Planning Commission Minutes
Emmitsburg Town Office
Jan 27, 2003
Chairman Walbrecker gave an overview of a seminar that she attended on January 23, 2003 at Hood College
presented by Randall Arendt on Protecting Open Space Networks Using Conservation Design.
Chairman Walbrecker discussed the Comprehensive Plan and that a "Community Outreach" should be formed now. The
following steps were discussed:
- Mayor should do an advertisement for the newspaper and cable on the Comprehensive Plan and the importance
of having citizens' input
- Schedule meetings with local organizations and businesses
- Get a corp of people organized
- Prepare a survey and hand out door to door
Agenda Item #1 - Mayor's comments
Mayor Hoover stated that the Planning Commission was a very
important part of Emmitsburg because the decisions made by the Planning Commission were, 95% of the time, the final say. Mayor Hoover
went on to say that the Planning Commission plays an integral part in the formation of Emmitsburg in its development.
Mayor Hoover presented the Commission with a sample agenda that should help with the conducting of the
Ted Brennan requested that Dave Martin and Wayne Powell be
on the February meeting to give a presentation on Sprinkler Systems in Residential Homes.
Dianne Walbrecker requested that the Riparian Buffer be on the February meeting when she will present a text
amendment for Riparian Buffers to the Commission for consideration.
With no further business to discuss, on a motion by Sara Miller and seconded by Ron Lind the January 27, 2003
Planning Commission adjourned at 8:35pm.