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Stretching is as important as exercise!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(10/2024) We are always told that exercise is important to keep our bodies healthy and keep us moving. While that is true, stretching is just as important. As we age our muscles can get tight and that tightness can cause many symptoms that present as aches and pains.

I think the muscles that get tight and cause pain in areas you would not think about are the hamstring muscles. I find many people experience pain in their back and legs but don't relate it to coming from tight hamstrings. Any activity we do in our daily life can cause our muscles to tighten. Pulling weeds, walking, jogging, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house or any of the many jobs we do each day contribute to ware and tare on our bodies. Hamstrings are not the only muscles that tighten from daily activities. Upper back and neck muscles can cause arm pain, headaches and numbness.

Before even getting out of bed in the morning we should take a few minutes to stretch. Maybe this will help with those little aches and pains we feel first thing when we get out of bed. Many people tell me their back aches until they move around for a while. Laying in bed, sometimes in the same position all night, can cause the muscles to tighten up. Even if you are a person that rolls around to different positions it is not like being up and moving around during the day. Sitting in the same position in your chair can also cause muscle tightening. That's why it is recommended to get up from your chair or desk every half hour or so and walk around.

Many people have arthritis in their back and that can cause pain, which in turn cause them to sit more and that results in more tightness and pain. It can be a vicious circle of not moving because we are in pain, but not moving can cause more pain. Usually, the more you move, the better you feel.

Some doctors send people for rehab to see if that can help their symptoms and prevent or prolong a possible surgery. Once people see the effectiveness of stretching and exercise they are amazed at how much it can help. I'm not saying you may not need a procedure or surgery later but trying exercise first may help strengthen your muscles and body which will help you recover faster if you do need surgery.

Stretching can give you energy, flexibility, better balance and mobility. Starting a stretching routine each day may just give you the boost you've been looking for. Start slowly, it will take a while for your tight muscles to stretch out and become more flexible. I know we all want instant results but when it comes to stretching, slower is better. Pushing to hard and to quickly can result in torn muscles or injury. If that happens it will take even longer for the results you were working toward. If you are not sure how to get started, work with a trained professional or at least do some research online or with someone who has been stretching and exercising that has knowledge on the subject.

I think if you are feeling the aches and pains of getting older or working too hard on those projects around the house or being too sedentary you will be surprised how a little stretching will make you feel younger, healthier and just better over all.

I know I keep saying in my articles to "Keep Moving". People tell me all the time they read that but don't always do it. Moving is one of the very important activities that will keep us feeling our best. I know it's hard to get started some days but it really pays off in the long run. Good luck with making a stretching routine and maintaining it daily.

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