Originally published on
As a former member of a cult-like community, I have my reservations about anyone in the laity who presumes to speak for God; I've had enough of those for one lifetime, thank you very much.
Into that category falls one Gianna Talone-Sullivan, who claims to get "messages" from the Blessed Mother daily. Said messages are posted on the Web and at St. Peter's Books and Gifts in Emmitsburg. Talone-Sullivan also founded the Mission of Mercy health care service to the poor, for whom
no less than Pat Sajak has voiced PSAs.
A couple months ago, Our Lady reportedly told Tallone-Sullivan:
I can tell you this: Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you. You must not fear but must be prepared, primarily spiritually. After awhile, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around
your solar system, coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation. Approximately 60-70% of the world's population, as you know it, will cease. Of those who survive, 60% of them could die of disease and starvation. [Italics hers; emphasis mine throughout.]
This was enough to grab the attention of this end-times site; I hope you're somewhere safe on December 21, 2012!
There has been quite a ruckus over Talone-Sullivan's "messages." The Archdiocese of Baltimore has declared that there is no basis to the "messages," and it directed the prayer group at St.
Joseph's parish in Emmitsburg to stop meeting on Thursday nights because they had primarily become a platform for promoting Mrs. Sullivan's alleged apparitions in a setting which suggests Church approval of both their authenticity and theological content.
And no less than Pope Benedict XVI, while still Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, concurred that the "messages" were constat de non supernaturalitate (of non-supernatural origin). In fact, a couple former members of the St.
Joseph's prayer group said:
We watched Gianna bring books to the Mission of Mercy working sites and spend much of the day reading. It soon became apparent that, by looking at the book she was reading, we could accurately predict the coming Thursday message topic.
But that hasn't stopped Talone-Sullivan et al. from hosting monthly meetings at a non-church location near Frederick, sponsored in part by the above-mentioned St. Peter's bookstore.
Many writings exist about Talone-Sullivan: read them for yourself, including Fr. Jack Lombardi's useful document on private revelations.
My opinion: Despite denials from her and her husband, Talone-Sullivan is desperate for attention. She may rarely grant interviews, but her need to have an adoring audience around her tells me that this is all about her cottage industry and nothing to do with Our Lady. I don't think she's
evil, just misguided, but taking many others with her.
As a member of the Lamb of God Community, I often burst forth at our community gatherings with Scriptures that I thought were coming to me from the Lord; I did that when I was as young as 11. Others boldly told us what they believed the Lord was telling us to do, such as "cross the Jordan"
(translation: move across Baltimore into a "cluster" area on the west side of town), or "prepare for the dark times" (whenever those were, mainly by storing up unappetizing food products in a community co-op; the peanut butter would have made excellent grout). In retrospect, I think I was driven more by wanting
approval than really knowing what God's will was for those in attendance. That approval desire is infectious, and it wouldn't surprise me if Tallone-Sullivan hasn't fallen into it.
Really, I need to live EVERY day like it could be the last.
"No one can go off and start up his own church and call it Roman Catholic."
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