal
river, pure, deep, strong, Outpours
the stream of life, Filling the
nations, as it sweeps along, With
health eternal: while their bright
abode, By day, by night, re-echoes
with the song Of cherubs, thrones,
exulting seraphim: If in those
realms, where with the iron rod Of
vengeance o'er their heads, the men
of strife, And blood and shameless
perjury, In bitterest, voiceless
agony, Ever and forever pace the
marl of hell; Forever on their lips:
"Too late! Too late '." If in that
kingdom of the lamb, there be One
joy, one rapture, boundless ecstasy;
'Tis in the thought, how in the
vanish'd years Of toil, grief,
courage, never-ceasing fears, The
days of agony and tears, They kept
their high estate, And ne'er by
word, or look, or even nod, Cringed
to the Lion of triumphant tyranny.
VI. Such in every age, through
every fate, Has been the temper of
the sons of God, And even such was
thine Shall mortal blame me, if I
say divine? Thou Christ-like founder
of these classic halls. Where every
step, each stone, thy name recalls,
Thy very memory, a fount of joy
Loved, honored, venerated John
Dubois! Not for riches, power, fame
The cheating mirage of a brilliant
name Not e'en for all that noblest
nature's prize Such as might tempt
archangels from the skies The love,
the gratitude, The homage of the
good, The pure, the heart-broken,
The generous, the brave, The
gracious master and the grateful
slave: No! not for all that heaven
itself could give, If from thy
soul's first love, first treasure
parted,-Didst thou amongst these
mountains calmly live But all-Heart
of love! Life for life O Sacred
Heart! for thee!
VII. This, this it was, Beloved
Cardinal! Friends, Brothers all,
That to our Mount has given, Beneath
thy smile, O peerless queen of
heaven! O'er every foe, reverse,
distrust, delay, To bear the palm of
victory! To see this festal day!
This, this it was that filled yon
peaceful vale 'Neath summer's heats,
the blinding snow, the chilling hail
Midnight's appalling gloom, the
fear-inspiring gale, With every form
of heaven-born charity. Was it not
this that with the myrtle boughs
That shine perennial on your sainted
brows, O veneraied Brute, Egan and
Dubois! Entwined the violet, the
lily and the rose, And bade them
never, never cease to bloom. However
parched the earth and deep the
snows, Above the humble tomb, Where,
like twin martyrs, robed in light,
With every virtue graced every honor
bright, Meekly repose a Seton and a
IX. O! chant their praise; their
worth proclaim, The strong of heart,
the pure of fame, Whose gentle
beauty shines afar, Like some serene
and peaceful star. "Wounded with
love divine, each heart Shrunk from
the bright but venorned dart Of
worldly love, and bravely trod The
rugged heights that lead to God. "To
earth's vain joys, by fasting dead
With prayer's sweet food each spirit
fed, Now dwells amid the bliss of
heaven The joys to God's chaste
lovers given."Rex Christe! Virtus
fortiimi! Strength of the
strong! A Christ, our King! From
whom alone such virtues spring, Our
prayers receive: their daughters
own, Who grateful bow before thy
X: O Thou! whose presence on this
glorious day Adds joy to joy; awakes
the memory Of friends whose name,
whose deeds shall never die, Whether
they slumber 'nealh some foreign
sky, As thou, De Bourgo Egan, or
hard-by, Within the bosom of their
native land, Await the trumpet-cry,
To take their throne at thy right
hand. Imperial Mother of the King of
kings; Wher'er the battlefield of
life they tread Be it the conquering
North, the philosophic East, The
South the beautiful, the brave, the
thorn-crowned queen-Crowned by the
sons who should have staunch'd the
blood, And wiped her tears away: Or
where magnificent, "the mighty West"
Like some gigantic mother, to her
breast Folds all that's richest,
grandest, best, And pours it in the
nation's lap: go forth Where'er we
may, "mid all our wanderings,
Through cities populous, o'er
prairies green, North, East, South,
West, thro' every changing scene,
O'er valleys, mountains, plains, by
field and flood; Be this the
treasure we will hoard today: To
hold the Faith for which our sires
bled By cross, by crosier, mitre,
banner led One Father, God of all:
one Faith divine One brotherhood of
men. whatever clime Pours them by
thousands on our heav'n-blest shore:
One Unity sublime: Union of heart
and hand, and mind and soul; Of
equal Laws and Eights, from pole to
pole; 'Tis freedom's strongest,
brightest panoply. Thus shall we
greet once more, once more, The
Union of the days of Washington !
Fraternal hate, strife, blood
forever gone Fulfil our
heaven-inspired destiny, And leave
our country as we found it free!
Free with the freedom of the Sons of
God : Despite the traitor's kiss,
the scourge, the ignominy; Despite
the false world's smiles, its
threats, its rod: Free e'en as God
Himself has made man free.
Edward J. Sourin. S. J., '30.
From the Mountaineer of 1911 we
glean the following description of the
Cardinal's year, by Hon. A. V. D.
Watterson, '75.

Alfred V. D.
Watterson, LL.D., '75 President of
the Alumni Association |
"It is not likely that any one who
attended the 67th annual Commencement
of Mount Saint Mary's College on June
23, 1875, will ever forget that
brilliant occasion. It was the first
appearance of an American Cardinal at
a College Commencement, and, as
Cardinal McCloskey had expressed
himself that it was his heart's desire
to give the first fruits of his love
and devotion to his Alma Mater, to
whom ' he was indebted for all he
had,' the entire country awaited the
event with the greatest interest.
"An American Cardinal, a Prince of
the everlasting, ever glorious kingdom
of God on earth, the Roman Catholic
Church, was a new gift to America, a
novelty' to Catholic and Protestant
alike, and every one over the whole
land was on the tiptoe of expectancy
to see this new and much-heralded
dignitary in all his pomp and
"Cardinal McCloskey; Monsignor
Roncetti, the Papal Abiegate; Doctor
Ubaldi, his secretary ; bishops by the
dozen; priests by the hundred ; laymen
by the thousand; a special train from
Baltimore with all Baltimore on board
and the great brass band from Fort
McHenry thrown in to help along with
the noise; Doctor Dielman's brass band
of splendidly equipped and sumptuously
attired collegians pouring forth the
doctor's new ' Cardinal's March;'
college students, enthusiastic alumni
and others cheering and yelling like
mad, bad everybody going at the
Mountain; and, I tell you, I was going
some myself, for lo and behold! I was
one of the graduates, the Mountain was
in labor, and I was to bring forth a
speech on ' The Descent of Man' before
this mighty multitude. We were rigged
out in our best bib and tucker, as we
had not yet arrived at the dignity of
caps and gowns, and in addition
thereto I was adorned with a unique
and beautiful pair of cuff buttons, my
graduating gift from my reverend
brother, which I wore on that day for
the first time, and which I have worn
every day since up to the present
time, and of which I was justly proud.
"Do you suppose I am going to
forget that occasion? Not for some
little time yet, I hope! You must
remember it was my first appearance,
too. Scared! I was scared to death.
Indeed, I am not sure that I ever got
over it, or ever will.
"It was a great day and the
Mountain did herself proud. I was not
the only orator, although my oration
would have sufficed in point of time,
for it was forty minutes long. There
were about seventy-five others, more
or less, during the day, and not all
in English, either, and altogether the
poor Cardinal and a few others of us
were almost wrecked. It certainly was
the survival of the fittest, but as we
were lucky enough to be all fit, we
all survived.
"The Commencement was scheduled to
begin at 8:30 in the morning, but it
was 10 o'clock before we got well
under way, and, worse yet, 4 o'clock
in the afternoon before we got
"The upper terrace was covered with
candy and lemonade booths by the
dozen, all gayly decorated with
American and Papal flags and bunting,
and altogether the tout ensemble was
something stunning.
"I can see the Cardinal this minute
as plainly as on that occasion, and I
am not given to seeing things, when he
arose from his seat on his great white
satin throne, on the back of which was
suspended a laurel wreath, and the top
of which was tipped by a big bouquet
of cardinal roses specially sent by
the New York Herald for the occasion.
When the tremendous cheering subsided,
the Cardinal pointed his long, thin
finger at the clock over the prayer
benches and said : ' Nothing would
give me more pleasure than to speak as
I wish to the graduates and students,
but the hands of yonder clock warn me
that time is flying fast. If, in the
dignity conferred on me, the Church,
the diocese of New York, or the United
States, has been honored, what place
in the United States is more entitled
to that honor than Mount Saint Mary's
College, to which institution I am
indebted for all I have?'
"It was the unanimous opinion that
the Cardinal on this occasion made one
of the most feeling speeches of his
life, filled, as it was, with touching
and loving remembrances of his Alma
Mater; and the great audience went
away with the gratification and
conviction that a loving son had
brought home his laurels and had laid
them at the feet of his benign mother,
acknowledging that to her alone was
the glory.
"It goes without saying that my
fellow classmates, Isaac H. Stauffer,
on the 'Harmonies of Nature;' Richard
J. Malone, on ' Moral Courage;'
Patrick L. Duffy, on ' Modern
Progress;' Joseph L. Kilpatrick, on '
Shakespeare;' Joseph F. Tearney, on '
Astronomy,' and Owen O'Brien, Jr., on
the ' Growth of the Catholic Church in
America;' were ' among those who
spoke,' and indeed they discoursed
quite learnedly; but, candor compels
me to confess that the Cardinal and I
received most of the applause and
really were the best.
"During the proceedings, Doctor
Young, president of our old friend,
Georgetown, arose and announced that
Georgetown College had conferred upon
Father John McCloskey; our president,
the degree of Doctor of Divinity.
Doctor Young then requested the
Cardinal to bestow the degree and the
latter promptly complied, amidst a
tumult of applause. ' Father John'
then delivered a Latin oration, which
the students particularly enjoyed.
"Ike Stauffer's valedictory made
all the class weep most copiously, and
I felt that there was nothing else
left but the deluge. The Commencement
over, it was announced that a meeting
of the alumni would be held in
Commencement Hall as soon as
practicable. By half past four the
meeting was in full swing and an
alumni association in process of
formation. It was a most excellent
practical thought which brought it
forward and the occasion was most
auspicious for its formation and
realization. An election was held and
the following officers elected Edward
W. Tiers, President; Rev. Jeremiah J.
Griffin, William George Read, Hon.
Thomas E. Garvin and John G. Devereaux,
Vice-Presidents; Rev. John A.
Watterson, Recording Secretary, and
Doctor Joseph F. Corrigan,
Corresponding Secretary.
"The great banquet was next in
order, and it began at 5 o'clock with
everybody ready. It certainly was a
credit to Father John McCloskey, who
had laid himself out to make it one of
the very pleasant features of the
occasion ; and in this he succeeded
most admirably. Like the Commencement
Hall, the refectory too was gay with
wreaths, banners, hanging baskets and
canaries, and flowers perfumed the air
with their sweet odors. The Cardinal,
the graduates, and a few other
specially privileged personages, sat
at the great table, and about five
hundred others of much less
consequence filled in the rest of the
space. It required two hours' time to
do full justice to the bountiful
supply of everything under the sun,
after which singing on the terrace,
reminiscences and stories were the
order of the night.
"The Cardinal was a most genial
gentleman, with a smile and a pleasant
word for every one. I recall the very
informal reception held by him under
the portico on the back terrace on the
evening of Commencement Day. He had
expressed a wish to have a chair
brought for him that he might sit
under the portico and gaze upon the
little chapel; at Plunket's Folly; at
the old music hall; hear the soothing
murmur of the dripping fountains;
drink in the balmy breezes which came
down from the mountain side; and
reflect upon the dear old days agone;
but his friends would not have it so.
The old gentleman was fatigued and
wanted rest. The younger generation
was full of action. The gay spirit of
the day was rampant, and one chair was
brought, and then another and another,
for the older and more dignified men,
the crowd gathered around and
increased in numbers, and in a few
minutes all were boys again, loaded
with merriment, remembrances and
laughter, and the Cardinal as young in
spirit as the rest.
"When I look back at the pleasures
and dwell upon the memories of that
eventful day, I am free to admit that
nothing which I have achieved at any
time since has afforded the same
unalloyed happiness. There is always
some shadow in the sunshine of success
obtained after our boyhood days. There
was no shadow that day for me.
Everything was sunshine.
"Many of the prominent figures upon
that historic occasion have gone to
their eternal reward, among them the
Cardinal, Father John McCaffrey,
Father John McCloskey, Father John A.
Watterson, all the bishops, the great
majority of the priests, three of my
classmates, many of the student body,
and every member of the reception
committee. In fact, no one now remains
at the College itself who can recall
with the famous class of '75 the
glorious Commencement of the
Cardinal's year, excepting Professor
Jourdan and Professor Lagarde. They
are the only living landmarks of the
day of a choice assortment of 'old,
old grads.' They are the only living
'Of the tender grace of a day that
is dead, Which can never come back to
On June 28, 1875, it was decided in
council to hold an election in
September. None had been held since
November 22, 1872; none before that
since July 22, 1864. It was also
decided to secure Sisters for the
domestic department as soon as
possible, or if not possible, a
professional or otherwise competent
cook to reform the culinary
Vicar-General Raymond writes from
New Orleans August 29,1875,
introducing to Dr. McCaffrey, whose
class in the Baltimore Seminary he had
taken when the latter became President
of the Mountain, Master James Hosmer,
who " will be one day an ornament to
his Alma Mater." [Hosmer, '80, died in
his young manhood.]
On September 11th an
election took place, Father John
McCloskey being made President; Father
John Watterson, Vice-President and
Prefect of Studies; Father John Hill,
Secretary ; Father Michael Hays,
Treasurer. The last named "resigned
the office immediately, saying he did
not wish to accept until the late
treasurer's report would be handed in,
and until there would be some
deliberation about thepropriety of
separating the office of treasurer
from the procuratorship." His
resignation was accepted and the
election of a treasurer was postponed
for one mouth. Father O'Brien was
elected Director of the Seminary.
Precautionary measures against fire
were discussed, and the question of a
plan and expense of water-works was
referred to a committee.
On the 8th of October the Prefect
of Studies asked what were his duties.
It transpired that the office had been
filled almost always by the President,
and it was now decided that the course
of studies was to be decided by the
President and Council, the Prefect to
examine new-comers, visit classes,
note manner of teachers and report to
the President.
On the 19th of November the
President reported that the Sisters of
St. Joseph's, Emmitsburg, had declined
coming, as their rule forbade labor in
institutions of the other sex. He was
instructed to apply to Mount St.
Vincent, in New York, but on December
7 Cardinal McCloskey wrote that it was
not expedient for the " Black Cap "
daughters of Mrs. Seton to seem to
encroach on "Cornette" territory.
Meanwhile the Emmitsburg Railway
was graded and the tracks laid. The
first train ran November 22, 1875,
with free excursion all day. The first
excursion to Baltimore was November
27, 1875, and carried 400 passengers,
many of whom took that day their first
railway trip.
Rev. Michael Haves was elected to
the Council. Father John writes to Dr.
McCaffrey, May 17: "We will advertise
in all the Catholic papers for four
weeks, and may get the New York Herald
to notice the change in date of
The death of Isaac H. Stauffer, one
of the members of the class of '75,
evoked from the pen of Rev. P. L.
Duffy, our first Doctor of Letters,
the following tribute:
In Memoriam.
La. Class of 75.
As radiant annals of youth's
years unroll, Love clasps this man,
My Friend, who kept the whiteness of
his soul Arthurian.
To heights where starry science
is enthroned He upward trod, And
knelt, for higher wisdom still he
owned The fear of God.
Devout, yet debonair, there was
no place For other fear; Obedience
became him like a grace, This
Life was a knightly tourney then;
his dower, His panoply High honor,
and his heart the perfect flower Of
Honor to Faith was vassal. Thus
he bore A kinglier part Serving his
God. Pulses no more, no more, His
golden heart.
To Alma Mater royal love he gave:
Those years bequeath No fairer name
than his upon whose grave Love lays
this weath.
1875, January 7, Father
Hitzelberger, S. J., Vice-President.
'33, died, but Dr. William
Patterson. the College physician, as
old as the century, was still bale
and hearty. On June 13 the first
Solemn Mass was celebrated at
Thurmont, Father John McCloskey
being celebrant and preacher, Father
Hill the pastor, and other clergymen
The minutes of the sodality
meetings, held on Sundays at this
period, are very interesting. The
director was a priest. From the
minutes we gather that a member at
each meeting spoke on some pious
subject, then "accusations" were
made, some members appointed to
receive communion on Saturday, and
some to make a " retreat." The
officers besides the director were
the guardian, the secretary and the
sacristan. With June, 1876, this
record ceases. The society was for
aspirants to the priesthood.
July 5, 1875, Abp. Purcell, third
President, writes in the Catholic
Telegraph of Cincinnati: " With all
the good feeling possible and
perfect good nature the undersigned
rises to answer a question started
in some of our newspapers :
Did Abp. Purcell oppose the
creation of an American Cardinal?
Answer: He did not, this year or the
last. But he did twenty-four years
ago, not exactly oppose it, but he
did in 1851 state to the Cardinal
Prefect of the Propaganda the
opinion of Abp. Kenrick of Baltimore
that it was then inopportune and
premature to create a cardinal in
the United States. This subject was
then discussed, and our Charge’
d'Affaires in Rome, Mr. Cass.
had rather much to say on the
subject. Archbishops Hughes and
Purcell were then in Rme, where each
received the pallium from the hands
of His Holiness, and the latter took
occasion to ask the Holy Father if
it was true that the former was to
be raised to the cardinalate, the
rumor being at that time current
that Abp. Hughes had received a
subsidy from the Leopoldine
Association of Vienna to enable him
to meet the expenses of the high
dignity. The Holy Father smiled at
the ruse adopted by Abp. Purcell to
find out the truth, and replied: 'It
is true that the American Government
has asked for the appointment of a
cardinal, not celui-la mais un
cardinal (not him, but a
cardinal),' and I answered: 'There
was then no place of cardinal-priest
vacant.' This was true, and at the
same time quite diplomatic on the
part of His Holiness. Second
question. Was Abp. Hughes not made a
cardinal because of his having
opposed the definition of the Pope's
infallibility? Answer: No, for Abp.
McCloskey also opposed it. He was
one of some ten American bishops who
signed a paper addressed to the Holy
Father, deprecating the definition,
as did seventy other bishops. And
the fact of the Pope's making him
cardinal, and sending the pallium to
the Prince-Bishop of Breslau, and
laudatory letters to Bishop
Dupanloup. who also spoke and wrote
against the definition, proves that
the bishops had perfect freedom of
speech, and that they not only
incurred no disfavor, but have been
commended by His Holiness for their
ingenuousness and a certain decent
independence which, if censured
elsewhere, is not placed under the
ban in Borne.
"J. P. Purcell, Abp. of
Chapter 61
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.