First New Forest Society
Scholarship Fund Awarded

Community Foundation Trustee Karlys Kline joins Kay Hill of the New Forest
Society to congratulate Maria Stevens on receiving the first New Forest Scholarship.
Frederick, Maryland; June 20, 2006: Maria Stevens of Woodsboro is the first
recipient of a scholarship from The New Forest Society Scholarship Fund, one of over 550 funds held by The Community Foundation of
Frederick County. Founded by The New Forest Society, Inc., this fund awards annual scholarships to Frederick County residents who
preferably are pursuing careers in the environmental sciences. Preference is given, but not limited, to those studying the
protection of the environment through the conservation of natural resources. The New Forest Society is dedicated to protecting
natural resources in northern Frederick County, including the watershed area, and to promoting reforestation programs,
conservation efforts, and environmental education, research and outreach services.
Ms. Stevens is a 2006 Walkersville High School graduate who plans to attend Butler Community College in Kansas to major in
agricultural communications. He goal is to become a representative for an agricultural-based business. An active member of the FFA,
Johnsville 4-H Club, the Frederick County Beef, Sheep and Swine Club, as well as the Maryland Shorthorn Association, she has
raised beef cattle on her family’s farm and competed in local, state and national shows.
Students who wish to be considered for The New Forest Society Scholarship Fund as well as the other 100+ scholarships managed by
the Community Foundation for the 2007-2008 academic year are asked to complete the Community Foundation’s one Universal
Scholarship Application, which will be available through the web site after December 15, 2006. To donate to the fund to make
future scholarships possible, contribute online using Visa or MasterCard or send checks payable to The Community Foundation of
Frederick County to 312 East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland, 21701. Insert the fund’s name in the check’s memo line.
Since 1986, the Community Foundation has been weaving the fabric of a better Frederick County community by awarding grants and
scholarships. In addition to making grants, it is among the leading local resources for scholarships, working with individuals,
families, businesses, and organizations to establish charitable funds that provide deserving students with scholarships. To learn
more about the Community Foundation, visit the web site or call 301.695.7660. |