Richard Englund
Adams County Master Gardener
fallen in love with grasses, not the troublesome,
labor intensive, disease prone and bug infested stuff
that we have to cut each week to make what we call a
lawn, but rather the whole family of grasses which we
call ornamental.
This happened somewhat by
accident. Along the edge of our property by the
street, there stood a stand of six beautiful white
pines. That is, they were beautiful until they started
to be trimmed by the power company. After several
"trimmings" they no longer resembled trees, and so I
had them cut down. The area looked rather bare, and I
had to find something to put in their place which
would not grow as tall as trees. That's when I
discovered the wonderful world of ornamental grasses.
There are now nine different
varieties growing where the pine trees used to be
along with other bushes and plants. Wish I had room
for more. Five of them have been divided and planted
at the Adams County Extension Office located along the
Old Harrisburg Road in Gettysburg in case you would
like to come by and see for yourself how well grasses
perform in the garden.

acutiflora 'Karl Foerster', pictured here, was the
2001 Perennial of the Year. Commonly called
Feather Reed Grass, it grows 5 to 6 feet high and
about 2 feet in diameter. It is very well-behaved
and comes highly recommended. |
Ornamental grasses are rapidly
increasing in popularity. Adapting well to a wide
range of growing conditions and basically trouble free
from diseases and pests, they are among the easiest
plants to grow. Most of them do require full sun, but
several like Carex (Sedge grasses) and Hakonechloa
(Hakone grass) tolerate part shade. Many of them
tolerate drought conditions while others do need
moisture. Some are very short like the foot-high
Festuca (Blue Fescue), but others like Arundo donax
(Giant Reed grass) can grow up to 25 feet.
Grasses can be chosen to fit
any landscape situation. Often they can be used as a
ground cover and for erosion control on a slope. For
this, you would need to plant grasses which are
considered invasive. But for the most part, grasses
make outstanding specimen plants when planted
individually. For such plantings you would use
non-invasive varieties which fortunately are the
majority of the ornamental grasses. This is the way I
have used them.
In addition to a wide range of
heights and spreads, there is a tremendous variation
in leaf size and color. Colors range from pale greens
to bright powder blue to brilliant yellows to blood
reds to predominately white and even black. There are
also many types with horizontal patterns as well as
the more familiar vertical patterns. When it comes to
the flowers which can bloom any time from the late
spring to late fall depending on the variety, you can
find many variations from small bottlebrush
arrangements to large showy plumes in many wonderful
colors from white to yellow to pink and deep maroons.
Perhaps their best feature is
that grasses are beautiful spring, summer, fall and
winter. I know there are some people who want to clean
up the yard in the fall by mowing everything down to
the ground, but that should never happen in an area
where ornamental grasses are grown. While the new
growth in the spring, the graceful rhythmic movement
of the summer and the rustling sounds of the fall are
to be desired, some of the most beautiful sights are
the snow-covered grasses of the winter. Don’t cut
ornamental grasses back until late February or early
March and risk missing their wonderful winter display
when so little else is providing any interest to the
garden landscape.
Read other articles on garden and landscape design
other articles by Richard Englund