Humor Additions for Friday, Oct 3rd, 2003 > My Little Sister's Jokes > Recent Addition List

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A woman went to the doctor's office. Where she was seen by one of the new doctors ...

... but after about 4 minutes in the examination room, she burst out, screaming as she ran down the hall.

An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story. After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room.

The older doctor marched down the hallway to the back where the first doctor was and demanded, " What's the matter with you? Mrs. Terry is 63 years old, she has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant? "

The new doctor continued to write on his clipboard and without looking up said, " Does she still have the hiccups? "

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A Dog’s Dictionary:
  • Bath: A process by which humans use to drench the floor, walls and themselves. Retaliate by shaking vigorously and frequently.
  • Bicycle: Two-wheeled human transport device useful for dogs to control body fat or reduce boredom. For maximum effect, hide behind a bush and upon approach of such human-operated device, dash out, bark loudly and run alongside for a few yards—the human will swerve and fall, thereupon you proudly, but quickly, prance away.
  • Bump-regular: The best way to get human attention while the human is drinking a fresh cup of coffee or tea. To execute, maneuver your snout under the arm holding the liquid beverage. When your snout is properly positioned, with one smooth flowing action, bounce the human’s arm upward.
  • Bump-goose: A more involved maneuver than the bump-regular, requiring that you wrap your fore paws and legs around the human’s legs and begin climbing up the legs. This is a last resort when the bump-regular doesn’t get the desired attention. Please note: this advanced bump will almost certainly cause an immediate, unintended response, and caution is advised.
  • Deafness: A malady affecting dogs when a human requests action on your part. Frequently, phrases like: "come here", "get off", "get out" or "NO!" cause this malady. Symptoms include staring blankly at the human, running in opposite direction or lying down.
  • Dog Bed: Any soft, clean surface, such as a white bedspread, newly upholstered furniture, or the human’s favorite recliner chair.
  • Garbage Can: A container put out once a week to test your overall intelligence, ingenuity and skill. To succeed in this event, stand on your hind legs and carefully and quietly, push the lid off with your nose. With correct execution, you will find valuable treats inside such as Taco Bell Wrappers, pizza boxes with moldy crusts and other delicacies. Proper follow-through involves strewing the contents as consistently, within the immediate area, as possible.
  • Leash: A restrictive implement selected by humans based primarily on color, style or other impractical human criteria. This "pet restraint" attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your human around wherever you desire. Please note: leading a human around on a leash can frustrate him, so a certain amount of patience is required on your part.
  • Love: A feeling of intense affection which can vary from a simple pat on the head to a big kiss on your snout. The best way to show your appreciation and love is to wag your tail and jiggle your body from nose to tail.
  • Sofas: A multi-purpose household object that can be used as a dog bed (see above) or alternatively, as what humans refer to as a "napkin." After eating, it is polite to clean up by running your snout up and down the front of the sofa. This will ensure removal of all food particles from your whiskers.
  • Thunder: A signal or potential impending doom. Humans are curiously intrigued by this event, yet remain amazingly calm, so it is necessary to warn them of danger by trembling uncontrollably, panting, running around in circles, and projecting a look of panic. To keep the humans calm, it is best to stay right on their heels during the event. If this occurs while the humans are sleeping, it is best to jump on their bed and wake them by walking back and forth across them.
  • Wastebasket: Similar to garbage can (see above), but smaller, easier to get into but not as often filled with the same delights. Wastebaskets usually are found in several locations throughout the human living space. These can be used to relieve boredom while the human is away from home. Turn over the basket and strew the contents all over the room. Shredding paper is particularly enjoyable, yet it is uncertain if humans truly appreciate the effort and time involved in the shredding process.

Submitted by Gary, Emmitsburg, Md.

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A man from Texas, driving a Volkswagen Beetle, pulls up next to a guy in a Rolls Royce ...

... at a stop sign. Their windows are open and he yells at the guy in the Rolls, "Hey, you got a telephone in that Rolls?"

The guy in the Rolls says, "Yes, of course I do."

"I got one too... see?" the Texan says.

"Uh, huh, yes, that's very nice."

"You got a fax machine?" asks the Texan.

"Why, actually, yes, I do."

"I do too! See? It's right here!" brags the Texan.

The light is just about to turn green and the guy in the Volkswagen says, "So, do you have a double bed in back there?"

The guy in the Rolls replies, "NO! Do you?"

"Yep, got my double bed right in back here, see?" the Texan replies.

The light turns and the man in the Volkswagen takes off.

Well, the guy in the Rolls is not about to be one-upped, so he immediately goes to a customizing shop and orders them to put a double bed in back of his car.

About two weeks later, the job is finally done. He picks up his car and drives all over town looking for the Volkswagen beetle with the Texas plates. Finally, he finds it parked alongside the road, so he pulls his Rolls up next to it.

The windows on the Volkswagen are all fogged up and he feels somewhat awkward about it, but he gets out of his newly modified Rolls and taps on the foggy window of the Volkswagen. The man in the Volkswagen finally opens the window a crack and peeks out.

The guy in the Rolls says, "Hey, remember me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember you," replies the Texan. "What's up?"

"Check this out ... I got a double bed installed in my Rolls."

The Texan exclaims, "You Got Me out of the Shower to Tell Me That?!"

Submitted by Debbie, Middletown, Md.

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Why Men Are Scared of Marriage ...

Oct 1st Humor Page