The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 63 |
Chapter Index
Chapter 64: 1881-1882
We have thus set forth some
estimates of Dr. McCaffrey's
character; now we proceed to describe
how another robust son of the same
Mountain worked at his self-imposed
and most noble task. We speak of
Father Byrne, '59. Like St. Paul, be
had troubles from within as well as
from without.

Right Rev. Mons.
William Byrne, P.A., V.G. 12th
President |
One member of the Faculty, claiming
likewise to be of the Council,
remained for a whole year after he had
been refused recognition and defied
the President to eject him. He was
finally induced for a pecuniary
consideration to sign a receipt in
full and to leave the institution.
This was the hardest trial to bear.
But the "labor and painfulness," the "watchings,"
the "cold and nakedness" spoken of by
the Apostle were experienced by Father
Byrne and other priests who like him
had abandoned all modern baths,
"sanitary arrangements," private
table, etc., of large and cultured
cities, and retired on one-third or
less salary to this remote locality
and its manifold privations.
As for the seminarians, and
especially the theologians, their
hardships were such as no one of those
today can realize. Their rooms,
practically opened, door as well as
window, on the terrace; and even those
who lived, as most did, on the
mountainside, had no stoves at all
either in room or in hallway, and were
fain to keep out the cold by extra
lamps and by staying in bed wrapped in
blankets while they prepared their
tasks. However, allowance being made
for its wild situation on the
Mountain, we are of opinion that it
was as comfortable as other
institutions, and indeed our buildings
were before the Civil War superior to
many in several of the great
universities. Anything more harshly
hare, however, than the College under
the Christmas snow in those days would
be hard to imagine.
Father Byrne put up with all this,
and having more than enough to do as
financial "settler" and procurator, in
addition bore the solicitude of all
the classes and himself taught (and a
splendid teacher he was), several
hours a day. He was besides pastor of
the parish, but his chief care and
perpetual bother came from settling
with the creditors, whom he had to try
and persuade, one by one, to accept
thirty-five cents for every hundred
the College owed or they thought it
owed them. There is no class so hard
to deal with as farmers and laboring
people in such a crisis, and difficult
indeed it is to convince them that you
cannot pay their claims. And there
were others. Practically every one of
them, from the highest socially to the
lowest, had to be debated with, and as
the President had not taken advantage
of the bankruptcy act, he was obliged
to make terms with each. Some even
sued for the amount of their bond.
Father Byrne was very pragmatic. "Is
this note any good, Doctor?" says one,
handing in a piece of outlawed paper.
The Doctor's patience was waning:
"Dead as a mackerel," he replied. In a
letter of September 13, a priest who
had been asked to send a subscription,
presented a claim for five hundred
dollars with interest for several
years, but agreed, for friendship's
sake, to accept one-third of his bill.
This must have been a little
startling, indeed somewhat amusing,
and doubtless relieved the dreary
monotony of the situation. In fact,
this unexpected "check" made the
Doctor roar.
Father Byrne's successors, Dr.
Grannan and Father Alien, had this
battle to fight daily for years after
Father Byrne went back to Boston, and
even some of us professors, who had
never known the College or its
officials till we came to help save
and revive it, could not visit a house
in the neighborhood without being
asked "when we were going to pay that
sixty-five cents." As if we ourselves
had not our own claims! As if we
didn't have to economize! " Don't send
that linen to the wash yet! Don't you
know we have to pay the debt?" said
the Vice-President to the sacristan of
the little old chapel one day.
The following statement helps to
recall the condition, as far as paper
and figures can:
"June 17, 1881. A meeting of
creditors was held to-day at
Emmitsburg, Joshua Biggs presiding.
Claims amounting to $173,000 were
presented. (Later claims carried the
total higher still.) The President
of the College made a statement of
the growth of the debt from $56,000
in 1838. The available means of the
College, including what was expected
to be raised by donations, were
shown as follows:
- Sale of stock and
- Probable proceeds of sale of
700 acres......17,500
- Present
- Paid to reduce
"This was the sum to be divided
and would give about 35 cents on the
"Almost unanimously the creditors
agree to take this sum in order to
avoid a sale, which would bring them
less. But certain bank
representatives kept silent as not
having authority to settle.
"Meeting adjourned for one week,
when papers will be signed. William
Byrne, Sec."
The Council had on June 22
confirmed the Board of Regents
appointed, to wit: Cardinal McCloskey
or his coadjutor; the Abp. of
Baltimore; the President and the
Vice-President of the College; General
Coale, '23, of Liberty, Md.: Charles
Roberts, ex'60, of Westminster, and
William McSherry, '40, of Littlestown,
Pa., and on Sept. 30,1881, a very
formal meeting was held, notice of
which had been served in writing. At
this meeting Father Edward Sourin,
'30, initiated Fathers William Byrne,
'54, Thomas Fitzgerald, '72, and James
Kelly, '76, into the original
"Corporation and Council," of which he
himself was the sole surviving member.
The Board of Regents appointed with
consent of the Council the previous
June authorized, Sept. 29,1881, Father
Byrne to rent the College from Capt.
McSherry, the receiver, for one year,
for a sum equal to interest on liens,
insurance and taxes of each year, or
thereabout (that is, about $3,000);
and in the event of failure to rent he
was to obtain permission to use the
College property; finally, in event of
the compromise measures now on foot
not succeeding within the space of one
year, the College property shall be
sold. This is signed by James Gibbons,
Abp. of Baltimore; M. A. Corrigan,
Coadjutor of New York; William Byrne
("if safe"); Thomas J. Fitzgerald ("if
safe"); Wm. McSherry, of Littlestown;
R. Gilmour, Bishop of Cleveland;
Thomas A. Becker, Bishop of
Wilmington; Francis Silas Chatard,
Bishop of Vineennes. The last three
assisted as invited consultors. Gen.
James Coale adhered by letter.
Cardinal McCloskey was an honorary
member of this board; Col. Coale and
Mr. Charles Roberts, of Westminster,
were active members.
Fathers Byrne and Fitzgerald, as
will have been noted, signed with a
qualification, and the former,
defending himself for not selling,
declared that he had always meant to
give the creditors their choice
between a compromise and a sale. Some
in consequence who subscribed for the
repurchase of the College declined to
contribute towards paying the 35 per
cent. Indeed there were amongst them
those who desired to abandon the
former double character of the College
and to start it anew and unencumbered
as a school for lay students only. As
this was not done, the institution
lost patronage in quarters where it
had from the beginning enjoyed it.
The sale would have been a simple,
easy, economical way, though of course
the less generous; in fact, the only
ones getting anything in that event
would be probably the holders of
mortgages, and Father Byrne deserves
the thanks of all the other creditors
for the endless trouble he undertook
in thus obtainirg for them at least
one-third when they would have got
nothing at all. His successors in
office, volunteers, as he was, deserve
like recognition.
On October 3, 1881, President Byrne
issued a circular calling for the
payment of the subscriptions, so that
the creditors might get something and
the sale of the College be averted.
There were already in the house about
one hundred students.
Oct. 5, 1881. Father Maguien, S. S.
Superior of St. Mary's Seminary,
Baltimore, writes to know whether the
Rev. Benedict Abbott, of Gethsemani,
having been authorized to establish a
monastery of his order in the diocese,
could buy "the whole or part of the
farm of St. Mary's College." Of course
it were for a monastery as it is for a
college an ideal spot. But the College
was "fated not to die" yet awhile, and
the Trappists came not.

Rt. Rev. Mgr.
Charles P. Grannan, S.T.D. |
On October 14 Rev. Charles P.
Grannan, S. T. D. of New York, a
Propagandist, is mentioned and becomes
a professor, as well as does Rev. John
Larkin. of Ireland. The President is
empowered to fix their salaries and
salaries of all persons howsoever
employed, and to make such terms as he
thinks proper with all creditors, as
well as to give notes and such
corporate obligations in settling with
Father Byrne issued a circular Oct.
27, 1881, announcing that the
creditors unsecured had agreed to
accept thirty-five per cent, of their
claims, that is, $44,000 out of
$125,000. The cash contributions
amounted to twenty-five thousand
dollars, the sale of farm property
brought about eight thousand, and so
twelve thousand more was required and
sufficient to set the College free.
"If each subscriber to the relief fund
will pay one more instalment of his
subscription, and if such alumni as
have as yet contributed nothing (and
they are many), will now at last came
to our aid, even with small sums of
fifty or one hundred dollars, the
desired object can be easily
attained., ..."
Writing to Bp. Watterson, Oct. 27,
'81, Father Byrne tells of Dr.
McCaffrey's Month's Mind celebrated
the day before, at which Bp. Loughlin
sang Mass and Abp. Elder delivered an
admirable discourse, "a most exquisite
appreciation and analysis of Dr.
McCaffrey's character." Bp. Conroy was
also present. The sermon was published
in the Catalogue of 1882.
We find recorded that Rev. Richard
H. Keenan, '77, who had been ordained
at Louvain this year, was appointed to
teach "Metaphysics, Ethics and Senior
English," and to receive twenty-five
dollars a month. The professors of
theology, who also took their turns in
all parish work, received fifty
dollars a month during the scholastic
year, and this was almost to the
half-dollar their entire income.
Among the seminarians we give the
names of those who stood by the
College in the year of trouble
1880-81, although their successors for
several lustres worked perhaps as
hard, but "not as they who had no
hope," which must have been the case
with many this year. The names are:
Alien, Edward P., Mass.; Clark, Joseph
J., N. Y.; Conway, John H., Md.;
Convvay, Michael, Md.; Cunningham,
William A., Pa.; Cusack, John, O.;
Cotter, James H., N. Y.; Cody, John
J., N. J.; Delaney, Stanislaus, O.;
Donlan, Michael B., Pa.; Flynn, Dennis
J., Ky.; Hillyard, Van Buren, D. C.;
Higgius, Dominic, Ky.; Hannigan,
Francis J., N. Y.; Hemler, Pius P.,
Md.; Hill, Marshall J., N. J.; Kelly,
Thomas L., R. L; Kinsella, Thomas H.,
Ky.; Kohl, Germauus, Pa.; Kurnmerant,
Louis P., Pa.; Meade, John, O.;
Morris, Patrick, N. Y.; Murray,
Michael J., N. Y. Murphy, William H.,
N. J.; McCue, Joseph J.. N. Y.;
McGrath, John P., Pa., McDonald,
Robert V., Pa.; McCarthy, John, Ark.;
Oeink, John B., III.; O'Reilly,
Christopher, N. Y.; O'Connell,
Patrick, Pa.; O'Neill, Denis, N. Y.;
O'Grady, Richard, Conn.; Rosensteel,
Charles O., Pa.; Singleton, John S.,O.;
Tierney, John J., Ky.; Tole, William
H., N. Y.; Toner, George H., Pa.
Some of these undertook the very
disagreeable task of going around and
persuading the rustic creditors to
accept thirty-five cents on the
dollar; others endeavored to get
pastors in the large cities to give
collections, etc.
Those whom the Chronicler knew in
'83 and the years following fulfilled
the duties imposed on them heroically.
They had, as we said, very poor
accommodations, though true it is
those of the priests were little
better. And though bearing so much of
the "burden of the day," they had
scarcely a privilege beyond those of
the boys, the only one of much
importance being that of going out to
walk in twos, provided, always, that
they did not enter a village nor even
a house unless accompanied by a
priest. No one would believe what a
dreary task was that of the prefects
on a rainy winter day then, when the
only diversion of the boys was to walk
around the dark playroom or fling
themselves about in the old shed that
opens on two sides to the weather,
constituted the apology for a
gymnasium. But they stuck to their
posts, and to them is due a very great
deal of the credit of working the
college ship out of the whirlpool
rapids and bringing her once again
into deep, safe waters.
In his Commencement address Abp.
Gibbons referred amongst other
things to the laymen "the Coales,
the Carrolls, the Mileses, the
Horseys, the McSherrys and Elders"
whom the Mountain had sent forth.
he Mountain Echo, Vol. 1. No. 20,
February 12, 1880. lies before us.
It came out fortnightly, being
issued by the editors and printers,
the Lagarde Brothers, every
fortnight at Inglewood, near the
College, fifty cents for six months.
The number for April 29 tells of
a disputation on the Duello in the
class of ethics, in which D. J.
Flynn was defendant, H. P. Coleman
and F. M. Garvin objectors, and
which shows that studies were
strenuously pursued under the black
financial sky.
"In the afternoon two theses de
Gratia were discussed in the library
by Messrs. Lubbe and Morris, and by
Messrs W. Cunningham and Oeink
respectively." What made it seem
like old times and times older
still, was that here the entire
discussion was in Latin. "All
acquitted themselves very creditably
and the disputations are a source of
great improvement to all concerned."
The following from the same paper
will help to form an idea of the
social condition around the College
in days past:
"The San Marino amateur string
band gave a private concert last
week and connoisseurs who were
present declared that it was a
triumph. We congratulate the band,
and particularly Mr. K. T. Manning,
an old Mountaineer, and Dr. J. W.
Hickey; and his brothers, Messrs. J.
and H. Hickey, who contributed to
the success of this musical
departure. The inspiring genius of
the band is the whole-souled, genial
host of San Marino, Charles A.
Manning, Esq."
Another writer regrets " that the
custom of ascending the Hill on
Saturdays to sing the Litany of Our
Lady in the Old Church has been
The Mountaineer, a manuscript
monthly, published by the Gregorians
of the Seminary, was revived this
year. It contains essays by John J.
Tierney, Dennis J. Flynn and others,
and was read Sunday evenings.
Dr. John P. Judge, above quoted,
tells us how " In my days nearly all
the songs and dances current in
playroom and on terrace recalled a
period in college history when
students from the sunny South were
in the ascendancy in numbers. Or was
it in morale? Or did they have more
music and poetry in their souls, and
thus give stamp and character to
college customs? . . . ''
The Catholic Mirror March, '81.
quotes the Abp. of Baltimore, who
evidently felt that the situation
called for apology, as saying that "
he had no control over the financial
management of Mount St. Mary's
College, and was of course in no way
responsible for its present
condition. It was a private
corporation. . . . "
Massachusetts and Maryland do not
always harmonize. Father Byrne and
the receiver came into positive
conflict when the former this
summer,'81, dismissed or confirmed
the dismissal of Prof. Black, in
order to decrease expenditure. The
latter appealed to the receiver, who
reinstated him, and was sustained on
appeal by the Court. Black at once
resigned in order to avoid
unpleasantness, but everyone can
understand how hard it was for a
Massachusetts Vicar General, a
volunteer for the task, and
legitimately installed president of
the ancient College, to be
interfered with in the appointment
of professors. Indeed this was
perhaps the most grievous trial of
Father Byrne's fortitude, and his
perseverance under it commands
As a tribute to the merits of the
receiver we quote from a letter,
November 9, 1881, written by General
Coale, of Liberty, to President
Byrne: "Mr. McSherry has certainly
exhibited extraordinary forbearance
in the exercise of his authority
over the property and affairs of the
College since you have taken up your
abode there. ..." Noblesse oblige.
"Fatti maschi. Parole Femmine''
is the Maryland gentleman's motto.
Several Catholic colleges, as
appears from the list appended to
this history, helped the Mountain in
her trouble, and the New York
Catholic Review of July 2, 1881,
speaking of the action of the
students of Fordham and Manhattan in
that city in giving up their
premiums to aid Mt. St. Mary's,
says: "Exegi monumen-tum aere
perennius.' No gold medal that
either Manhattan or Fordham has yet
given to worthy students will be
more honorable than those bits of
paper, or gives better promise for
our Catholic future." The boys had
contented themselves with simple
certificates of collegiate success.
Chapter 65
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.