By 1959 Saint Joseph's will have
rounded out almost a Century and a
half of growth and life in Emmitsburg.
The first page of her, history goes
back to a hot and dusty day 148 years
ago-in the last week of June, 1809,
Elizabeth Bayley Seton arrived in
Emmitsburg with four companions after
traveling the 54 miles from Baltimore
by covered wagon.
While teaching in. Baltimore,
Mother Seton had hoped and planned to
found a Catholic school for poor
girls. Her hopes were realized through
the generosity of a Mr. Samuel Cooper,
a seminarian Baltimore, who had
donated $10,000 for the establishment
of such an institution.
The purchased property was in such
a dilapidated condition when they
arrived that they drove on to Mount
St. Mary's, the Sulpician college on
the mountainside. In a little log
house given them by the priests,
Mother Seton, her daughter, Anna
Maria, her sisters-in-law Harriet and
Cecelia Seton, and Sister Maria
Murphy set up temporary housekeeping
while the farm house in the Valley
was being renovated. Catherine and
Rebecca, the two younger daughters of
Elizabeth, arrived within a few days,
and by July 30 about six more
companions had joined the group.
With five pupils, three of them her
daughters, Mother Seton opened a
school in the Valley in what now
called the "Stone House" a small
two-storied building on the southeast
end' of the campus. Life was hard
during that first winter - the wind
blew in icy drafts through the chinks
of the building,, and the occupants
sometimes awoke to find a blanket of
snow had drifted into the rooms
during. the night. They slept in a
type of loft on little straw-covered
Archbishop John Carroll of
Baltimore, who administered
Confirmation to the children on Oct.
20, 1809, had expressed his
consternation over the unsuitability
of the building, and plans were made
for erection of a new building, a log
structure now known as the "White
House." This was first occupied on
Feb. 20, 1810. Children of the
surrounding area donated three
paintings for the were admitted to,
the day school new chapel, one of them
the "As which was opened on Feb. 22.
Although the original purpose of
the establishment at Emmitsburg was
provide an education the Academy and
the day school for poor children,
financial difficulties made it
necessary to accept boarding students,
and in May, 1810, the first five
boarders came from Frederick County.
By the end of that year the number of
boarders had increased to 30. At the
close of the academic year in 1811
there were about 50-boarding students
in the Academy. Means were A
established in 1818 to improve the
methods of instruction.
Enrollment in the day school had
almost doubled by 1820, so a two-story
brick building was constructed for the
day students. While inspecting the
building of this school during summer
of that year, Mother Seton contracted
a cold which brought on the long
illness resulting in her death on Jan.
4, 1821.
Between 1826 and 1861 an intensive
program of building and expansion was
undertaken. By 1826 enrollment had
reached 126, eighty boarders and six
orphans in the, Academy and 40 day
students in the day- school. On Apr.
3, 1826, construction was begun on DuBois
Building, a three-story, red-brick
edifice named for the Right Rev. John
DuBois, founder of Mount St. Mary's
College, onetime superior of the
Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph's,
and later consecrated bishop of New
York. By the end of July, 1827, DuBois
Building was ready for the occupancy
of the boarders.
Increased registration of boarders
demanded even further expansion, and
in August, 1836, the cornerstone for
the right wing of the Academy was
laid. This addition was known as the
Deluol Building, in honor of the Very
Rev. Louis R. Deluol, S.S., Superior
of the Sisters. Opened in 1838, this
right wing of four floors contained a new refectory used in common by the Sisters and boarders, a students' infirmary, and art and music classrooms.
On Mar 19, 1839, Archbishop Eccleston of Baltimore and Fr. Deluol
laid the cornerstone for Saint
Joseph's Chapel. This Tuscan-styled
edifice, planned according to the
original wishes of Mother Seton, was
consecrated on May 6, 1841. King
Louis-Phillippe and Queen Marie-Amelie
of France donated three paintings for
the new chapel, one of them the
"assumption" after the original by
By 1839 the total enrollment of the
Academy and the day school had reached
160. As more borders registered, it
became imperative to add another wing
to Academy, christened the Brute Building
in commemoration of Right Rev. Simon
G. Brute, once a director of the
Sisters and instructor at the Academy.
The first floor of the building was
used as an exhibition hall, the sect
floor for a study hall, and the third
floor for vocal and instrumental music
units. A quant feature was the cupola
on its roof, which was used by the
students of the 1800's in their study
of astronomy. This cupola was
dismantle in 1940.
The year 1846 saw several
alternations on the face of the
Academy grounds. A gothic building was
erected for the exclusive use of the
Sisters. Following the cloister style
of the fifteenth century, it adds a
old-world aura to the American
architecture scheme at St. Joseph’s.
Because of the extension of this
cloister towards the Chapel, the White
House was moved from its original
location to a spot northwest of the
In 1846 the body of Mother Seton,
at the request of her son, William,
was removed to a mortuary chapel in
Gothic style which had been built in
the Sisters' cemetery. A small Gothic
oratory, built in 1844 in honor of the
Blessed Mother, still stands at the
southern end of the campus.
Increased registration in the music
department prompted the decision to
build still another, addition to the
Academy. Named for its designer, the
Reverend Francis Burlando, C.M., the
Genoese director of the Sisters, the
new four-story structure reflected an
Italian influence in its spacious
corridors. Completed in 1873, it
contained dormitories, classrooms, a
library, offices, and reception rooms.
The Distribution. Hall, used for the
awarding of prizes at commencements
and for music recitals throughout the
year, was converted in 1947 into the
modern library now found on the SJC
The railroad came to Saint Joseph's
in November of 1875 when the first
train traveled from Rocky Ridge, a
junction of the Western Maryland
Railroad, to the Emmitsburg depot. A
private depot was constructed at the
front entrance to Saint Joseph's. This
little train was affectionately
dubbed the "dinky" by students of
later years and continued its run for
65 years before being. discontinued.
in 1940.
During the 1880's rumors' began to'
circulate that the Academy was to be
closed according to the wishes of the
community superiors in France. But the
continued in interest of the American
Catholic hierarchy, especially that of
James Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore,
appeared to balance the scales in
favor of keeping the Academy's doors
open in spite of the slump of
registrations during the '80's and
That institutional bugaboo - fire -
broke out in the kitchen wing on Mar.
20, 1885, and burned until the morning
of Mar. 21. Fire-fighting assistance
pounded in from Emmitsburg, Mount
St. Mary's, Frederick, and the
surrounding countryside. Two wings not
directly connected with the Academy
apartments were , completely
destroyed, but there was no loss of
Following the trend toward
establishing courses of Catholic
higher education for women, Saint
Joseph, petitioned for a college
charter around the turn of the
century. On Feb. 26, 1902, the General
Assembly of Maryland chartered the old
Academy as a college.

By February of 1920 another new
four-story building, Verdier, had been
added to the campus. It was named in
honor of the Rev. Francis, Verdier, C.M.,
then Superior General of the
Congregation of the Mission and of the
Daughters of Charity. In the fall of
1926 SJCiennes returned to find a
group of three new buildings Seton and
Marillac Halls, the two dormitories,
and Vincent Building, housing
classrooms, and administration
offices, and DePaul auditorium.
Autumn of 1956 witnessed two more
additions in almost a century and a
half of changing life and times at
Saint Joseph's when the modern.
$600,000 Rosary Hall," housing 150
students in 75 double rooms, was
completed with the new ranch-style
$150,000 Student Center.
Interwoven with the growth. of
Saint Joseph College throughout the
years has been the flourishing of the
religious community begun by Mother
Elizabeth Ann Seton. Born into the
wealthy Episcopalian Bayley family in
New York City on Aug. 28, 1774,
Elizabeth married William Magee Seton,
the son of a wealthy New York
shipping family, on Jan. 25, 1794.
Widowed in Italy in 1803 during a
visit made with her husband, Elizabeth
Seton was attracted to the Catholic
faith by the Filicchi family, bankers
in Leghorn, Italy. Back in New , York:
she was admitted to the Catholic
Church on Mar. 14; 1805. Coming to
Baltimore in June, 1808, she conducted
a school ford girls for about a year
and during that time began a period of
"novitiate" to the religious life
under the spiritual direction of the
Rev. Louis Guillaume Valentin DuBourg,
then superior of St. Mary's College in
On Mar. 25, 1809, Elizabeth Seton
pronounced her vows of religion before
Archbishop John Carroll of Baltimore
She received the title of Mother of
the infant religious community, then
known as the Sisters of Saint
Joseph's. The registry of candidates
to Mother Seton's community in the
early years includes that of Miss
Eleanor Thompson, a young Emmitsburg
woman, later known as Sister Sally
Thompson. Miss Cecelia O'Conway, often
referred to as "Philadelphia's First
Nun," was the first to join Elizabeth
Seton on Dec. 17, 1808. Miss Maria
Murphy, the second Philadelphia
candidate, arrived in April, 1809.
Also among this early group of
religious novices was Miss Susan
Clossy of New York and Miss Mary Ann
Butler of Philadelphia.
On June 2, 1809, Mother Seton's
first band of sisters appeared in
public attire for the first time in
the habit chosen by Mother Seton for
her new community. Similar to the
dress worn by Elizabeth Seton during
her period of mourning, it consisted
of a black dress with a shoulder cape,
set off by a white cap which tied
under the chin. This habit was modeled
after one worn by a community of nuns
Mother Seton had seen in Italy.
By fall of 1809 the community had
been established at Saint Joseph's in
Emmitsburg. Father DuBourg had been
named as the first superior of the
community, and the Sulpician Fathers
were recognized as the new community's
protectors. The Stone House served as
their shelter during the first autumn
and Christmas in the Valley. Later
they moved to the White House, which
was then called "Saint Joseph's
The chapel in the White House was
finished by March, 1810, and the first
High Mass within its walls was
celebrated on the feast of Saint
Joseph. This marked the beginning of
the annual joint celebration of Saint
Joseph's Day by Mount St. Mary's and
Saint Joseph's.
More and more candidates came to
join the community in the early
1800's. At the request of Mother
Seton, Bishop Benedict Flaget of
Bardstown, who was going to Paris,
offered to present their petition for
Sisters to come to this country to
help organize the new community and to
solicit the rules of the French
Daughters of Charity. By 1812
Archbishop Carroll approved the
American community's adoption of the
principles of the Daughters of Charity
for their community life. But numerous
difficulties and obstacles, among them
the reputed opposition of Napoleon
Bonaparte's government to the Sisters'
leaving France, militated against the
union of the two communities at this
early date.
But by Nov. 1, 1850, almost 30
years after Mother Seton's death, the
union of the two communities was
realized, and four Sisters were sent
from Emmitsburg to Paris to become
better acquainted. with the
regulations of the community, to learn
the customs, and to receive the habit
of the Daughters of Charity of Saint
Vincent de Paul. On Nov. 6, 1850, the
spiritual direction of the American
community was transferred from the
hands of the Sulpician Fathers to the
Priests of the Congregation of the
Mission, more familiarly know as the
Missions had been established by
the Emmitsburg Sisters as early as
1814, and in 1852 seven Sisters set
out to establish missions in San
Francisco. Other Sisters later
followed to open up missions in the
North, South, East and West.
During the Civil War the Daughters
of Charity earned the title of "angels
of, the battlefield" for their nursing
of both Union and Confederate soldiers
on American battlefields. The Sisters
also served as nurses during the
Spanish American War. During the First
World War, Sisters from the Western
province, formed in 1910 at St. Louis,
Mo., established a hospital base for
Allied forces at Vicenza, Italy.
In 1894 they were requested to
conduct the Leper Home at Carville,
La. When the Federal government
assumed control of this hospital in
1921, it retained the services of the
Sisters of Charity in the national
Branches of Mother Seton's Sisters
are at Saint Joseph College,
Emmitsburg; Marillac Seminary, St.
Louis, Mo.; Mt. St. Vincenton-the-Hudson,
New York City; Mt. St. Vincent,
Halifax, N. S.; Mt. St. Joseph,
Cincinnati, 0hio; St. Elizabeth's
Convent, N. J., and Seton Hill,,
Greensburg, Pa.
Time has changed many things at
Saint Joseph's. The contrast between
the "old and new" is sharply evident
in the evolution that has taken place
in the course of study since the
1800's. In keeping with the prescribed
courses for academy students of that
time, the curriculum was small but
basic, and in addition to the "three
R's" included the fundamental subjects
of history and geography.
A report card dated in 1826
included the following observations
and comments about one of the Academy
pupils: "Talents - very good; Judgment
- good; Memory - good; Temper-fretful,
and has much pride to contend with;
Application - good; Manners - at times
very amiable, yet frequently
Influenced by her temper; Health - not
good." The present aims of Saint
Joseph's College program the
development of the spiritual, moral,
intellectual, and physical capacities
of the individual student-were given
special attention even in this very
early period of the Academy.
With the expansion of the Academy
new subjects were added to the
curriculum. By 1856, rhetoric,
philosophy courses, botany, and
chemistry were offered, as well as
Latin, French, Spanish, and Italian.
Young girls of the pre-Civil War
era placed a high premium on the
"refined" subjects of painting,
music, and needlework. By 1845 piano,
guitar, and harp lessons were offered
by the Academy in addition to vocal
instructions. Dr. Henry Diehlman,
director of the students' monthly
concerts for 40 years during the
mid-1800's, was the principal music
instructor at this time.
During the, middle 1850, the
fifties, the art curriculum included
lessons in drawing, china, canvas, and
oil painting on velvet, water colors,
and pastel. Tapestry, ornamental
needlework, shell work, transferring,
and artificial flower making.
Immediately after the Civil War the
art department had three full-time
By 1900 physiology, German, Greek,
calculus, solid geometry, physics,
trigonometry, and zoology had been
added to the curriculum. After the
threatened closing of the Academy in
the post-Civil War period, more
practical and advanced courses were
offered - a forerunner to the eventual
securing of a charter in 1902 to grant
college degrees. In 1945 Saint
Joseph's High School was moved into
the town of Emmitsburg.
Today Saint Joseph College is an
institution for the higher education
of Catholic women which purposes the
formation of the well balanced
individual who is keenly aware of her
responsibilities to God, to her
neighbor, to her country, and to
herself. To this end the College
offers an educational program which
seeks the fourfold development of the
whole woman, spiritually,
intellectually, socially, and
physically in the atmosphere of a
small college.
For the realization of the
objectives of spiritual, mental, and
physical development, the College
organization includes five divisions,
namely: Religion and Philosophy,
Humanities, Natural Science and
Mathematics, Social Sciences and
Nursing. Through careful integration
of these divisions, the student during
the first two years; of residence is
afforded the opportunity to become a
cultivated person. The curricula are
so arranged that each student through
the study of religion and philosophy
may secure the proper spiritual and
intellectual perspectives; through
literature, language, and social
studies, the cultural heritage
necessary for the appreciation of the
true and the beautiful; and, through
natural science and mathematics, the
foundation of a sound scientific
In addition, the College provides
courses for students who are preparing
for such professional fields as
dietetics, education, Journalism,
nursing, social work, and medical
Usually when the student enters her
third year in college she begins a
more concentrated study in one major
field, which generally coincides with
one of the departments of instruction.
The old "distributions" of Academy
days have gradually given way to
modern college graduation exercises.
The high-necked dotted Swiss
commencement dresses have been
replaced by black academic caps and
gowns. The harp and string recitals,
the lengthy poetic readings
accompanied, by dramatic gestures,
and, the classical solos included in
the two-hour long "distribution"
ceremonies of the Academy era have
been replaced by the dignified and
brief greeting given at the conferring
of degrees during Commencement Week in
Rules were strict and privileges
few at the Academy of Grandma's and
great-grandma's time! Excerpts from
old catalogues and college records
provoke amused chuckles at student
life in "the old days" at SJC.
In the early period of the Academy,
silence was observed by students until
after breakfast, during study,
during meals, and after night prayers.
During meals one of the pupils read
from some spiritual book. Students,
attended catechism classes on Sunday
and spent any leisure time on Sun days
in reading "good books." They usually
kept small notebooks in which were
recorded virtuous maxims as well as
the criticisms and suggestions of the
various teachers regarding the
formation of character.
In a catalogue dated for the
academic year of 1874-1875, parents
were advised that letters and reading
material were subject to inspection by
the Mother Superior. Visits from
parents and relatives who lived in the
vicinity were allowed once a week - on
Thursdays. Weekly reports of
"application and behavior" were read
at assemblies in the presence of
Sisters and pupils. Easter holidays
were non-existent and there were only
a few days' vacation at Christmas.
Short skirts, sweaters, and socks
go into the 1957 SJCienne's wardrobe,
and, brightly-colored ensembles dot
today's campus. Students don academic
caps and gowns for Sunday Mass and pin
on short white veils for chapel
attendance during the week. But the
"young ladies" of the middle 1800's
were advised to pack into their school
bound trunks "four and one-half yards
of Swiss muslin for veils .... three
black marino or alpaca aprons and one
hood . . . six calico or chintz
dresses . . a table service of two
silver spoons, one 'silver fork, one
ivory-handle knife, a napkin ring, and
a glass or silver goblet." No
jewelry was worn except earrings and a
pin for special occasions.
By 1909 navy blue dresses with no
trimmings were obligatory. At this
time a watch was the only piece of
jewelry allowed. Sweaters, if worn at
all, had to be navy blue or red.
"Polite class" was a monthly must
around the middle of the nineteenth
century, and Sister Raphael taught
her young charges the, social
amenities of the day, including
introductions, curtseying, and table
etiquette. Dancing was indulged in at
night and on rainy days. Outdoor games
were croquette, tennis, and games like
tap . . ." Toward the turn of the
century, boating and canoeing on Tom's
Creek, were added to the sleigh and
straw rides of the earlier recreation
program. A dance was sometimes held
for those students who spent the
Christmas holiday at the Academy.
Records from the late '90's reveal
that "calls were strictly supervised.
Mountaineers were entertained by the
girls "under surveillance of prefects
and Sisters." Return visits to the
Mount were made in the presence of
Sisters. Only Mount St. Mary's boys
who were relatives or who had been
particularly named by student's
parents called on girls at the
Academy, and during the "call," a
Sister remained in the parlor and
signaled the time for departure.
Until 1904-1905 a pupil could not
stay away from the Academy overnight
unless in the immediate care of a
parent. At this time parents were also
advised to send only fruit to their
children except at thanksgiving,
Christmas, and Easter, "this
limitation being considers more
conductive to healthful digestion." As
late as 1910 students could write
letters to their parents only on
Sunday or Thursday. Other
correspondence was limited to one a
In 1919 college and high school
students shared dormitory cubicles
instead of the modern collegienne's
single or double room. Rising time was
then at 6:10, and students reported to
the study hall at 6:40 for morning
prayers. They breakfasted at 7 a. m.
in silence and reported for classes in
silence. "Lights out" time was 9 p.m., and a main switch threw the
dormitories into darkness at that
The 'equivalent of today's coffee
break was enjoyed by students of the
early twenties-at three in the
afternoon SJCiennes took time out for
bread and molasses. Mount men visited
the campus with prefects at that time,
and their "calls" were still
chaperoned by prefects and Sisters.
Nowadays students who, end their
last classes of the day: at three or
four in the afternoon usually take off
for a trip to town and often wind up
their, afternoon at the
Bowling Alley
or at one of the town's snack bars.
For students of the
twenties were few and far between, and
until 1929 college girls were
chaperoned by a Sister when they
walked into Emmitsburg.
Around 1931 returning students
found that they had been given their
own individual mail boxes and that
their mail was no longer subject to
the earlier inspection. During' the
thirties, too, more SJCiennes began to
spend more week ends off campus and to
attend social affairs at other
During the late forties the "Pines"
or campus smoker was introduced to
Saint Joseph's and has Been a familiar
landmark to SJCiennes ever since. The
first senior prom was held in 1946,
and during the forties more "open"
week ends were enjoyed by SJCiennes
than previously.
The 1957 Saint Joseph's sports a
new $150,000 ranch-style student
Center, a gift of the Alumnae, which
houses the main social facilities on
campus. It's here that, everything
from square dances to senior, proms
are held. When students return from
Saturday or Sunday dinner dates or
when they are having an evening date
"on campus," they entertain their
guests in the Student Center.'
Mountaineers drop in for a game of
cards on week day afternoons or join a
group for a doubles game, on the
tennis courts outside the Student
On Friday and Saturday nights
SJCiennes attend one of the week end
dances or social functions sponsored
by either a MSM or SJC club or class.
Saturday afternoons are all-around
favorites for mass trips to
Emmitsburg, or for day trips to nearby
cities or towns. Closed weekends are
at a minimum in the semester schedule.
And "long weekends" - those
wonderful short vacations sprinkled
throughout the academic calendar ' are
favorite times for students to visit
their campus friends' families, to
attend a big social event on another
campus, or perhaps to just make a
trip back home.
Student members of the joint
socials committee of Mount St. Mary's
and Saint Joseph's meet regularly to
plan the social schedule for each
semester. Student government
committeemen at SJC handle much of the
day-to-day order of campus life, and
the Cooperative Government Association
recently published a new edition of
the student handbook which briefs
students on the various facets of
college life at SJC. CGA also helps to
coordinate many of the plans for the.
special student orientation committee
which returns early in the fall to
greet the incoming freshmen and to
help them over the trials and
tribulations of their first "green"
More student responsibility is the
keynote of the scholastic
extra-curricular, and social life on
campus. From taking part in the
departmental seminars to joining in a
‘gab fest’ in the dorm, from chairing
a club activities to serving on a dace
committee, from planning a balanced
"work and play" schedule to
jitterbugging in the college smoke,
today's SJCienne is living a student
life that reflects the modern, ever
changing "life,' and times" at Saint
Joseph College.
When grandmother sent her daughter
off to Saint Joseph's, she grew
thin-lipped and pale if daughter spoke
of a career. The home, motherhood -
that was daughter's place in the
world.' Today's SJCienne packs her
Samsonite luggage to the bulging
point, tucks under her arm as many
stuffed animals as she possibly can,
and off she goes to college. Just,
around the corner is that career and
no one frowns or shows a state of
shock. Everybody knows that the career
is just a fill-in, a youthful fling,
before the real thing: a ring, a
wedding, and babies.
That's the outlook of the Saint
Joseph College student. She thinks in
terms of a career for four years. For
four years she works and studies and
dreams of them labs, newspaper
editing, hospital wards,
merchandising, classrooms -and her
dreams are fulfilled for so long as
she desires. Then John steps in, and
she is one of the approximately 65 per
cent of the Saint Joseph College
graduates who are mothers of an
average family, of four.
Despite the age-old battle between
liberal arts and technical training,
Saint Joseph's has kept faith with the
future. And the future is now, today -
the day when the technician is
constrained to give place to the man
of liberal education. It's no secret
now that the broad outlook is the
thing industry is seeking in its
employees. So, as in the past, Saint
Joseph's today prepares her students
for teaching,, business, home
economics, nursing, graduate work, or
professional studies, all of which
find their strongest roots in a
liberal education.
The graduates of 1932 remember
Margaret Troxell's penchant for
journalism. She knew, she, wanted to
be a newspaper woman, and she has been
since she finished college. Beginning
as news editor of the Arlington Sun, a
weekly 'Virginia 'paper, Margaret then
joined the special assignment staff of
the Washington Star. Now she is
director of public relations and
advertising for the Clarendon Trust
Co., with the personal gratification
of indulging her artistic bent in
designing colorful brochures and
arranging window displays. In her free
time, Miss Troxell, originally from
Emmitsburg, compiled a technical 600
page public relations manual designed
for those seeking public office.
Josephine Doyle, '31, now Mrs.
George D. West, Westminster Md., took
in her stride a B.S. from Saint
Joseph's, the teaching of French,
history, science, physical education,
and home economics her Master's
degree, and now is supervisor of home
economics education and the school
lunch pro gram of Carroll County, Md.
She also serves as regional State
adviser for the Future Homemaker: of
From the science lab at SJC to the
chemistry, lab of the E. I DuPont de
Nemours Co., Thelma Redding,
Gettysburg, Pa., took direct route,
her diploma still under her arm, in
dune, 1953. Starting at a $4200
salary, Thelma has come up the line to
the chemical control lab where she
keeps close check that DuPont products
meet the specifications of buyers.
The consensus of opinion among SJC
graduates is that TV' is fun, but
unpredictable. For instance, there is
Helen Frailey Mathews, '45, formerly
of Emmitsburg, who tells that her
hours were only four and a half a'
week, but adds "the show was at night,
so I never got home 'til eight or
eight-thirty. On the other hand, the'
company furnished supper before the
show.", And then there are the
facetious remarks of her audience when
they meet her in person:' "Oh, your
nose isn't large at all, is it?"
Helen's home economics course at Saint
Joseph's took her into the classroom
first, then to the Stewart and Co. Tea
Room, Baltimore, as assistant manager.
Later she was a member of the staff of
the quantity cookery lab at the
University of Illinois and finally
became home economist with the Western
Massachusetts Electric Co.,
Springfield. As Mrs. Donald Mathews,
she is now a homemaker and living with
her husband in Pullman, Wash.
Sue Kiser, '53, McSherrystown, Pa.,
took a major in math which led her to
the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics lab
in Silver Spring, Md., where things
are a hidden secret.
Hutzler's, Baltimore, breathes
distinction, that atmosphere in the
fashion world that every woman
appreciates. For many years, Claire
Spicer, '26, as fashion coordinator,
has been one of those experts behind
the scenes who knows what the woman of
taste wants and supplies it.
Patricia Fitzgerald, '54, now Mrs.
Hugh Rocks, is a former resident of
Emmitsburg who is serving in the
Frederick district on the staff of the
Potomac Edison System Home. Service
Dept. Her sister, Dorothy, '56, now
Mrs. John H. Coleman, Jr., is
presently living in Germany.
Other recent graduates from the
Emmitsburg area include, Barbara
Freshman, '56, who is teaching in the
Mt. Airy High School, Carroll County,
and Barbara Rosensteel, '56, now Mrs.
George Vincent Arnold, Jr., who is
teaching in the Northwest High School
Hyattsville, Md.
The modern SJCienne's future may be
reflected in the graduates of Saint
Joseph College. Through her
educational background she can go on
to fields o activity broad and
colorful, fascinating and, personally
gratifying. At Saint Joseph's she
first learns about the past to
understand the present and to best
prepare for they future.
Read: Saint Joseph College is Dying
Read: Marykay Hughes Clark's: St. Joseph's College - More then a Memory
Ann ‘Inky’ Rodgers': Life at St. Joseph's Collage in the later 1910s
Do you have your own
memories of attending St. Joes?
If so, send them to us at