1798 Frederick County Assessment of
listed below is Names of Lot Owner,
Lot Number, By Whom Rents Paid,
Changes and Additions since last
assessment (the previous assessments
would have been 1793, but these
records do not exist).
Note the
number of lots assessed to Mary Boylan.
She is the heiress of Jacob Good who
was Constable of Piney Creek Hundred
by 1769; Colonel in the local militia
during Revolution and Tavern Keeper at
the time of his death in 1783, leaving
wife Eleanor and daughter Mary. He was
the owner of several Taneytown lots.
Brothers Adam and George were also lot
A court case
in 1807 was brought by Mary (Boylan)
Gwinn, reciting that after she married
Thomas Boylan in 1789, she found he
had a wife living in Ireland. Boylan
ran away and she later married John
Gwinn by whom she had children. The
court was asked to annul her marriage
to Boylan, confirm her marriage to
Gwinn (by then deceased) and to
legitimize her children. These decrees
were passed 20 December, 1808.
- Ann Adams,
#24, made an addition
- Thomas
Adams, #27, assessed to John Neil
Elie Bently, half of #2
- John Burk,
#30, ass'd before to Patk. McMullen
and Harry Crowe; add. to house
- Daniel
Boyle, #11 and #28, rent paid by
Christian Wichard; ass'd before to
- Thomas
Stanley and Ninian Beall; new
- John Coskey,
#30 and #40, ass'd before to John
Hughes Henry Fare's heirs, #12,
ass'd before to Richard Brooke
Nicholas Fringer, #20, rent paid by
Peter Shank Thomas Fisker's heirs,
#42, rent paid by Peter Shank
Eleanor Good, #22
- Thomas
Gibson, #7, 67, 69, 71, 73, and 75;
#7 to John Hughes and the rest to
Mary Boylan
- Adam Good,
#8 and 21
- Adam
Gilbert's heirs, #37
- John Gwinn,
#1 and 20, ass'd before to Mary
Boylan Peter Hichchen, #31, ass'd
before to Benjamin Price
- Martin
Hinds, #32, ass'd before by mistake
to Anthony Hinds
- John
Hughes, half of #2,70, and 80, #70
and 80 ass'd before to Mary Boylan;
- Conrad Hoke,
#47, 49, 51, 53, first 3 ass'd
before to Mary Boylan David Kephart,
#55, 57
- William
Kelly, #19, rent paid by George
Winebraner; addition Andrew Logan,
- Joseph
Little, #6, addition
- George
Lingenfelter, #18
- Jacob
Mires, #26, ass'd before to John
- John
McKaleb, #23, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56,
58, 60, 63, 65, and 103, rent paid
- Isaac Good;
#23 ass'd before to Jacob Little,
rest to Mary Boylan Joseph McKaleb,
#4, rent paid by Thomas McGhie
- Bernard
McSherry's heirs, #3, rent paid by
Josiah Clements and Peter Orndorff
- Nicholas
Metzler, #16, 59, 61, 77, 79, and
81; last five ass'd before to Mary
- Valentine
Null, #41 and 43, rent paid by
Cornelius Sullivan and Eve Majors;
#41 ass'd before by mistake to John
James; #43 ass'd before to Jno.
- Michael
Null, Senr., #14, rent paid by
Joseph Lee Smith John Rosenplot, #25
- ---
Ramburg's heirs, #35
- John
Sawyer, #9, ass'd before to Mary
Boylan; built a new house Cornelius
Sullivan, #38, ass'd before to Mary
Boylan Casper Sneer, #34, ass'd
before to Mathias Shryor, addition
Henry Swope, #15, rent paid by
Robert McCreery Hugh Thompson, #10
- John
Trucks, #5, ass'd before to Ralph
Crabb Frederick Varms, #29
- James Wood,
#13, ass'd before to John Trucks
Abraham White, #17
- William
Walker, #45, 68, 70, 72, 74, and 76,
all but #45 ass'd before to Mary
- owner
unknown, #33
