By Ed Bergh
Part Two
1900 was a census year.
Abraham was living with Gertie
(27) and Enry (18). Abraham
identified himself as a
wheelwright, but one who had
been unemployed six months in
the previous year. This was
undoubtedly due to his health
problems. To help support their
meager income, both Gertie and
Enry worked as seamstresses.
Lulu (24) was living with
Solomon Brown(?) and was working
as a servant. Goldie Dern (16)
was boarding with Celius and
Laura Reddick, and like her
sisters at home, she made money
as a seamstress. Celius would
have been one of his nephews
from his wife's family.
According to the 1900 census,
Birdie Dern was living in
Strongstown, Pennsylvania. This
is where she would meet her
future husband, Herbert Orner.
Both Bill Davis Jr. and Buddy
Hildebrand, a son of Snow Dern
Hildebrand, told a story about
Birdie being with a minister.
Bill said that he was traveling
minister, but not quite a
revivalist in the Elmer Gantry
mold. Buddy said that the
minister she was with was sort
like a guardian figure to her.
In that 1900 census she was
identified as a "niece" living
with J. Milton Snyder. He also
had a son. His name is hard
read. Shull? Snyder. More
importantly, J. Milton gave his
occupation as being minister.
The "niece" listing is
interesting. Nowhere can I find
a "Snyder" among the Reddicks
and Derns. This, however, might
match closely with Buddy's
story. Maybe this was a way of
politely referring to what we
might consider a "foster"
situation today. In the 1880
census and found J. Milton and
his wife living in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania. They also
had a 12 year old girl living
with them. She was listed as a
servant. Maybe the good minister
made it a practice of taking in
the disadvantaged. One who
played the piano would have been
a great help.
In 1904, Herbert Orner filed
a marriage application. He was
to marry Bird M. Dern on April
6, 1904. On the application
their ages were listed as being
21. This is interesting, in that
Birdie's marker lists her year
of birth as being 1873. Was
Herbert being coy or did he not
know? They listed their
residence as Strongstown. His
parents were William and Tillie
Orner. Only her father,
Abraham's name was listed for
her parents. This would have
been correct, in that Ann
Reddick Dern and died years
J. Milton Snyder married them
at the Strongstown parsonage on
April 6, 1904. Rev. Snyder
identified himself on the
document as being a Lutheran
minister. Herbert listed his
occupation as farmer. Not in the
mines yet. So Birdie and Herbert
were married by her "guardian."
Beginning in 1905 the
government began increasing his
monthly pension payment. Abraham
was over 60 years old at that
time. Over the next several
years Abraham received notice
that his pension was to be
- October 18, 1905 - 10
- March 11, 1907 - 12
- May 24, 1912 - 25 dollars
- February 27, 1913 - 30
In 1910, Abraham Dern was
living, in Maryland, with his
daughter Gay Dern Anders and her
son, Abraham, 1 ˝ and Evelyn,
three years of age. Gay must
have returned from Ohio to help
care for her father. She had
been married six years by that
time. Her husband, Morris, was
living in Xenia, Ohio. (Visit 6)
I have been unable to find
any obituary for Abraham Dern
when he died in 1916. The papers
were filled with news of
fighting around a city named
Verdun in France. America was
not in the war yet. Fifty four
years earlier, Abraham Dern had
enlisted to fight in order to
preserve the union. His
participation in that war
changed his life. For nearly a
half century Abraham Dern had
worked through his pain to try
to provide for his family. He
never owned a place of his own.
He considered himself and
carpenter and a wheelwright. He
worked as a farmer to make ends
The government was, however,
ever vigilant. In late 1912
Abraham received a latter from
the government asking him to
account for a discrepancy they
had found in his paperwork. In
his most recent application
Abraham had listed the wrong
year for his birth and the
government was suspicious.
Abraham had written 1837 instead
of 1838. Abraham sought out M.
Nelson Stauffer for help. The
latter soon wrote the government
that Abraham had shown him the
Dern family bible and that his
actual birth year was 1838. The
discrepancy was resolved in
Abraham's favor.
Shortly after May 2, 1916,
Ernest McClellan Dern received
notification of Abraham's death.
The letter, addressed to #43 9th
Ave., York, Pa., told Ernest of
his father's death. Ernest must
have known earlier considering
the time that must have passed
for a notice to reach the
government and then for them to
respond. Ernest was told to make
sure that any future pension
checks arriving after the death
of Abraham were not to be
And, Zacheus Dern's Brother,
Hezekiah, What Happened to Him?
- Hezekiah Dern
- Birth: 14 JAN 1805 in
Frederick Co, MD 1
- Death: 14 JAN 1854 in
Jackson Twp, Seneca Co, OH 1
- Burial: Dysinger Cemetery,
Jackson Twp, Seneca Co, OH 2
"Hezekiah was a carpenter and
huckster in Baltimore, MD until
1839. He brought his family from
Frederick Co, MD to OH in a
covered wagon, passing thru
Pittsburgh. Theadocia strayed
away but was found after a short
search. Their first location was
on an acre six miles north of
Tiffin, Seneca Co, OH and they
made their temporary home in a
log school while there hewed log
dwelling was build, afterward
the former home was used as a
barn. He followed carpentering
and later moved to a 40 acre
tract in Jackson Twp, Seneca Co,
OH and died upon another 40 acre
farm. Hezekiah belonged to the
Methodist Episcopal and was a
Old-line Whig." (Bio Wood Co,
Hezekiah does not appear in
the 1860 Census for Jackson Twp,
Seneca County where his wife and
family (except for Samuel Jacob)
appear on page 96. [Bonawit, Oby
(Compiler) (1990) 1860 Census of
Seneca County, Ohio]
The Children of Abraham
Ernest McClellan Dern (June
26, 1866-May 4, 1928) Ernest
Dern married Elsie V. Eyler. In
the 1910 census "Erenst" Dern
(43), was living in North York,
Pennsylvania. (ED# 0074, visit
97) Elsie V, 34, along with
daughter Lola C 12, son Paul L,
8, Maryland, daughter, Emily I.,
05, and son, Carroll M, 02, were
living together. The family must
have moved north to Pennsylvania
some time around 1902.
In 1920, the house contained
the parents as well as, daughter
Lola (21), Paul (18), Emily
(15), and Carroll (12).
E[a]rnest worked as clerk in a
drug store. Paul was working as
a printer's helper. Lola was
also working outside the house.
Ernest died in 1928 was buried
at the Prospect Hill Cemetery.
(He was living in North York at
the time)
- Paul (1902-January 28,
1951) married Helen Strayer
- Lola married (July 29,
1898-May 1978) ____ Spurrier
- Emily married Harry
- Carroll (1907 -January
1987) married Esther
Ernest died on May 3, 1928 of
kidney and heart problems. Elsie
Dern was still living in North
York in 1930. Emily was working
as a saleslady at a grocery.
Son, Carroll, was working as a
laborer at milk plant.
Obituary - Ernest C. Dern,
[different from previous
listings of his name] 43 West
Ninth street, North York, died
at 7:45 a.m. yesterday at his
home. He had been ill health for
several months and had not been
working since February. His
condition was such that he was
receiving medical attention from
Dr. John C. May, only every week
or two. Dr. May notified Dr. L.
U. Zech of the death which was
attributed to a kidney and heart
condition. The deceased was 61
years old and leaves his widow
and four children, Carroll M. Dern and Emily T. Dern, both at
home; Paul C. Dern, 1137 North
Court avenue; and Mrs. Robert
Spurrier, at home. Also, four
sisters and one brother; Mrs.
David Hildebrand, Woodsboro,
Md.; Mrs. Glen Hahn,
Walkersville, Md.; Mrs. Maurice
Anders, Xenia, Ohio; D. L. Dern,
Thurmont Md.; and Mrs. M. O.
Valentine, Frederick, Md.; In
addition he leaves four
grandchildren. He was affiliated
with the Fraternal Aid Union of
Funeral Services will be
conducted at the late home at 2
o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Interment will take place in
Prospect Hill cemetery. (May 4,
The Children of Ernest
Carroll Dern and Miss
Waltemeyer Wed (Date of article
- November 26, 1930)
Carroll Dern, son of Mrs. E.
C. Dern, 43 West Ninth Avenue,
North York, and Miss Esther E.
Waltemeyer, 708 North Pershing
avenue, were married on Saturday
evening. Rev. David Martin [he
was the minister at Ernest's
funeral], pastor of Grace
Lutheran church, performed the
ceremony in the parsonage, 144
Jefferson avenue.
The bride had as her onlt
attendant, Helen Busbey, as maid
of honor, and Mr. Dern had as
his best man, Lester Altland.
The ceremony was witnessed by
Fannie Kinard and Wayne
Following the ceremony, there
was a reception at the home of
the bride's parents for the
immediate families. Mr. and Mrs.
Dern will live at the home of
the bride's parents.
Obituary - Carroll M. Dern:
Allis Chalmers retiree
Carroll M. Dern, 80, of 1907
N. Beaver St. died at 1:17 a.m.
Monday at Memorial Hospital.
He was the husband of Esther
E. Waltemeyer Dern. He was a
layout man for Allis-Chalmers
Corp. until his retirement.
Mr. Dern was a member of
Grace Lutheran Church for 57
years. He was a life member of
the 13th Ward Political Club and
Liberty Fire Company. He was a
member of the Loyal Order of
Moose York Lodge 148,
International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Lodge 1400, York County
Firemen's Association and
American Association of Retired
Persons Chapter 24.
Mr. Dern, born in East
Manchester Township, was the son
of the late Ernest C. and Elsie
V. Eyler Dern.
Viewing will be 7 to 9 p.m.
Wednesday at the J. Warren
Shindler Funeral Home, 915 N.
Duke St.
Funeral service will be at 10
a.m. at the funeral home, with
the Rev. Thomas E. McKee and the
Rev. Judith McKee, his pastors,
officiating. Burial will be in
the Prospect Hill Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be
made to the Grace Lutheran
Church, 144 Jefferson Ave.,
York, Pa. 17404. (York Dispatch
December 29, 1987)
- Paul Dern (1902-January
28, 1951) (son of Ernest)
- Nancy (June 20, 1929-April
26, 2002) married William
- Gloria married Philip
Kissinger III
- Phyllis Y. (June 9,
1922-January 13, 1999) married
- Beverly J. married Swartz
- Nina M. (April 24,
1935-January 23, 1998) married
- Barbara N. married Kornbau
- Robert D.
- Donald L. (July 1,
1927-September 15, 1995)
- Rodney R. (January 24,
1933-February 18, 1986)
- Paul Richard
(1928-November 12, 1950)
West York Man Dies in Highway
Accident - Paul Dern, 49, Meets
Death When Car Skids Off Road -
Son Killed Last Fall
Paul L. Dern, 49, of 1390
West Popular street, was killed
and his 23 year od son, Donald
L. Dern, Red Lion, was injured
in a highway accident at 12:10
p.m. yesterday on the Delta
highway, four miles southeast of
Red Lion.
Gertrude Irene Dern Valentine
(December 3, 1871-September 27,
1935) In 1930, Gertrude Irene
was living with her daughter,
Gertrude N., and her husband
Warner Hahn. Also living there
was the Hahn's son Clarence M.
They were renting their place
for eighteen dollars per month.
They listened to their radio for
entertainment. Walter worked as
a plumber. Gertrude and Warner
had been married two years.
Obituary - Mrs. Gertrude
Irene Valentine, widow of
Oliver Valentine, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Warner Hahn, Johnsville, Friday
afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, aged
63 years, 9 months, 24 days. She
is survived by her daughter,
Mrs. Hahn, and two
step-children. Thomas H.
Valentine, near Libertytown, and
Mrs. Howard Wagner, near
Daysville. Two sisters, Morris
[Maurice] Anders, Xenia, Ohio,
and Mrs. David Hildebrand,
Woodsboro, and one brother,
Dixie Dern, Thurmont, also
survive as do three
grandchildren. Funeral Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the
late home, with services at
Union Chapel, near Libertytown,
conducted by her pastor, Rev. J.
Frank Fife. Interment adjoining
cemetery. Powell and Albaugh,
funeral directors (The Frederick
Post Newspaper - September 28,
Obituary - Mrs. Gertrude
L. Valentine - The funeral
of Mrs. Gertrude L. Valentine
took place from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Warner Hahn,
Johnsville, Monday afternoon,
leaving the home at 1 o'clock
with services at Union Chapel,
near Libertytown, conducted by
her pastor, Rev. J. Frank Fife
and was ;largely attended. The
pallbearers were William and
George Benner, Calvin and Edwin
Beard, Thomas Filler and Calvin
Smith. Interment was made in the
chapel cemetery. Powell and
Albaugh, funeral directors. (The
Frederick Post Newspaper -
October 1, 1935)
Birdie Maud Dern Orner (March
21, 1874-January 26, 1906)
Birdie Dern was living in
Strongstown, Pennsylvania in
1900. It was there that she met
her "husband to be," Herbert
Both Bill Davis Jr., a
grandson of Birdie Dern Orner,
and Buddy Hildebrand, a grandson
of Snow Dern Hildebrand, told a
story about Birdie being with a
minister in Strongstown before
she met Herbert. Bill said that
he was traveling minister, but
not quite a revivalist, Elmer
Gantry type. Knowing that Birdie
and Herbert were married in
1904, shortly after the 1900
census, I decided to look up the
census listings for Strongstown.
There I found Birdie Dern,
identified as a "niece" living
with J. Milton Snyder. He also
had a son. His name is hard
read. Shull? Snyder. More
importantly, J. Milton gave his
occupation as being minister.
The "niece" listing is
interesting. Nowhere can I find
a "Snyder" among the Reddicks
and Derns. This, however, might
match closely with Buddy's
story. Maybe this was a way of
politely referring to what we
might consider a "foster"
situation today. I checked the
1880 census and found J. Milton
and his wife living in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania. They also
had a 12 year old girl living
with them. She was listed as a
servant. Maybe the good minister
made it a practice of taking in
the disadvantaged. One who
played the piano would have been
a great help.
As I was writing the above, I
thought, maybe, J. Milton
married them. So I went upstairs
and took out a copy of their
marriage license application
and, sure enough, J. Milton
Snyder married them at the
Strongstown parsonage on April
6, 1904. Rev. Snyder identified
himself on the document as being
a Lutheran minister. Herbert
listed his occupation as farmer.
Not in the mines yet. So Birdie
and Herbert were married by her
Birdie Orner died the week
following the birth of Kathryn.
Kathryn was taken in by her
father's sister Gertrude Bennett
and her husband Will Bennett and
was listed as living with them
in the 1910 census. Later she
lived with Herbert after he
married Anna Stephens.
Birdie's Pineland Cemetery (Strongstown)
tombstone reads (1873-1906).
They had the following child:
Kathryn Orner (December
30, 1905- October 12, 1981)
Obituary - January 24,
1906 - Mrs. Birdie Orner, died
in January 16, in Strongstown.
She was the wife of Herbert
Orner and was aged 31 years, two
months and one day. She is
survived by her husband and one
daughter, two weeks old, and
three brothers and three
Zoa Zululu Dern Hahn (January
4, 1876-January 14, 1931) In
1920, Melvin G. and Lulu were
living in Walkersville where he
worked as a farmer. They were
renting their house. Four
children were present at the
time: Ann E. (15). Catherine
(11), Ethel L. (5), and Melvin
G. Jr. (11 months).
1930 census Glenn M. Hahn and
Lula Z. living in Walkersville.
He was a farmer. Glenn was
working at the time of the
census. They were renting their
place, but they did own a radio.
They had been married 26 years.
Ethel L. (16) and Melvin G. (11)
were still at home with their
parents. Also, living with the
family was their daughter,
Katherine M. Dudrow and her
husband. The latter was doing
farm work. Lulu died in 1950.
Obituary - Mrs. M. Glenn
Hahn - The funeral of Mrs.
Lula Dern Hahn, wife of M. Glenn
Hahn, took place Wednesday
morning at 11 o'clock from her
late home with services at the
Walkersville M. E. Church,
conducted by Rev. T. W. Lloyd,
assisted by Rev. J. W. Fisher.
Pallbearers, nephews of the
deceased, were: John Hahn,
Monroe Hahn, Warner Hahn, Monroe
Bowers, Ralph Bowers, Monroe
Thomas. Interment at Mt. Hope
Cemetery, Woodsboro. M. R.
Etchison and Son, funeral
directors. (The Frederick Post
Newspaper - January 15, 1931)
Obituary - Mrs. Lula Hahn,
wife of M. Glenn Hahn, died at
her home near Walkersville
Sunday night at 9:35, following
an illness of one year. She was
aged 55 years.
Mrs. Hahn was a daughter of
Abraham and Anna Reddick Dern.
Besides her husband, she is
survived by three daughters,
Mrs. Russell A. Dudrow, Lime
Kiln; Mrs. Glenn Dudrow,
Woodsboro; and Miss Ethel Hahn,
at home; one son Melvin, at
home, and the following sisters:
Mrs. Gertrude Valentine,
Frederick; Mrs. Morris Anders,
Xenia, Ohio; Mrs. David
Hildebrand, Woodsboro; Miss
Dixie L. Dern, Thurmont. [Miss
Dixie Dern?]
Funeral Wednesday, leaving
the home at 10:30 a. m. Services
in Walkersville M. E. church at
11 o'clock, followed by
interment in Mt. Hope cemetery,
Woodsboro. M. R. Etchison and
Son, funeral directors. (The
Frederick Post Newspaper -
January 31, 1931)
Melvin Hahn Residence:
Maryland Born 18 Mar 1880 - Last
Benefit: Died Oct 1962 Issued:
MD (Before 1951)
Melvin J. Hahn Residence:
21701 Frederick, Frederick, MD.
Born 24 Oct 1918 Last Benefit:
-Died 20 Sep 1996 Issued: MD
(Before 1951)
Ernie Gay Dern Anders (August
21, 1881-October 4, 1959) Gay
married Maurice (Morris) Anders
in Maryland. They moved to Ohio
where he worked as a farmer. In
1910, while Gay Anders and the
children lived with her father
back in Maryland, Morris Anders
worked on a farm of Chester
Jacobs in Xenia, Ohio. Chester
Jacobs, it turns out, was
married to a sister of Morris.
Morris was listed as a
brother-in-law and as being
single. This is interesting in
that Morris and Gay had already
had children. According to the
1920 census "Hans" Anders and
Gay were living in Greene
County, Ohio. Morris was working
on a farm. They were living in
Miami Township. (ED #138) In
1930, Gay and her husband, this
time spelled "Norris," were
still living in Ohio. He was
farming. Both of their children,
Evelyn and Abraham, now in their
early twenties, were living at
home. Evelyn was a teacher in a
nearby pubic school. Gay and
Maurice had been married
twenty-two years by 1930. They
lived in Beaver Creek Township
of Greene County, Ohio. Gay died
in Xenia, Greene County, Ohio,
in 1959.
Obituary: Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Gay Anders, 78 of 6801/2
S. Detroit St., widow of Morris
E. Anders, died Sunday at 2 a.m.
at her residence . Death was
attributed to a heart attack.
Mrs. Anders was born August
21, 1881 in Walkersville, Md.,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Dern. She formerly lived
on Stevenson Rd., Xenia Route 5,
but moved to Xenia in February,
1956, where she was a member of
First Methodist Church.
Her husband preceded her in
death July 23, 1955.
She is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Carl Harner of
Dayton; a son Abraham Anders of
1104 S. Detroit St.; four
grandchildren, Jack, Jerry, and
James Anders, all of Xenia, and
Miss Judith Harner of Dayton and
a great-grandson, Jeffrey
Services will be conducted
Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Neeld
Funeral Home with Conrad O.
Diehm, pastor of First Methodist
Church, officiating. Friends may
call at the funeral home from 6
to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
Burial will be in Woodland
(Xenia Daily Gazette October
8, 1959)
Obituary: Abraham Anders
Abraham (Abe) Anders, 58, of
873 Catherine St., died at 1:30
a.m. today in Kettering Memorial
Hospital following heart
Anders, who lived in Greene
County most of his life, had
been ill one year. He worked as
a carpenter at Krogers in
Born January 26, 1909 in
Walkersville, Md., he was
married January 5, 1933, to Mary
Eleanor Jenks, who survives. His
parents, Morris and Gay Durn
Anders, both are deceased.
Anders was a former member of
the Greene County Fish and Game
Association and Company L. of
the Ohio National Guard and a
member of Xenia Twp. North
Volunteer Fire Department and
Trinity Methodist Church.
He was preceded in death by
one sister. Other survivors
include Jack and Jerry Anders of
Xenia; and Spec. 4 Jim Anders of
Ft. Hood, Texas; a sister, Mrs.
Evelyn Harner of Dayton and five
Services will be conducted at
3 p.m. Friday in McColeaugh
Funeral Home, 826 N. Detroit
St., with Rev. Benjamin Loan of
Trinity Methodist Church and
Rev. Everett Gardner of Xenia
Baptist Temple officiating.
Burial will be in Woodland
Cemetery. Friends may call at
the funeral home from 7 to 9
p.m. Thursday. Memorial
contributions may be made to the
Heart Fund.
(Xenia Daily Gazette
September 20, 1967)
- Death Date: 20 September
1967 Age: 58
- Place of Death: Kettering,
Montgomery County Residence:
Xenia, Greene County
- Gender: Male Race: White
- Marital Status: Married
Certificate: 71022
- SSN 275-05-2895 Residence:
45385 Xenia, Greene, OH
- Born 26 Jan 1909 Last
- Died Sep 1967 Issued: OH
(Before 1951)
- Dixie Leroy Dern (August
26, 1879-August 9, 1946)
married Ida Fife
They had a daughter named
Helen Francis (born 1915) who
married Donald Eyler
Dixie L Dern Age: 30 State:
PA , Enumeration District: 0084,
Birth Place: Maryland Visit:
0308 County: York, Relation:
Boarder Other Residents:
Relation Name Age Birth Place
Head of Household Clarence E
In 1910, 30 year old Dixie
was boarding with the Clarence
Eyler family n North York. Dixie
was working as a painter in what
appears to read "carriage." In
contrast to his 1930 census
information, his birthplace was
listed as Maryland. He was
living on North Duke St. This
would have put him in town with
his older brother Ernest
1930 owned house valued at
$5,500. They had been married 16
years earlier. Dixie was 50
years old Ida was 43. Dixie was
working as a laborer at a some
type dairy facility. What is
curious is that Dixie lists his
state of birth as West Virginia.

Kathryn, Bill Sr., Kathleen,
and Joan Delaney stand with
Snow Dern Hildebrand.
Below Ed Bergh
After he worked as a painter
for 25 years, Dixie retired from
painting in 1945. He died in
Thurmont, Maryland, in 1946.
Dixie was a member of the Church
of the Brothers and served as a
SSDI Search Results - Ida
Dern Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 214-28-5751 Residence: 21740
Hagerstown, Washington, MD Born
7 Apr 1887 Last Benefit: Died
Jun 1968 Issued: MD (Before
Goldie Snow Dern Hildebrand
(September 26, 1881-1957??) - In
1930, Goldie Snow and David T.
Hildebrand were living in
Woodsboro (It looks like the
Woodsboro-Continental Road). (ED
#32, Visit 228)
Their children included: Gary
Roger, Mildred Elizabeth,
Marguerite Pauline, Mary Louise.
Kathryn Orner Davis and her
family exchanged visits with the
Herbert Orner remained in
touch with Snow and her family.
In this picture provided by
Kathleen Davis Parmeter, Herbert
stands in front of the
Hildebrand's barn in 1950. (the
year he died) The Hildebrand's
sent flowers to his funeral.
Eva. “Frederick City,
Maryland, 1886-1887.”
Flower of the Forest 1 (6)
1987, 160-185.
"Frederick, Maryland [City
Directory], 1856-1860,"
Flower of the Forest 1 (8)
(1989) 29-34.
“Frederick County Maryland
[City Directory] 1915.”
Flower of the Forest 1 (5)
1986, 55-92.
Dern, John P., "Glade Reformed
Church, Walkersville," WMG
4 (1988) 111-118, 159-164, 5
(1989) 14-16. .
"Glade Church Erected," WMG
13 (3) (July 1997) 114-115.