The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 71 |
Chapter Index
Chapter 72: 1898
"Billy" Welty's requiem marked the
last occasion that the Faculty
assembled in the church upon the hill.
To the student approaching for the
first time Mt. St. Mary's College, or
to the traveler bent on visiting the
scenes of the labors of Dubois and
Brute, whether he comes from the south
over the Emmitsburg railroad, or from
the east via the Baltimore pike, or
better from the north, following the
historic route of the Emmitsburg road
from Gettysburg, that which makes the
deepest and most abiding impression on
his mind is the superb location of the
"Church on the Hill." Its white walls
and spire may be seen nestling on the
eastern side of the mountain spur long
before the precincts of the College
are reached. It stands like a guardian
watching over the College buildings
sequestered in the shades beneath.
There is an incomparable beauty in its
surroundings, gratifying in the
extreme to an observer afar off in the
valley of St. Joseph's; but when one
is permitted to stand upon the plateau
on which the church is built, and gaze
out upon the vast expanse of fertile
meadow-lands and fallow fields spread
in majestic grandeur before him and
beneath him, then, indeed, is he
filled with an indescribable rapture.
The gentle undulating hills, the deep
valleys, the cultivated fields, the
comfortable farmhouses bespeaking
contentment all harmonize into one
grand whole, the contemplation of
which thrills the mind of the beholder
with delight.
Such is the site, but feebly
pictured, on which stands the "Church
on the Hill." The fondest
recollections of the Mountaineer are
centered in the same spot. Wherever
the pursuits of business may lead him,
wherever he may cast his lot in life,
be it far or near, in foreign lands or
at home, the thought of the "Church on
the Hill," with its classic environs,
lingers as a fond image in his
recollection. The ties contracted
there are never wrenched asunder.
The following poem taken from the
Mountain Eagle of 1878 is from the pen
of Kalakora, (Rev. Dr. P. L. Duffy):
The Church Upon the Hill.
The listless current of my
thoughts, So wont to wander slow,
And shimmering through fair
Lotus-lands, Now glides in deeper
flow ; And swifter, straighter
speeds to thee, Thou haven safe
and still, Of tempest-tossed and
weary souls, Old Church upon the
The pious farmers far below
Look up at noon and hail Thee
throned upon the mountain side,
Mute guardian of the vale
Morning's first rays dart up to
thee And setting sunbeams fill Thy
chancel with a splendor then. Old
Church Upon the Hill.
No Raphael's genius put a soul
In thy old lifeless walls. No
Angelo gave grace to thee; But
skies beam, starlight falls, Kind
breezes woo all lovingly; Glad
birds their tributes thrill, And
angels hover over thee, Old Church
upon the Hill.
Fond hearts can paint where art
has not, And Beauty's spell
infuse; And ours have colored
thee, old Church, In rarest,
fairest hues; And these young
hearts grown staid with years With
thoughts of thee will thrill We
love thee still through smiles and
tears, Old Church upon the Hill.
The old church was abandoned in the
fall of 1897, when the new one was
opened below on the hillside. Mass was
said in it at odd times in the summer,
but at last, about 1900, it was
declared unsafe, and remains in
dignified desolation awaiting its
return to dust.
On the 13th of May, 1898, Neil and
Hugh O'Donnell, of New York, gave five
thousand dollars to found a burse for
an ecclesiastical student.
The students asked leave to go out
in cap and gown and without a prefect,
as well as to send representative
teams to the intercollegiate contests
in Baltimore, and join the Oratorical
Association of Maryland Colleges, but
action on all these matters was
It was agreed that the President
might accept membership on the Board
of Directors of the Emmitsburg
Railroad, provided the College
incurred thereby no financial
responsibility. President O'Hara
reported a gift of twelve thousand
dollars from a party who desired to
remain unknown, and stated that a
further sum of fifteen thousand was
coining later. Interest at the rate of
5 per cent was payable on this amount
during the life of the party. This was
incomparably the largest sum ever
received by the College, the
scholarships of five thousand dollars
each being rather liabilities than
assets and imposing a perpetual
On Tuesday December 20, 1898, a
fine national flag, thirty feet by
twenty was raised on a staff one
hundred and seven feet high, planted
on the College terrace. Michael
O'Rourke of Philadelphia who had four
boys here, donated the pole, and Rev.
Thomas F. Ryan, '86, chaplain U. S.
Volunteers during the Spanish War,
made the presentation speech and
blessed the flag. Mr. O'Rourke then
said a few words to which the
President replied, accepting the
splendid gift; another reverend member
of the faculty made an address, Thomas
Meighan of Pittsburg, a student,
recited "The American Flag," a poem by
Rev. Dr. Charles Coustantine Pise, a
Mountaineer of the 20's and Chaplain
for two years in U. S. Senate.
The formal address:
Fellow Citizens: We are assembled
here today for a holy and wholesome
purpose. Through the magnificent
public spirit and generosity of a
citizen of the land of William Penn,
and of that city which had the honor
of being the earliest capital of the
United States, we are enabled to
gather here and raise aloft on this
firm-set and graceful staff, this
beautiful banner blessed by the
priest of God, the glorious flag of
our Union. It is a holy purpose, for
it is an act of consecration to love
of country. And what words did the
Holy Ghost put into the mouths of
the exiled children of His chosen
race? These: ''If I forget thee, O
Jerusalem, let my right hand be
forgotten! Let my tongue cleave to
my jaws if I do not remember Thee!
If I make not Jerusalem the
beginning of my joy!" (Psalm cxxxvi)
The United States is our Jerusalem.
This is God's larger Promised Land.
It is a wholesome purpose. For the
love of country is a duty rising
immediately out of the Second
Commandment of the Law: "Thou shall
love thy neighbor as thyself;" and
the sight of this flag always
recalls us to this duty, on the
doing of which salvation depends.
O fair and eloquent banner of our
country! How brilliantly thy stars,
like the blazing jewels on the brow
of night, gleam on thine azure
field, reminding us of the
sisterhood of states, banded
together in sincerity, mutual
confidence and love! How candidly
thy white stripes offer peace and
goodwill to all nations! How
terribly thy red ones remind an
enemy that the young men are ready
to pour out the hot crimson of their
veins in defence of their rights and
the rights of humanity!
The boys of the Mountain have
fought and bled beneath this flag of
their native land. Let him who
accompanies Michael O'Rourke on this
patriotic errand it and for all! I
have the honor to refer to our old
pupil, who volunteered as chaplain,
and exposed his life on the tented
field of Chickamauga, and salute
with all my heart, and in the name
of you all, the Rev. Captain Thomas
F. Ryan '86. The girls of St.
Joseph's have done service beneath
this flag, aiding and comforting
with their gentle and powerful
womanly care, the wounded "boys in
blue," at Montauk, at Tampa, at
Huntsville, at Lexington, at
Jacksonville. How lovingly the folds
of her country's flag clasped the
coffin of that young Sister, Private
Caroline Wolf, Hospital Corps, U. S.
V., who gave her budding life for
God and her neighbor! And with what
true instinct the choir of St.
John's Church, Baltimore, having no
musket-squad in attendance to give
the military farewell, sang the
"Star Spangled Banner" over her
early grave.
The bravery of our soldier-alumni
on the bloody heights of San Juan,
and in the fever tents of Florida,
the chivalrous service of our
Mountain priests in Georgia and the
Philippines; the gentle and strong
devotion of our Sisters on the field
and in the hospital; these facts
speak so eloquently the spirit of
this College and of that Convent,
that our poor tongue retires in very
shame to silence. God bless the
living that served under this
glorious flag, and deal kindly with
the dead who have been wrapped in
its folds! And may the deeds of both
revive in the hearts of every child
of this Mountain and of that Valley,
the strong and true love of country,
and the determination to imitate,
when our turn comes, their sublime
Christian patriotism! And the Star
Spangled Banner, O long may it ware,
O'er the land of the free and the
home of the brave!
Dr. Pise's poem was composed in
1855 as an indignant protest against
Know nothingism. It runs as follows:
They say I do not love thee, Flag
of my native land, Whose meteor
folds above me To the free breeze
expand: Thy broad stripes proudly
streaming And thy stars so brightly
They say I would forsake thee
Should some dark crisis lower; That
recreant I should make thee Crouch
to a foreign power: Seduced by
license ample On thee, blest flag to
They say that bolts of thunder,
Cast in the forge of Rome, May rise
and bring thee under Flag of my
native home; And with one blow
dissever My heart from thee forever.
False are the words they utter,
Ungenerous their brand, And rash the
oaths they mutter, Flag of my native
land. While still in hope above me
Thou wavest and I love thee.
God is my love's first duty, To
whose Eternal Name Be praise for all
thy beauty, Thy grandeur and thy
fame ; But ever have I reckoned
Thine, native flag, my second.
Woe to the foe or stranger Whose
sacrilegious hand Would touch thee
or endanger Flag of my native land!
The some would fain discard thee,
Mine should be raised to guard thee.
Then wave thou first of banners,
And in thy gentle shade Let creeds,
opinions, manners In liberty be laid
I And there all discord ended Our
hearts and souls be blended.
Stream on, stream on before us
Thou Labarum of Light, While in one
general chorus Our vows to thee we
plight Unfaithful to thee ? Never!
My country's Flag forever!
V. Rev. Doctor O'Hara in a closing
address thanked the donors of the
banner and flagstaff, and the boys
sang the "Red, White and Blue"
accompanied by Prof. Iseler's band,
giving afterwards three cheers for
Father Ryan and Mr. O'Rourke, and then
the college "yell" for themselves and
the rest of mankind. So the
proceedings terminated. The speaking
was from the foot of the flag pole,
facing the northwest corner of the
upper terrace and the acoustics were
Of noteworthy events this year, in
addition to what has been given, we
have that Rev. Thomas L. Kelly, '79,
became editor of the Providence
Visitor, and Rev. Patrick Garvey, D.
D., '65, rector of the Philadelphia
Diocesan Seminary.
John Jerome Rooney, '84, President
of the Alumni Association, received
the Cross of the Order of St.
Catherine from Guy de Lusignan, Prince
Royal of Jerusalem, Cyprus and
Armenia, in recognition of his
writings in aid of the oppressed
Rev. Dr. Gauss, of Carlisle,
visiting the College, noted the
absence of College songs, and offered
to compose the tunes if some one else
did the rest. Strange to say it seemed
practically impossible to get the boys
to make or keep songs, notwithstanding
the excellent poets and musicians we
had. Edward B. Kenna, '98 ; John B.
Connolly, '94; Denis Behen, '94; Rev.
John McCloskey, '94, etc., not to name
others who came later and not
forgetting the brilliant writers of
previous decades, wrote very cleverly.
In July died Rt. Rev. Thomas
McGovern, '59, Bishop of Harrisburg, a
typical Mountaineer, strong, bright,
rugged, witty, manly and unfaltering
in his attachment to Alma Mater. He
built the wooden Grotto at which on
Saturday, July 16, 1898, the Feast of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel was
celebrated at the College in a most
delightful and edifying way. At a
quarter before six in the bright and
not too warm morning a procession of
clergymen and sisters wound its way
from the College Chapel up the height
and along the winding path through the
forest, reciting the Litany of Loretto
and the joyful mysteries of the
Rosary, until the Grotto was reached.
The Holy Sacrifice was then offered
for the first time at the ancient
We have referred to the College
paper and quoted from its pages. As
illustrating a phase of the
"emancipation" of women, the following
extract from the Mountaineer at this
period will be of interest:
Even a cursory perusal of the
October exchanges, by the 'Ex-man,'
would reveal a remarkable, but
obvious fact the superiority of the
college papers edited by women. . .

Thomas A. Anderson, '57 L.L. D. |
The fine presswork of the Althea, a
journal issued at the Academy of the
Sisters of the Holy Child, Sharon
Hill, Pa., was quite beyond anything
that boys' schools used to get out,
and it, as well as the exquisite
literary work, was done in the house
by the pupils.
Father Doherty, C. S. P., ex-'92,
was now a chaplain in the Spanish War
and is the writer of a letter to the
Very. Rev. President, from which we
quote a few paragraphs:
"Manila, August 31, 1898. " El
Gobernador General de Filipinos.
"Rev. William O'Hara, President
Mt. St. Mary's College.
"Rev. and Dear Father: Gen.
Anderson, ex-'55, of Cavite,
learning somewhere of my
Mountaineering, sends word that the
next time we meet he will fight over
the battles of the fifties, for he
is an alumnus of the old College.
"I am sure that the Mountain must
be proud of the General, who is
every inch a soldier.
"Major Kelleher, who had some
boys at the College at my time, is
on the expedition, and on the night
of the occupation we were billeted,
soldier-like, in one of the great
rooms of the government palace.
"Not recognizing one another,
pajamaclad, in the morning the Major
asked where Mass could be heard, and
I, a stranger to him, suggested the
Cathedral, and he arrived in time to
hear Mass said by his acquaintance
of the morning.
"General Anderson called today
and sustained an agreeable
conversation in Latin with His Grace
the Archbishop."
The College Library has not been in
strong light during the course of this
history, but in these latter years
some effort was made to restore its
usefulness. The writer of this extract
from the Mountaineer was librarian
this year and we let him tell what he
had to say about book-worms, a class
to membership in which he himself
might lay claim at least
"Apropos of a recent article in the
New York Sun, concerning the
book-worms on exhibition in the Lenox
library, it may be of interest to know
that one of these rare insects is now
on exhibition in the cabinet of Mt.
St. Mary's College. This specimen
resembles in all details the insects
described by the Sun. It is about
one-sixteenth of an inch in length,
and is of a light buff color, shading
to a rich burnt brown on the back. It
has a number of 'short, spiny legs,'
how many the writer is unable to
state, as the glass with which he
examined the insect was not very
strong, but he counted at least twenty
on each side of the worm. The
'burnt-brown' shade on the extreme end
of the back seems to be caused by a
number of hairs, as a cursory
examination of a dead book-worm in the
College library shows that that part
of the insect resembles a round brush
in miniature.
"Although the 'insect curio' is
provided with commodious quarters, yet
it evidently longs for the home whence
it was taken and gives but little
attention to the banquet of bread
provided for it.
"The book-worm was found in a 'Tabula
Sup. Omnia Oper. St. Thomas Aquinatis,'
published in Basle, in 1495. The
volume shows but slight traces of the
worm's activity, as only two pages
have been perforated, though there are
four holes in the cover.
"The dead book-worm mentioned above
was found in a volume published in the
latter part of the fifteenth century,
and containing between six and seven
hundred perforations, some of them
extending through the volume.
Doubtless the little hermit had had
undisturbed possession for many a long
year. . ."
Mary M. Meline died this year in
Cincinnati. She was a grandniece of
President Butler and niece of James
and Florent Meline, sons of James
Florent Meline, a schoolmate of
Napoleon at St. Cyr. James Florent
Meline came to this country with
Lafayette, served during the
Revolution and married Father
Butler" s sister. Miss Meline left
us the manuscript history she was
preparing, and we owe much to her
industrious, elegant pen.
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.