The Story of the
Mount Saint
Mary's College and Seminary
Mary E. Meline & Edward F.X. McSween
Published by the Emmitsburg Chronicle, 1911
Chapter 74 |
Chapter Index
Chapter 75: 1903-1905
Our genial neighbors, the Jesuits,
with whom our relations had been so
intimate and friendly for nigh a
century, left the Jesuit Novitiate
January 15, on a special train which
took them to their new quarters near
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and thus was
closed a very beautiful chapter in our
history. The Novitiate had opened at
Frederick, February 22, 1831, but the
Jesuit priests were there long before
that period.
Rev. Walter Elliott, of Father
Hecker's congregation, the Paulists,
called to see us one fine May day,
with several young priests who were
training at the Apostolic School,
Washington, He was happy at visiting a
place sacred to him, where Fathers
Hecker, Hewitt, Walworth and other
departed members of his order had
given one of their earliest
"missions." He himself, once a soldier
in the Union army, was now drilling
clergymen to fulfill the various
duties of their apostolic ministry in
respect not only to those within the
fold but likewise to those without, so
that the Gospel might be preached to
every creature and all brought under
one shepherd.
June 17. Commencement was held
today in the new gymnasium just
completed. Dr. Robert Marmion, M. D.,
'61, addressing the graduates, bade
them not to fear that the professions
were too crowded. " Out of 155 who
with myself took the degree of M. D.
at the University of Pennsylvania in
1868, less than one-fourth ever
practised medicine. There is always
room and even demand for men of brains
as leaders. . . ."
Cardinal Gibbons was so pleased
with the new gymnasium in which the
exercises were held that having spoken
for twenty-five minutes, he declared,
as did all who heard him, that the
acoustics were perfect, though no
regard had been had to this in
designing the building.
At the election today the same
officers were chosen and a vote of
congratulation was extended to Father
O'Hara for the material improvements
brought about under his
administration, the renovated
seminary, the gymnasium, athletic
field, baths, etc. With his name in
the vote were associated those of
ex-President Alien and Father Bradley.
In April the College received from
the estate of Henry T. Coleman, '44,
five thousand dollars in memory of his
sons, Henry and William, who had
received in 1882 the degrees of LL. B.
and A. M., respectively.
Rev. Maurice M. Hassett, Sem.-95,
became a professor at the Catholic
University, Washington.
On Laetare Sunday Charles Jerome
Bonaparte, LL.D. '82, son of Jerome
Napoleon Bonaparte, ex-'21, a nephew
of Napoleon the First, received the
Laetare Medal bestowed annually by
Notre Dame University on a Catholic
layman or woman. Notice has been taken
of his father's career while a student
at the Mountain.
On occasion of the 250th
anniversary of the incorporation of
New York city, a song, "Right Makes
Might," by John Jerome Rooney, '84,
was sung in every public school of the
metropolis. The author was president
of the Catholic Club in that city, and
has been already mentioned in this
The Cardinal inquired what were the
relations between the College and the
University at Washington, saying that
the Pope would like them to be
intimate. It developed we had given
three professors to the institution,
as well as several students.
This year's barbecue, was notable
for the opening (October 18) of the
new gymnasium, swimming pool and all.
The joy of the students must be left
to the reader's fancy, and cannot be
exaggerated, while the visiting alumni
present at their annual reunion showed
great enthusiasm.
Scarcity of labor made it necessary
this year for the first time to
procure laundry machinery. The
facility afforded by railroads for
going to the cities where wages were
higher, and the increasing knowledge
of the attractions of city life caused
by the newspapers, etc. which were now
brought daily to everyone's door by
the new rural free delivery, more and
more induced the young people when of
age to abandon the farm life, and
their place was taken by machinery.
This of course saddened the pastor who
saw his congregation diminish and
rendered the neighborhood less and
less attractive, at least to the
moralist, the scholar and the poet.
Rev. William J. Hill '72, LL.D.
ex-president, died this year. M. J.
Roehe '76, writing to the Mountaineer,
says of him:
"I knew Father Hill as seminarian
and priest, I knew him as professor
and confessor, but I knew him best as
friend God rest his soul! I do not
believe a truer man breathed. I used
to think him one of those men God put
upon this earth just to show what kind
of a man He could make. . ."
Abp. Diomede Falconio, 0. F. M.,
Apostolic Delegate, visited us on St.
Joseph's day and addressed the
students. This, the third Papal
delegate to the United States, was a
citizen of the Republic and had been
president of the college at Alleghany,
N. Y.
In April, Father Edwin Drury, of
Kentucky, missionary to non-Catholics,
visited us and addressed the students.
Such missionaries and missionary bands
were now found in many dioceses, and
Mountaineer priests were also amongst
them. The Apostolic School at
Washington had for its primary object
to train such men.
A friend proposed that, conjointly
with himself, the College buy
Clairvaux, near the site of the Elder
house, where Father Dubois's boys
lodged before the first log house was
built near the Greenbriar Spring.
Clairvaux had been once our property.
It was sad to see how the estates in
the neighborhood changed hands and
made the religious and social
complexion of the locality gradually
to change and the life described in
former chapters of this history to be
extinguished. However, our financial
condition did not permit the purchase.
At the annual election 1904, Rev.
Dennis J. Flynn was chosen
Vice-President and also treasurer. He
began his administration of the latter
office by bringing down from the hill
the beautiful statue of the Blessed
Virgin and setting it upon the lawn in
front of the gymnasium, where it faces
a corresponding figure of St. Joseph,
donated by Rev. Thomas L. Kelly, '79.
On October 9 a party came in an
automobile run by gasoline in an hour
and a quarter from Frederick,
twenty-one miles. This was considered
speedy. What a change from the time
sixty years since, when there was not
even a telegraph, and when the stage
took half a day to make the journey!
We had a delightful visit this
month from Louis A. Huergo, C. E.,
ex-'60, of Buenos Aires, who had come
north to the St. Louis Exposition. He
rambled all over the home of his
boyhood, and making a handsome
donation said in parting: "My heart is
shaken." Viva el Viejo Cristiano f
Thirty-three were at the alumni
reunion during the barbecue. The
remoteness of the College, the long
absence from business made necessary
and the chance of bad weather kept
many away from those meetings.
Dr. James C. Monaghan, of the
Bureau of Commerce and Labor, former
Consul at Mannheim, lectured for us
very acceptably indeed. He was a
source of honest pride to the
Catholics of the United States.
The following day, the Vigil of All
Saints', Abp. Elder, '37, died at
Cincinnati in his 86th year. He, with
Bishop Alien, '78, and a member of the
Faculty had attended the Eucharistic
Congress in New York this very month.
The Archbishop was a hard worker to
the end, staying at least five hours
daily at his desk. He said not long
before his death: "I have never felt
better in all my life. In fact, I feel
so well and strong that I could start
my life over again." He inherited a
good constitution, as his father had
lived to be 96.
One of his last remarks to those
surrounding his sick-bed, a day before
his death, while in semi-delirium,
was, "I'm going back to Maryland." The
following beautiful verses, based on
this pathetic incident, appeared in
the Cincinnati Post, November 8.
"I'm going back to Maryland, my
Maryland, my own," Softly breathed
the dying prelate ere the spark of
life had flown. While thoughts of
heavenly glory flitted through his
wearied brain, The scenes of happy
childhood called him back to earth
"I'm going back to Maryland, my
Maryland, my own," Where nature
rules in splendor, like a monarch
on his throne. To roam again the
pleasant lanes and dream beside
the brook, And nestle ' neath the
leafy bowers that sheltered many a
"I'm going back to Maryland, my
Maryland, my own." To live again
those happy days when care was all
unknown, To meet once more those
cherished ones where fondest love
had grown There's nothing nearer
heaven than the love we bear our
'"Twas far away in Maryland the
Master's voice had called; With
firm step and faithful heart, nor
at the task appalled, Went forth
the youth with gleaming eye, his
joy ah, who could tell, To gather
sheep unto the fold 'My Maryland,
Within the vineyard where he
toiled the fruitful seed was sown;
With loving care he nurtured it
until its beauty shone Above the
fairest flowerets that bless this
lowly vale; Besides its royal
beauty all earthly glories pale.
Oh, Maryland! Oh, Maryland! His
strong heart yearned for thee!
While angels hovered round his
form to bear his spirit free Unto
the realms of endless bliss, unto
eternal joy, Unto the glory of the
just, where love has no alloy.
Be mindful of our sorrow, our
father and our friend, Within the
courts of heaven, where celestial
voices blend, That we who love
thee dearly may all united be, And
there behold His glory for all
Anne M. Murphy.
In a previous chapter we inserted a
notice of one of the Archbishop's
contemporaries and life-long
acquaintances and friends, William
(known as ' Bill') Richardson, who
soon followed his reverend friend to
Heaven. Richardson was buried from the
parish church at Mt. St. Mary's.
Fathers Bradley and McSweeny, of the
College Faculty, with Rev. Messrs.
Brady, Bratton and Field of the
seminary, officiated at the Solemn
High Mass of Requiem.
His aged consort Anne did not stay
long behind him. She died a month
after at her daughter's home in
McKeesport, Pa. Like her deceased
husband she had passed the ninetieth
milestone. In days " before the war"
both were slaves of Mount St. Mary's
College and this woman achieved an
exploit that recalls Jacob's union
with Rachel. The Patriarch worked
twice seven years for his wife, but it
must have taken Anne twenty-one years
or more to earn the money with which
she bought her husband's freedom. May
their souls rest in peace!"
A reverend member of the Faculty
placed a number of busts in the
On July 11, 1904, died at
Birmingham, Joseph Augustus Blount
ex-'88 of Alabama, a typical southern
gentleman, a noble Catholic leader, a
lawyer and a business man. He had
become a Catholic at the College and
on leaving it went home and brought
his mother into the fold. The death of
this gentleman was looked upon as a
public loss.
Another alumnus died this fall,
Major Henry Seton U. S. A. a grandson
of Mother Seton ex-'55. He had been in
the Austrian army but came home at the
outbreak of the Civil War and served
his country ever after. His sons, one
John a corporal in the army, the other
William a physician, both under
thirty, died before him, and the
Setons of Parbroath became extinct.
These young men also were alumni.
This summer the corner-stone of the
church built at Frederick near the
close of the 18th century by Father
Dubois, was dug up in that town, where
it is now to be seen lying against the
wall of the present edifice.
Rev. Peter Walsh of Boston, who had
first introduced Rugby football, gave
this year four medals for Athletics,
and William F. Nagle of the same town
sent a "tackling dummy" for football
On Father Mathew's birthday October
10, Chief Justice McSherry ex-'61, of
the Maryland Supreme Court spoke at
the meeting of the Total Abstinence
Society, and on November 23, Rev.
Alexander Doyle C. S. P., lectured to
the students on the Missionary Life.
He was rector of the Apostolic
Schools, Washington, D. C.
December 28, 1904 died V. Rev.
Thomas C. Moore '63, D. D.,
Administrator of Leavenworth, Kansas,
a master of familiar style and author
of many papers in the College journal.
A writer in the Mountaineer speaks
of the College chapel. This building
transformed in 1834 from the original
Spring House, afterward the wash-house
and then the dairy, is a small
L-shaped structure behind the College
with an old-fashioned shingled pitched
roof. The rough stone of which the
building is composed is concealed
beneath a thick coating of plaster,
upon which the clinging ivy thrives
and bids defiance to the wintry
blasts. A stream from the Greenbriar
Spring runs beneath and keeps it
always more than becomingly damp,
while a small belfry stands close by,
a silent sentinel, and a large willow
tree spreads its protecting branches
overhead, affording useful shade, and
adding greatly to the beauty of the
The interior is poor indeed, though
a fine "Annunciation" which serves for
the altar-piece and the Spanish
crucifix from the Old Church on the
Hill are striking and valuable
ornaments. This venerable sanctuary is
twice as large now as it was before
1895, when it verily resembled, even
in its dimensions, the little House of
Loretto, but the aged alumnus who
returns to his alma mater after long
years of absence will recognize it
still. And how does the little chapel
bring back many sweet memories of
happy college days! As he kneels at
the foot of the time-worn crucifix,
while the gathering shades of evening
enshroud the whole interior save the
tabernacle, which is dimly lighted by
the glow of the sanctuary lamp, his
heart is filled with a holy peace.
Breathing a silent prayer for the
souls of his departed schoolmates, he
slowly, lovingly, retires, saying
within himself:
You may boast of your cathedrals
And basilicas so grand, With their
lovely cross-crowned steeples Rising
high above the land; But all the
world over There is none so dear to
me As our humble college chapel 'Neath
the weeping willow tree.
See how another adorer expresses
his feelings:
A Visit.
Mien shade and sunbeam sweetly
blend To form the twilight hour,
And prayers as incense sweet
ascend To Love's celestial bower,
I love to linger at the shrine
Where Christ himself doth dwell My
heartstrings there with His to
twine, My sorrows there to tell.
The many-colored floods of
light That through the windows
stream; The lamp that sheds
through day and night Its faint
but faithful beam; The snowy altar
whereupon Are .Nature's blooms
most fair; All fade as mists
before the dawn My soul is rapt in
It looks upon that bleeding
Heart A subject of love's thrall
Transpierced by sin's most cruel
dart, Yet calling, loving all; It
looks upon that thorn-crowned Head
And on those hands and feet That
on the Cross of Calvary bled Ah !
blissful sweet retreat.
John C. Connolly, '94.
We select a kindred little piece
from the Mountaineer of 1873.
On the Chapel.
'Neath the drooping willow
branches, Ivy creeping o'er its
walls, Ear-enchanting, ever
plashing,dose beside a fountain
falls. Song-birds near its
confines hover: When the sun at
early dawn, Glinting mellow beams
of glory, Softly paints woodland
and lawn.
Tiny voices from their cover
Mingle in one sweet refrain,
Hearts with melody are swelling
Throats in soul-inspiring strain;
Gushing rippling notes they mingle
With the cherubs, who within
Chant, in happy jubilation, Praise
to Him who died for men.
O! the bliss of here adoring,
Where the soul in peace may dwell,
Far removed from worldly tempest
In this peaceful, blissful dell,
Where the blessed Redeemer
dwelling Meets us with His heart
of love, And the offerings of our
homage Bear to the Triune above.

William Seton, 3rd,
of Parbroath 1905
Dr. William Seton 3rd, ex-'55,
eldest grandson of Mother Seton died
March 15, 1905, and was buried on the
hill with his father, his wife and
child, and other relatives. The
College gave him the degree of LL.D.
in 1890. He wrote works on physical
science as well as sociological and
historical essays and some romances of
American history. Like his brother
Henry he carried a sword in the War of
1861, fighting for the Union. Two of
his sisters, one a member of the Order
of Mercy, the other unmarried and
resident at Huntingdon, N. Y., came to
the funeral which was conducted with
all the circumstances prescribed by
the rubrics and sanctioned by custom.
As he had held a captaincy of
volunteers the flag covered his
On his' death-bed he dedicated his
last book to his alma mater and
perpetuated his annual prize by the
following clause in his will:
"I give and bequeath to the
President and Council of Mount St.
Mary's College in Maryland the sum of
five hundred ($500) dollars and
request them to invest the same at
their discretion, and to pay over the
annual interest arising there from as
a prize to the student of said college
who shall pass the best annual written
examination in geology and mineralogy.
This bequest however being upon
condition that the Seton plat in the
cemetery near the said College be
always kept in good order."
March 25, the day of the Landing of
the Pilgrims in 1634, became this year
a legal holiday in Maryland, and was
celebrated with patriotic addresses
recitations, etc. The College had long
ceased commemorating this glorious
Catholic event, and it was only now
that the Land of Sanctuary awoke from
that lethargy so sadly in contrast
with the aggressive enthusiasm with
which the people of Massachusetts
every year blow the trumpet and drain
the bowl in honor of their intolerant
forefathers. May the memory of our
Maryland Pilgrims never die!
In "Donohoe's Magazine" for April
Alfred V. S. Watterson LL. D.,
President of the Alumni Association,
always noted for his love of alma
mater, published an article on " The
Centennial of an Historic Church "
(the Old Church on the Hill). It was
received with such favor that the
magazine, for the first time in its
history, issued a second edition.
In May, at the rooms of the
Catholic club, New York, the "New York
Alumni Association of Mount St. Mary's
College " was organized. Hon. Edward
J. Dunphy, '76, was elected president;
Mgr. John F. Kearney, '63, and John
Lafarge, '53, vice-presidents; James
W. Prendergast, '95, secretary, and
Hon. James W. McLoughlin, ex-'78,
The Catholic University notified us
that a scholarship was open to
competition exempting the holder from
the one hundred dollars tuition fee in
the school of philosophy and
technology and seventy-five dollars
similarly in the school of law. A
reverend member of the Faculty offered
two thousand dollars for five years
without interest for the equipment of
a laboratory of natural science, and
another reverend member offered six
hundred dollars to replace the oratory
of the Grotto with a stone edifice.
Both gifts were accepted and the
intended objects carried out.
At the Commencement held June 15,
Cardinal Gibbons and Governor
Warfield, of Maryland, made addresses,
Bishop Alien, '78, Monsignor Byrne,
'59, of Boston, and Chief Justice
McSherry, ex-'61, being among those

Right Rev. Mgr.
Dennis J. Flynn, L.L. D. 15th
President |
Among the degrees conferred was the
doctorate on Charles W. Swisher of
George Washington University, who had
written on the "Religious Orders in
Mexico." It was announced that a new
laboratory of physics and chemistry
would be opened in the fall. The
celebration was very brilliant and
enthusiastic, the presence of the
Governor, the first one in our history
to visit us, making the day a notable
one. At the banquet following Governor
Warfield aroused great applause and
accepted honorary membership in the
alumni association, but supreme
satisfaction was expressed when Bishop
Alien announced that Messrs. Alfred
Watterson, '75, Richard M. Reilly,
LL.D., '80, Chief Justice James F.
McSherry, ex-'61, John Cogan, M. A.,
'80, Francis Guilfoile, M. A., '95,
and Edward Dunphy, LL.D., '76, had
been appointed the first members of
the Lay Advisory Board. This action
had been taken at the annual election
held today, in which also Rev. Dennis
J. Flynn, LL.D., '80, was chosen
President; Father Bradley
Vice-President, and also treasurer;
Father McSweeny secretary; and the
President was authorized to act as
prefect of studies. The retiring
President was formally thanked for his
acts, special mention being made of
the gift by an anonymous benefactor of
twenty-seven thousand dollars, as well
as the reconstruction of Dubois Hall,
the building of the gymnasium, the
athletic field, etc., which had marked
his administration. He was accorded
vacation for one year, his salary as
President to run on for that period,
with the title of President emeritus.
The Baltimore Sun of June
15, 1905 thus refers to the Very Rev.
William L. O'Hara LL.D.:
"Dr. O'Hara, who retires from the
presidency, has filled that office
with distinguished ability for the
past eight years, succeeding Rt. Rev.
Edward P. Alien, now Bishop of Mobile.
Dr. O'Hara is a native of Brooklyn, N.
Y. where he received his early
education in private schools. Entering
Mount St. Mary's College, he pursued
his classical studies there,
graduating in 1883. He then entered
the theological department connected
with the college and was ordained
priest in April, 1887. After laboring
for 18 months on the missions in the
Diocese of Brooklyn, he accepted the
invitation of the council of Mount St.
Mary's College and became a member of
its faculty. He taught philosophy and
Latin and filled the offices of
treasurer and vice president for
several years, and in 1897 was elected
president. During his administration
the college campus was extended and a
new athletic field and a large
gymnasium were provided. Other
buildings were also enlarged and
modern sanitary conveniences
Of the new president it speaks
thus: "V. Rev. Dr. Flynn is a native
of Louisville, Kentucky. He was
educated at Mount St. Mary's, having
been graduated in 1880. He then
studied theology in the same
institution and in 1883 was ordained
priest by the late Bishop Becker. Dr.
Flynn served on the missions in the
Diocese of Wilmington, Del., his last
charge in that diocese being the
pastorate of St. Patrick's Church,
Wilmington. Six years ago he was
elected a member of the faculty of
Mount St. Mary's and filled
successively the chairs of Latin,
Greek and Moral Theology. Last year he
was elected vice-president and
In September the long tables were
removed and arrangements made for the
great increase in the number of
Basket ball was introduced in the
gymnasium this fall. Indeed this
building proved of immense value in
promoting the comfort of the students
who instead of hanging around like
Irving's barnyard fowl on a wet day,
could now enjoy themselves to the
full, and relieve the anxious minds of
those in charge of discipline.
The annual retreat of the
seminarians was held as usual the last
week of the long vacation, but that of
the boys followed also as usual the
barbecue in October. It was commonly
given by a priest who had experience
in colleges, and this year was by a
graduate of '71, who seemed to live
over again his boyhood days and to
enjoy the brief retirement on the
Mountain as much as the boys
themselves, who took to him at once as
one perfectly acquainted with their
manner of life, its troubles and
temptations, and who not only entered
with all their souls into the
practical spiritual work, but in the
intervals indulged in their accustomed
sports with all the more delight for
knowing that five days of freedom from
study accompanied the spiritual
The new President, who while
procurator had shown taste as well as
enterprise in decorating the grounds,
at once started out on the grandest
scale and proposed building for the
Centenary a chapel suitable for the
needs of all the students and of a
size and grandeur corresponding to the
anticipated future of the College. The
Council on September 16 confirmed the
project, but decided to build first a
new and distinct edifice for the
seminarians. We also began renting
private rooms to the boys, something
that all the American educational
institutions were now doing. This last
innovation took effect on October 5,
and the score of available apartments
were at once taken; while after the
transfer of the seminarians to their
new building, all rooms in Dubois Hall
were immediately rented, thus adding
to means required for further
development. The private-room plan had
been tried on a limited scale in 1883,
but was soon abandoned.
October 14. The directors of the
turnpike dined with us, about a dozen
farmers and merchants from the county.
It was an old-fashioned gathering of
friends and neighbors and no doubt did
us and them much good, Colonel Rouzer,
of Thurmont, made a speech on part of
the visitors, which savored of the
locality and seemed to express the
sentiments of his associates. The
President replied in corresponding
On October 19 was celebrated at the
parish church the centenary of the
starting of the Old Church on the
Hill. The Pope sent his blessing,
Cardinal Gibbons presided and
addressed the assemblage, Bishop Alien
singing the Mass. It was an extremely
interesting and hearty celebration,
some in the congregation being
descendants of those who in 1805
helped Father Dubois to chop down the
trees on the Hill.
This is our last mention of the Old
Church on the Hill to which the
preacher thus referred in his
In 1895 the parish separated from
the college, began an independent
career and two years later this
pretty church was opened by the
zealous Father John Manley remember
him for it, O Lord! who had bought
this most lovely site and taught the
congregation how easily they could
maintain their pastor, their church,
and their school, and how much
pleasanter it is after all to see
their own boys in the sanctuary and
hear their own children's voices in
the choir. But though the College is
no longer responsible for the
parish, it does and always will
cherish and help it, for the College
and the parish are twins, the
children of Dubois and Brute1, the
wards of their successors.
After the opening of this
structure mass was said occasionally
in the Old Church on the Hill,
especially on the summer feasts of
Our Lady. I recall with what delight
Bishop Chatard, who was staying with
us for a while, some years ago,
heard that there was to be mass up
there and how he assisted thereat
with a joy and devotion that can be
imagined only by those who, like
him, said their prayers in childhood
before that venerable altar. We were
obliged to forego this holy
pleasure, however, for the ravages
of time in the ancient sanctuary
made it dangerous to celebrate there
any more and its doors were closed,
perhaps forever.
But though it must soon disappear
from the landscape, the
heart-strings of its lovers will
cling around every beam and every
stone. We toiled up that hill too
often, Dear Bishop, at half-past six
in the morning, winter and summer;
we ministered too long in the rude
confessional, at the altar and in
the pulpit and at the baptismal
font, ever to forget or to cease to
love the old Church. Every one knows
how Mountaineers, especially
seminarians, love the College. It is
because, like Jacob for Rachel, they
worked seven or fourteen or more
years, before graduation or
ordination, gave them the right to
call it their own. So we of the
former time love the old Church.
Can any one that has been present
ever forget the night prayers, the
meditation and the Stabat Mater in
Holy Week ? Whose heart did not
exult at the strains of Dr.
Dielman's "Glory to God" at the
five-o'clock mass of a Christmas
morning? Who did not feel his heart
burn within him at the charm of the
Corpus Christi precession, when our
beloved Savior was borne through the
forest lane up to our sweet grotto?
Who has not felt nearer to God when,
on All Souls' day, we visited the
sleeping-place of the departed, or
reverently assisted at the putting
away of one of our associates among
the fathers and the mothers of the
hamlet, beside the professors and
students who had gone before?
Indeed we cannot forget you, O
venerable Mountain Church, house of
mercy, home of grace, tabernacle of
God, dwelling place of Jesus in the
Most Holy Sacrament. Sad will be the
inevitable day and may it be a
distant one, when your consecrated
walls will yield to the common fate!
But you will rise again. "Benignefac,
Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion,
ut aedificenturmuri Jerusalem."
With a new beautiful and glorious
body you will rise like the bird of
fable from your ruins, the same
spirit still animating the
structure, and your children and
their children will come from
Plymouth Rock, from the Golden Gate,
from the St. Lawrence and from the
Apalachicola, to rejoice in your
resurrection, to renew the fervor of
their youth within your gates, while
strangers from distant lands shall
hear still more of your history and
shall come as pilgrims to see and to
pray at one of the spots made holy
by the lives and by the deaths of
some of the early apostles of faith
and charity in the Church in
America. . . .
One of the most interesting
events of this year was the
publication in the New York Times
supplement, January 13,1905, of John
Jerome Rooney's sketch of George H.
Miles '43, under the title "A
Neglected Poet." It was an answer to
a query in the London Times: " Who
wrote ' Said the Rose?' " Nearly all
the Mountaineers are acquainted more
or less with the work of the "Sweet
Maryland Singer."
Chapter 76
Chapter Index
Special thanks to John Miller for his efforts in scanning the book's contents and converting it into the web page you are now viewing.