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Respect your body as you age!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(2/2025) Sometimes I ask my clients what they would like me to write about in my Journal articles. One of my guys said to write about how we cannot do as much as we use to as we get older and explain how important it is to respect those changes. I thought that was a great idea so here we go!

Most people don't like to admit that things they use to do years ago have become a little more difficult. Maybe we can't work as long as before, maybe we can't lift as much as before, maybe we just get tired sooner and more often. That's normal and the sooner we accept it the better for our body, mind and spirit. Slowing down can help your body, of course, but it can also help your mind and spirit. Your attitude can affect how you react to any situation. If you get down on yourself and feel bad about yourself that will affect how your feel both in body and mind. Keep your spirits up and think positively about what you have to do and the task will be finished in not time. You will also feel good about yourself and your abilities. Always keep a positive thought, even though I know that can be difficult at times.

Being positive keeps you happier, healthier and makes the task at hand go a little easier. Negativity just adds to frustration and feeling down on yourself. I'm definitely not saying just give up and don't do anything. You know that's not possible and not good for you. I'm just saying slow down a little, pace yourself and don't get frustrated. When we are younger and work all day, then come home and cook, clean, take care of the kids, the lawn and whatever the day throws at us, we just keep going. That's great and go for it as long as you can but when you start to see yourself becoming tired, just slow down. You'll still get it all finished just maybe not in one day.

Eating healthy, exercise and being mindful of your body are the best ways to keep living your best life. Just because you see minor changes doesn't mean your not living your best life. It just means life is changing and you need to change with it. I don't want anyone to read this and think, oh well, I don't need to do much anymore. On the contrary, I want you to think, how can I appreciate the things that are changing and incorporate ways to complete the daily task at hand while still respecting and taking care of my body, mind and soul.

It's a new year and a great time to figure out what has changed with you and how you are can keep the strength and willpower you have and improve on anything you may notice is becoming more challenging. One thing I want people to realize is I'm not saying don't do anything, I am saying keep exercising and going as strong as you can just don't push yourself too far and overdo it causing injury or permanent harm.

Asking for help from your family, neighbors, friends or whoever is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of intelligence and acceptance. Sometimes moving furniture or other heavy objects may have been easy for you before but having someone to help with that big sofa only makes sense. Actually, it made sense before because it's easier with the more help you have, you just didn't want to admit it before.

I want everyone to realize that as we age things change and admitting and realizing that is better for our health. Keep exercising, eating healthy and taking time for yourself. Start exercising, eating healthy and taking time for yourself if you have not been doing that. No one likes getting older and the changes that come with aging but the sooner you realize and incorporate them in your life the better your quality of life will be. Over exertion and pushing yourself can cause injury that may affect you for the rest of your life. Strength and conditioning and adapting to challenging yourself but not overdoing it will add to the quality of life for you for years to come.

My motto has always been, keep moving you'll be glad you did. I'm just saying moderate the speed at which you are moving to respect what your body is telling you now and in the future.

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